Supposedly this is what can cure: The common cold, malaria, any flue even avian flue, cancer, any bacteria or infection even "mrca". And it only costs 5 cents per dose.
It's also called the "miracle mineral supplement" or mms and when combined with other treatments where this formula is absorbed through the skin and into cells with something called "dmso" it can cure cancer of any kind within a month. The wikipedia site on dmso says this:
"Use of DMSO in medicine dates from around 1963, when a University of Oregon Medical School team, headed by Stanley Jacob, discovered it could penetrate the skin and other membranes without damaging them and could carry other compounds into a biological system."
Wikipedia site with clo2 says it does have these bacteria killing abilities but it doesn't say anything about what effects it would have on the other cells of the human body and if it is absorbed into the human blood stream. But it seems plausible.
The big thing that the sceptics seem to be saying is that you can't cure all these things with only one magic bullet because all biologies work differently. But what the main person behind the supplement says, is that it only targets anearobic cells when most cells of the body are aerobic. And because chlorine dioxide is a weak oxident it doesn't harm the aerobic cells as much as ozone would or other strong oxidants. But it will kill any anearobic cells of forein pathogens.
Here's a cellular respiration link which may not be worth looking at.
But here's pathogenic bacteria and it says if they're anerobic or aerobic.
We do know that we can rid water of malaria using the water purification qualities of chlorine dioxide but does it cure it in the human body without harming the human body? and in what quatities is it needed, and can it be overdosed.
In the end if it works... then it works! And then it's up to the scientists after that to explain how it works. But the scientists know where their funding comes from... The gov. So this obvious conflict of interest makes this a plausible state of affairs where the pharmacuticle companies and the government who is sponsored by them(see: pharmaceutical lobbying), want to keep us sick to sell us more ineffective drugs.
Also if the government makes a mandatory swine flue vaccination that accidentally is contaminated with the avian flue as an effort at mass genocide. Then this knowledge might save you. Or just quarantine yourself by leaving the country on your newly bought boat on a trip and tell the feds that you were on vacation and never even heard about the mandatory vaccinations.
Feedback from Roy Lutz:
Interesting, but... Extraordinary claims require extraordinary (scientific) proof, but who's going to pay for that kind of proof?Also there are other cure to cancer like the THC in hemp. Here's a video about it called "run from the cure". But because hemp can cure so many things and is so easy to produce they had to outlaw it. And now it contributes to most of the crime out there, even when it's mostly harmless itself. They're all in bed with each other: The FDA, the pharmaceutical companies, the law makers and politicians, and the police and the military and the doctors are stupid enough to follow all of these rules and do what they're told to uphold immoral orders.
I know that DMSO is currently being used in several topical medications. It is used as a transporter agent. It penetrates the skin and takes any medication you want with it. Very handy for rub-on pain relief creams, nicotine patches, birth control hormones, and more.
And yes, the pharmaceutical companies ignore drugs that have no profit potential. DMSO is like asprin in that respect. If it were discovered today that asprin cured cancer, what phamaceutical company would spend millions doing years of government required studies to prove its effectiveness, when there are hundreds of asprin manufacturers already selling it for pennies? And they're certainly not going to advertise the discovery. In fact they would say, "That is an extraordinary claim that has not been proven scientifically." In other words, "Anyone promoting it is a loon, or the equivalent of a snake oil salesman." No, far better for a pharmaceutical company to invent and promote a brand new drug that they can patent, get the seal of approval from the FDA, and then they can mark up the price to whatever the market will bare. Pharmaceutical companies didn't make the rules, the government did, but they're not complaining either. The artificially high cost of getting a new drug to market guaranties very few competitors.
So, if it works, it works. But you're probably not going to get anything but anecdotal proof. You know, "I heard from my second cousin that her penpal's aunt Martha in Kalamazoo used it on her death bed, and the next day she was dancing the lambada." Now, that's good enough for me! But some non-believers may say this is not "scientific" enough for them.
When I have money I'm moving to Alaska and no one will ever find me. And I'll have lots of bullets and medicine.
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