Monday, September 21, 2009

Preventative Cure To Heart Disease

Omega 3 fatty acids which are found in the fat of fish have been know to decrease the chances of heart disease and also decrease cholesterol and high blood pressure. Supposedly eating fish twice a week for 2 months will build up the omega 3 fatty acids in your fat tissue enough to create the intended effects.
Or you can buy fish oil pills from the store, if you don't like eating fish, or actual fish is too expensive, or hard to catch.
If you're worried about eating too much fish and getting mercury poisoning just inform yourself by looking at the FDA's website. They show that 2 meals a week of fish that are low in mercury is not dangerous at all. But if you're not having a baby then eat all the fish you want because they say "For most people, the risk from mercury by eating fish and shellfish is not a health concern". I would also assume that fresh water fish would not have mercury in them because of the isolated environment.

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