Saturday, September 12, 2009

Comic Biz

I was rethinking my plan at being a comic dealer and making it more of a system. My plan now is that if I get Nov. 7th off then I'm going to buy a booth and sell stuff there no matter what. Then my system for buying comics will be mostly to fill in holes in the collection to have the most selection around at 66% off all the time on the common issues and then retail price on the good #'s and high grade issues, this is how the pros do it and so should I. Also I should eventually someday have more than one of each issue for more than one buyer of that issue and more than one condition and also different comic series for even better selection in the future. Then as they sell just refill the gaps. I may buy comics in bulk but only if they're a very good deal or they're all one good series of comics like spider man or batman. But a good thing about buying in bulk is that you happen upon really good issues every once in a while that you can hold onto for your own personal high quality collection, and have all of the cheap issues pay for the one of a kind issues. Then maybe in old age sell one comic off a week as retirement pension from the comic dealer job.

All I know is that a comic store I used to go to would always write down every comic that was sold so that they'd know which ones to buy to restock their inventory. The good thing is that I already have most of the holes filled, and even then you don't need to have every comic including spider man # 1. So I guess just be well stocked but don't buy too much of something that never sells. Only buy what sells I guess. But even if I don't make money off of the comics, I'll at least be collecting very rare issues for my own collection, to sell in my retirement for about 100$/week. Rare gems may be the best investment because they would always have intrinsic value when comics have perceived value. But I still think that original comics will never go down in value because they're hard to reproduce or forge. They get lost in fires and floods so only become more rare. And people will always like super heroes no matter what they do to the character. As in the many reincarnations of the robin and batman characters.

By the way I just won another auction that had a coverless batman #8 in the lot because the lot wasn't titled or described right, so I had to ask questions. But I paid less for that comic and all of the 10 others in the lot that even the one batman comic is worth. So I might put it up on ebay as buy it now and wait for it to sell or keep it until the convention and sell it at retail there. It's rare enough that it would sell at retail price eventually. But now I might be done buying for the month and will just sell until next month. I'll definitely have fun reading the stuff I got though. This has to be the most fun job in the world if I can make it profitable. Sort of in the ball park of professional food taster.

And hauling the collection around to conventions shouldn't be too difficult as long as I have a dolly and boxes and remain organized. And it's fun doing all of the math and figures.

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