Wednesday, August 26, 2009

How to Farm

Information gathered from: Hannah the door greeter at Walmart
Thanks Hannah!

Okay so here's something fun to think about. Hannah used to live on a farm as a little girl back in the 50's and she was more than happy to tell me how everything worked at her farm because she loved those days so much. An interesting tidbit was that they never had to lock their doors back then. Remember this is how they did it and there are probably different ways that use less energy or cost less.

But anyways here's a list of how to do things.

Freeze strawberries, freeze most vegetables, zuccini freeze sometimes and you can make zuccini bread, water melons are not freezable but unknown if they last. Tomatoes were grown on a tree branch in the ground with a string wrapped all the way up and around the twig and stem.
How to grow: They had a garden about the size of a football field which is about an acre. All they did was weed it(I would think a weed auger would work) and the soil in Pennsylvania is moist so they rarely watered it. And they never had to worry about bugs(maybe the bugs had enough to eat and couldn't eat it all)
Canning: For spagetti sauce they would make a canning jar of it uncooked and then put them all into an over sized pressure cooker for 30 minutes submerged in water with the surface of the water right below the cap of the jar. Then when done it would automatically be vacuum sealed and tap the button to see for sure. These could be stored on the shelf without refrigeration.
Jars of jelly: They would cook down the fruit and corn syrup and then when done they would pour melted wax over the top to seal it (wax sticks were purchased) and then put the lid on and these could be stored on the shelf without refrigeration.
Butter: They would churn their own butter which is just made of 100% cream and then you add a yellow butter making ball(She didn't know the exact name of it but it might have been bacteria). Then churn it(she said a blender would possibly work) Then separate the buttermilk off of the top and this butter is the best tasting kind ever and people will come to buy it from all around.
Pies: They have lots of blueberries up in Pennsylvania so she would make blue berry pies all the time and enjoyed that a lot. And blueberries you can freeze or make jam out of also.
Pets: She would have more fun with pets than anyone and had guinea pigs that would eat any vegetables. Not to mention her pig and many other animals.
Horses: They would bale hay for the horses while the grass was green, and they would store it in the barn for the winter, and all the horses need to survive is a trough of water and salt cubes and hay.
Cows: They would let the cows go out to pasture at night and feed themselves and would milk them at 3 in the morning and at another time of day also. She would take her horse out at night to find the cows and milk them. They also had lots of head of cattle so had all of the cow meat they could eat and it takes a lot of work to butcher it.
Pigs: They had only a few pigs that when they got fat enough they would eat them. And she kept one of the pigs as a pet which would wait for her when she got off the bus from school, but in the end her father killed the pig for food and she didn't eat pig for the longest time because she was so upset. All the pigs eat is table scraps. An interesting bit of info is that in Hawaii they used to have luau's every Sunday and have a roast pig.
Chickens: They had hundreds of chickens which would lay about 3 eggs a day each, and they would buy chicken feed from the store to make sure that the chickens would get fed because they always sold the eggs. The chicken feed was just corn and seeds. You also need one male rooster for them to produce eggs.
Ducks: Duck eggs are well known to be tastier than chicken eggs. All they did was have a pond and feed the ducks and the ducks would know that it was home and would never leave. The ducks would only lay about 3-4 eggs/week if you were lucky, but they were gathered by knowing where the eggs were by going out at night and seeing where the ducks were sleeping. They also bought a special breed of duck that produces more eggs.
Deer meat: They would go out hunting once a year with a group of 12 people or more and they would butcher the meat at home themselves, and cut down to the bone for no bones in the meat, and would get the best cuts of meat their own way, because the butchers would do a bad job of it. And they would put it all into the freezer. But she also said that smoking could be done but they never did that. Free deer meat, other than labor involved in butchering it and hunting.

This was back when life was good and the world was full of opportunity and hopefully those days aren't totally gone. I'm going to go out and try to buy some land now!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Free movies and games

Utorrent program download
UTorrent: Recommended

BitTorrent: 2nd version, not recommended

Nero Smart: For copying rented dvd's

Where to get torrents from:


In order to unzip a lot of files all at once I downloaded 7-zip for free and selected all of the zipped files and right clicked, and then selected 7-zip, then selected extract files, then I sent them to a folder I had already created called "All NES Games"

If you have any questions just look up all of this on

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Cancer Cure Kept Secret

In the video called "Run from the cure" found on youtube. It shows you how to make your own cure for cancer for free. This man behind the cancer cure must be telling the truth because he has nothing to gain by saying these things. He gives away his medicine for free, and also he gives people the video for free. And he has testimony from many people that they were cured, as long as there is a verifiable before and after evidence to back up the testimony. Supposedly it can also cure alzimers because of neurogenisis and neuroprotective effects, and schizophenia because it's a depressent.

What is it that is so bad about hemp?
Does it kill people? Maybe if smoked, not when ingested as hemp oil. They say the smoking is worse on health than cigarettes, but so are cigars and those are legal. And wiki under THC says this"There has never been a documented human fatality from overdosing on tetrahydrocannabinol or cannabis"
Is it addictive? (wikipedia under cannabis says this: "The minimum amount of THC required to have a perceptible psychoactive effect is about 10 micrograms per kilogram of body weight") Maybe it is addictive in high doses, but so are pain killers, and those are legal to have. If you are dependent on it there's no drawback either because you just grow more for free.
Are there any short term, or long term side effects? See: Positive and negative side effects under THC. The prescription drug alternatives have much worse side effects as cancer drugs.
I'd say the worse drug in addictive qualities and dangerous side effects would have to be tobacco.

Other useful qualities of hemp are to make paper or rope or cloth and more. Requires no herbicide and little pesticide to grow and it grows extremely fast. Hemp seeds are edible and have all esential vitamins and minerals and nutients. And if you made hemp sand bags you could construct sand bag structures.
The variety of uses of hemp rival that of the coconut.

The only excuse that the gov uses to enforce the non use of marajuana is the "gateway drug hypothesis". But if you read this hypothesis it says you somehow lose common sense and go into worse drugs. Or that you have friends that are into worse drugs. Which may be true if you kept Hemp illegal like all the other drugs. In the end it would only increase the probability of using harder drugs. But you're also decreasing the probability of using it to save lives from cancer.

Maybe it's true that the government and the world is hiding the truth to protect their sources of money and control. And why did all countries outlaw it at the same time? Well it had something to do with the Geneva conventions and how it because international law. Read about it here. So who are the power players that coerced every nation into this agreement? That's something to be solved another day.

In the end it's a "victimless crime" the same as prostitution or any other supposed ethical law. And if I were to make a constitution of my own it would have in it "no victimless crimes" because you can never go back once it's outlawed.

What if drugs were legalized? They say, "more people would use the drugs if it were legal". But ask anyone if they would use drugs if it were legal and they'd say "no"! And ask them if they know anyone that would use drugs if they were legal, and they'd still say "no"! The fact is that the only people that would use drugs if they were legal would be people that already are using drugs or that are predisposed genetically to try drugs.

In the end drugs will never be legalized even if it would cure crime, because all the police and investigators would be out of work and the prisons would be empty and there would be no court cases and all of the drug dealers would need to do something else to make money. So even though they call it "the war on drugs", nobody is really trying to win the war because it would cause maybe 25% unemployment if that ever happened and all hell would break loose. So in the end the world never changes and you should just start your own society if at all possible because this one will never change.

The lawmakers justify all of these victimless crimes with the "American puritanical ethic" or APE. Anything that feels good is a sin and therefore should be against the law, like the bible says. Just read "The rape of the APE". But the actual reasons are separate from the justification that they'll tell you. The actual reason being control and the unemployment if the laws were repealed. Hopefully they won't outlaw peanut butter or sex any time soon just because people like those also. If they do I'm out of here, and I know lots of people that are with me on that one.

Here's info on hemp
Also see: Madagascar Periwinkle for another possible cancer cure that may or may not be poisonous. Ask the natives that use it for first hand knowledge.
Also see: Apricot kernels
Also see: chlorella
Also see: ginseng
Also see: Siberian ginseng who knows why it's illegal too.
Also see: devils club
Also see my article on "Miracle Mineral Supplement" for more almost verifiable cures that they don't want you to know about.
Also see the marihuana tax act of 1937 for how it was outlawed.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Miracle mineral supplement

Cure all human disease by yourself for self treatment and independence from the medical industry and the government. Here's the original video on the "miracle mineral supplement".

Supposedly this is what can cure: The common cold, malaria, any flue even avian flue, cancer, any bacteria or infection even "mrca". And it only costs 5 cents per dose.
It's also called the "miracle mineral supplement" or mms and when combined with other treatments where this formula is absorbed through the skin and into cells with something called "dmso" it can cure cancer of any kind within a month. The wikipedia site on dmso says this:

"Use of DMSO in medicine dates from around 1963, when a University of Oregon Medical School team, headed by Stanley Jacob, discovered it could penetrate the skin and other membranes without damaging them and could carry other compounds into a biological system."

Wikipedia site with clo2 says it does have these bacteria killing abilities but it doesn't say anything about what effects it would have on the other cells of the human body and if it is absorbed into the human blood stream. But it seems plausible.

The big thing that the sceptics seem to be saying is that you can't cure all these things with only one magic bullet because all biologies work differently. But what the main person behind the supplement says, is that it only targets anearobic cells when most cells of the body are aerobic. And because chlorine dioxide is a weak oxident it doesn't harm the aerobic cells as much as ozone would or other strong oxidants. But it will kill any anearobic cells of forein pathogens.

Here's a cellular respiration link which may not be worth looking at.

But here's pathogenic bacteria and it says if they're anerobic or aerobic.

We do know that we can rid water of malaria using the water purification qualities of chlorine dioxide but does it cure it in the human body without harming the human body? and in what quatities is it needed, and can it be overdosed.

In the end if it works... then it works! And then it's up to the scientists after that to explain how it works. But the scientists know where their funding comes from... The gov. So this obvious conflict of interest makes this a plausible state of affairs where the pharmacuticle companies and the government who is sponsored by them(see: pharmaceutical lobbying), want to keep us sick to sell us more ineffective drugs.

Also if the government makes a mandatory swine flue vaccination that accidentally is contaminated with the avian flue as an effort at mass genocide. Then this knowledge might save you. Or just quarantine yourself by leaving the country on your newly bought boat on a trip and tell the feds that you were on vacation and never even heard about the mandatory vaccinations.

Feedback from Roy Lutz:

Interesting, but... Extraordinary claims require extraordinary (scientific) proof, but who's going to pay for that kind of proof?

I know that DMSO is currently being used in several topical medications. It is used as a transporter agent. It penetrates the skin and takes any medication you want with it. Very handy for rub-on pain relief creams, nicotine patches, birth control hormones, and more.

And yes, the pharmaceutical companies ignore drugs that have no profit potential. DMSO is like asprin in that respect. If it were discovered today that asprin cured cancer, what phamaceutical company would spend millions doing years of government required studies to prove its effectiveness, when there are hundreds of asprin manufacturers already selling it for pennies? And they're certainly not going to advertise the discovery. In fact they would say, "That is an extraordinary claim that has not been proven scientifically." In other words, "Anyone promoting it is a loon, or the equivalent of a snake oil salesman." No, far better for a pharmaceutical company to invent and promote a brand new drug that they can patent, get the seal of approval from the FDA, and then they can mark up the price to whatever the market will bare. Pharmaceutical companies didn't make the rules, the government did, but they're not complaining either. The artificially high cost of getting a new drug to market guaranties very few competitors.

So, if it works, it works. But you're probably not going to get anything but anecdotal proof. You know, "I heard from my second cousin that her penpal's aunt Martha in Kalamazoo used it on her death bed, and the next day she was dancing the lambada." Now, that's good enough for me! But some non-believers may say this is not "scientific" enough for them.
Also there are other cure to cancer like the THC in hemp. Here's a video about it called "run from the cure". But because hemp can cure so many things and is so easy to produce they had to outlaw it. And now it contributes to most of the crime out there, even when it's mostly harmless itself. They're all in bed with each other: The FDA, the pharmaceutical companies, the law makers and politicians, and the police and the military and the doctors are stupid enough to follow all of these rules and do what they're told to uphold immoral orders.

When I have money I'm moving to Alaska and no one will ever find me. And I'll have lots of bullets and medicine.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

End of the world kit

If you get all of these items and put them into a kit, then you can sell them on ebay and make money off of the people who believe in the end of the world.

This is a survival kit and also protocol to follow, and has some fun unneeded toys to make people buy it impulsively.

If you just want to go camping or the whole world ends or just your personal world ends, this is a guide. You can be independent, and self reliant, and self sustaining, although with limited luxuries. Bums would do well to know this.

Fun toys that are unneeded are:
"Miracle mineral supplement" to cure all diseases ever??? Let them find out.
Plastic weld to combine tarps into one big roof.
char cloth maker

Atomic blast protocol: In case of atomic bombs. You must be on open water and to avoid the heat blast from the shock wave you may want to be under water if you time it correctly from when you see the blast. No one will target the open water.

Air Born Virus Protocol: If have a cut put alcohol on it imediately and then cover with clean tape. To not get any air born diseases that might occur in the end of the world quarantine yourself by living in the wilderness. Clean and cook all food thuroghly. And if all else fails and you are now contaminated, you can now use your "miracle mineral supplement" And see if it works.

Zombie or combat situation protocol: Give yourself a shot of the epineohrine(adrenaline) and get all of the guns and ammunition that you can. You should start collecting guns and ammunition now until the year 2012.

Martial law protocol: See the warning signs and get a boat and head out on the water. They can't block every entrance to the water. So don't live inland for this reason if you see warning signs.

How to use items in the kit:

Water: Have a metal canteen with a metal cap so that you can put it on coals to boil and sanitize any water and the canteen. Only use coals and not flames, so that it doesn't oxidize.

Food: Have a gun for animals, and a Hawaiian sling for fish, and a net for fishing in large quantities. In certain areas and times of year, you can have all the birds you can eat, for free, if you have a gun. Not to mention bigger animals. Native plants that grow and seed and water themselves, such as blueberries, black berries, huckelberries, strawberries, oranges, grapefruit, grapes, sweet potatoes, potatoes, onions. This is if you have lots of land to pick from and the plants and trees are already existent on the property.

Medical: Have "miracle mineral supplement" always on hand just in case and also make your own hemp oil (see the youtube video "run from the cure" for free instructions) to cure everything that the MMS doesn't cure. Hemp is illegal to have so you need to start growing it on a piece of land that nobody will ever see. like land locked property.

Alcohol Description of uses: You will need to make everything for yourself in the end of the world, and alcohol is one of the easiest things to make and has many uses. It's good for antibacterial wound treatment along with cloth or tape bandage. Good for cleaning clothes. Good for washing hands. Good for lighter fluid and candles. Though turpentine may be more useful in some ways it's also a good thing to know how to make.
How to make alcohol: Get any kind of juice from any kind of fruit and let it ferment in a closed container for a year. Then put it into the solar still shown in the picture. The more times it's distilled the higher percent alcohol it will contain.
How to make turpentine: Get sap from a tree and distill it.

Make it out of stones or sticks or logs and then put a roof over it with the tarp and insulating materials. Bring the right tools for the job: wood chisel, stone chisel, saw, sharp cutting axe which doubles as hammer, pick axe, metal sharpening file, draw knife, Make own sledge hammer. Make a cave using explosives found on "jolly rogers cookbook" for cold and rocky terrain. The more your house blends in with the environment the less likely you will be found.

Finding Land: If the whole world economic system collapses then we may inevitably revert to the way things used to be run. Nowadays we have land barrons that own land but it's never used. American indians never had any land ownership and all land was free for anyone to walk on or use. And if you were utilizing a piece of land then it was said to be yours. This still exists in some places such as: The everglades, alaska, northern canada, bahamas, puerto rico, and almost all undeveloped countries, where no one will ever know you're there if you're only a few feet in from shore, or in an area with no roads. There's more coastline in alaska that the rest of the US combined and you can have whole lakes to yourself. It's just a matter of having a boat.

Vehicle: Get the best vehicle you can get to go to your destination. Then once there hide the vehicle. Most of your money will be spent on a vehicle and fuel. So start saving up money for this immediately.

Clothes:Get artificial fibers like nylon, polyester, acrylic, so that it is non absorbent. Get a rag soaked in alcohol and wipe down your clothes. Then put the rag back in the alcohol bottle to later be used again. Let animal hide dry in the sun to begin making your own clothes.

Cooking: On the fire or coal BBQ. Smoke your meat to preserve it, so that you don't require a fridge. In order to not have smoke you want to use coals for a fire all the time to not reveal your location to other humans. So burn your wood down to coals during the night and use the coals during the day. Making a good fire: Use hardwood for long lasting fire, and soft wood in small pieces, as kindling to get it started. Also have alcohol and tinder(char cloth) and a firesteel to start it, or a lighter to start out with, until it runs out of fuel.

Bathroom : On a big piece of land just go outside and bury it to not smell it. For TP you may need to resort to leaves eventually. Do the skin rub test of rubbing different materials on each arm and waiting 30 minutes, to make sure you don't react allergically to it.

Shower: Use alcohol and rag.

Weather Protocol: Have an all in one barometer/hygrometer/thermometer. Or if you have a boat you need a weather radio that lets you know when to move. But when you want to stay somewhere and never want to worry about the boat just get the boat out of the water, either using a boat lift or a trailer attached to a truck. Maybe have a trailer that you bring on the boat with you and when you get to where you're going it's then attached by a winch, or a pully, or a ratchet tie down to a tree, where you just pull the boat ashore anywhere. Air boats you can just drive up onto the shore. But be sure where the high tide level is.

Navigation Protocol: Have a watch(I have a self setting watch, that's good for long distance travel), point the hour hand at the sun and halfway between the hour hand and 12 o'clock is true south. This is true in the northern hemisphere. You may want a map just in case GPS fails.

Survival clip carabiner contents: Knife sharpener, crank/trigger flashlight, lighter with keychain holder, firesteel, good multitool/swiss army knife.
Survival backpack contents:Rope(See youtube to know how to tie every knot), knife, char cloth/paper holder and maker, char cloth maker, alcohol, duct tape, rag, backup flashlight, hat, canteen, tarp, hammock tent and straps, sleeping bag, large tarp, plastic weld, epinephrine, chlorine dioxide, hemp oil, thermometer/hygrometer/barometer, watch, notebook, nautical or topographical map, gel pen, gun, sling spear, net, small distiller. And whatever extra fun devices you want.
Update: New information points to if banks close and there is a run on the banks and you can't get money out then you will need lots of liquid cash. A prominent astronomer says this will happen on April 27th 2010 and the end of the economy will be on July 27th 2010.

Have lots of liquid cash: Hide it in the house(inside of a cut out book) and most of it in silver. Silver in ounce sized pieces can be easily traded. Even if the dollar becomes worthless. So buy lots of silver.

Head for the wilderness: Islands or a large park. So you will need to head to the wilderness for food since nobody having money means everybody will need free food. Unlike the first depression when people had farms and traded with other farms and hunted their own food. This next depression will be worse because nobody can grow or hunt or have any friends that do that anymore.

Newly thought out survival kit includes:
  1. Knife: just a beater knife to do chores with
  2. Knife sharpener: For long term survival
  3. Folding saw: works better than an axe on small trees.
  4. Good multi tool: "Leatherman charge"
  5. Compass: Ball compass or military compass, anything with a magnet really.
  6. Whistle: To scare away animals or to call help
  7. Let crank powered lights
  8. Stainless steel water bottle
  9. Med kit: alcohol, duct tape,
  10. hygiene kit: microfiber cloth, tooth brush, tool cleaning brush, hat
  11. 100 ft. of paracord
  12. Tarp: to catch water and cover from water.
  13. Dry tinder box: Dry tinder and blistex as coal extender.
  14. Fire steel
  15. Giant fresnel lens: Just in case you only have one hand to start a fire with.
  16. Optional items: Machete, axe for large trees, Blow gun as back up hunting weapon, Net for fishing, petroleum/wax mustache wax as oil lamp

To do list:

  • Have full survival kit all in one backpack.
  • Buy lots of silver
  • Get all money out of bank and hide it
  • Set up a fort somewhere to head straight to in case of the worst.