Friday, January 30, 2009

How To Get A Free 50 in. TV

I recently did price comparisons at circuit city and ebay and walmart, and it turns out that circuit city prices are still the highest prices around even with them supposedly marked down 30%. I looked at games(all systems), TV's, entertainment centers, sound systems, computers. So the following is not usable information.
Circuit city is going out of business. So when the TV's are marked down to 50% off then you buy 2 of them and sell one of them on ebay, effectively getting one of the tv's for free. But to make sure that is sells for full price on ebay you should buy the best of the best. Luckily though the best of the best which is also the most expensive is the last item that sells in the store. Because I was noticing at circiut city that the small tv's and the cheapest good tv's were the first to sell out so far. But they still have plenty of the huge and high performance tv's. And they will be there until the end when the prices are marked down the most.
This is why it's always good to have a reserve of liquid oportunity investment cash lying around for just such an occasion as this.
This is a high risk proposition so you have to have a high profit margin to balance the risk. It may be possible to loose some money even if not much, so you need a high profit margin just in case.
An added side effect of doing this is that if you use a credit card to buy a tv and sell it on ebay for what you bought it at, then you are basically turning credit into cash.
As they say everything must go and people like me are the scavengers taking advantage of the left over scraps of a dying business, like a vulture in the african wilderness.

Business Ideas For Becoming Rich

Investment advisers on talk shows like Suze Orman and Dave Ramsey say that if you have any money you should invest in realestate. But this mostly applies to first time home owners and not the people that just lost their job and are selling their home at a discount now.
I can afford this now and I could rent out a room of the house for 200$ a month and pay the rest of the 600$ mortgage payment myself and saving 2oo$ on rent is mathematically the same as working an extra 30 hours a month at a 7$/hour job.
Also I'm trying to start a comic book buying and selling business using the same method as everyone else. Buy at 25% sell at above 25% of book value. The more volume you sell the less mark up you need on each individual comic, and therefor the more customers you get. That's how super markets work, because they only have a 2% mark up on each item but they sell huge volumes.
And even if I can't beat the competition and I only sell for the same price that they do, I'm still getting half of their business.
I would be providing selection of cheap good reading material to the buyer. And I'd be providing quick and easy cash at the same price as ebay to the seller.
This is also low risk because you can always get out of the comic the amount of money that you put into it, if you ever need to end the business.
And I chose to specialize in golden age and silver age because those are comics that people will always want to read and buy.
And I can tell you this because there is lots of room for competition because of the millions of comics that exist out there.
Eighty percent of success is just showing up. - Woody Allen

I chose comics because that's what I have the most resources in. My resources being:
  • I already have a comic book inventory
  • I have extra money every month to invest in whatever I want to.
  • I know how comic book buying and selling works.
  • I like doing the work
  • I can do it in my spare time because I find it fun and it doesn't require much time.
  • There is low barrier to entry. Meaning I can start it immediately and cheaply and easilly.
Of course this business model would work with any type of collectable. Toy trains, coins, video games, art work.
Also if this business works, the business will grow faster than getting raises at my job, and it's all under the table profit, and I can then get onto free medication programs because I will be considered to have low income, and there's low overhead, and I'd be my own boss, and I'd have all of the vacation time I wanted, and I'd be paid to read comics, and I'd just reinvest any profit into more comics and better comics until I emmassed a fortune.
My friend at work said that he once worked for a guy that bought and sold coins for a living, and one day his boss drove up in a Ferrari and said hop in. That's the kind of money you can emmass in the consignment biz.

But this is all if I don't already get rich off of my Zenn stock that I'm invested in, which might be the next model T ford company.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Free Cable

I found out at work today that there are devices out there that you can buy that hook up to any satellite dish and also only need a flash drive for some reason. But it uses a pirated code that you get with the product or on the products website. Then you hook up the system and it will give you every channel that the "direct tv" company has including premium channels like HBO. Also you can program out certain channels if you have children present. And I also still need to research the laws against this if anyone ever found out. But they wouldn't unless they illegally searched your house or you just told everyone about it. But if it's only a fine then it would definitely be worth it to save money on that monthly bill.
So I know a place now nearby that has it supposedly, and it costs about 100$. So as soon as I buy it I will let you know the companies name and where to get it online and there site and stuff.

UPDATE: Also all new flat screen TV's are built with HDMI input's which you hook your computer up to and it shows on the TV what you see on the internet. This is free cable if you have a site that has TV shows on it. Even if you need to click on buttons with a mouse rather than with a remote it's just like checking your email daily or video on demand. just click the on demand show that is a new episode on the internet instead of watching reruns on TV. And if you have free wifi in your apartment then that's totally free television. For NBC programs use search function to not need to download a program. untested, but I hear you should try not to download anything other than the movie if you don't want viruses.
thepiratebay.orghas downloads of games, music, free programs, and TV shows is an online search engine to find your favorite show wherever it is on the internet. an online search engine to find your favorite show wherever it is on the internet. an online search engine to find your favorite show wherever it is on the internet. is proclaimed as the #1 internet show finding site, but you need an account and their site was down the other day, so I don't believe it.
slingbox now that's what I'm talking about it uploaded right away and tuned me straight to a 43 minute actual episode of a sci fi channel show. high def tv/movies college on TV for talks but need an account. the show on the internet, is unintuitive though. for your golfing fix for wrestling unknown if this is a trustworthy site.


Shows to watch:
Tonight show with Conan O'Brian
Jay Leno's garage
Drawn together
Red Dwarf
Colbert report

Free Telephone Service

The new "Google android" hand held device will cost 150$ and no plan is needed to buy it and it has wifi capability which when you're in any wifi signal area you can go onto the internet or make a phone cal for free. This will supposedly replace the iphone and maybe even the cell phone itself.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Make your own cologne or perfume

What you need:
  • Cheap bottle of isopropyl alchohol (3$)
  • Scented oil of different types, found at a dollar store or a scented candle store or a kitchenware store. (1$/ea.)
  • Medicine dropper, found in the eyedrop/ eardrop section of your drugstore or walmart. (2$)
  • A site on the internet that already has some popular combination recipes of scents so that you don't have to research and develop it yourself.
  • Now all you need is to mix it together and to put it into an old atomizer bottle that can now be filled with your new mixture.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Digital Car Trips

Go to google maps and input a city. Then zoom in as close as possible and it will come up with a "street view" 3 dimensional image as if you were sitting in a car. then just go traveling.
The only problem is that this is in only U.S. cities so far. and even then only in some of those places on the map. So it is still in the process of being completed for everywhere on earth. But I just went on a car trip to anchorage Alaska the other day and never had to leave the comfort of my couch. start at E cook ave if you can't think of a starting place.
I once thought that someday this would make a good video game. Well here it is.

Best way to get free music

Get the free download of audacity then open it and when you press record it will record any sound that is coming from your computer, even if you have a microphone on. So now what you do is go onto youtube in a separate window, and find your favorite music and record it. Then when done recording cut off the parts of dead air that you don't need by highlighting and then pushing the cut button on the audacity program. Then under file click export as mp3 format and then name it. Now just exit out of the program and you don't need to save the info when xing out of it, because you saved it as an mp3 in another file.
This is what my dad does on his computer but I can't get it to work on my toshiba laptop. So it's some kind of glitch that I don't know how to fix. But it may work on other peoples computers.

We Know Nothing Book

Write a book about the things that we don't know and things that haven't been done.
  • We know how gravity works yet we don't know what it is.
  • We know how photons work yet we don't know what they are.
  • We know how magnetism works yet we don't know what it is composed of.
  • We know how momentum works yet we don't know what it is.
  • We haven't invented a cell phone that requires no battery.
  • We haven't invented a mass market helicopter that anyone can operate easily.
  • We haven't invented cheap and effective housing for poor people in any environment.
  • We haven"t invented faster than light communication, because distortion of time is possible which is proven by our gps satellites having to compensate by the different time rate in the space around earth than the time rate on the surface of earth.
  • We haven't invented the best insulation possible for a house which is a vacuum inside of a panel.
"If it's a good idea it doesn't matter where it comes from"(whether it be from a crazy person or a candy wrapper)"nothing can stop an idea who's time has come". "It is a truly wise man who knows that he knows nothing." This is a weird world that we live in and that we don't even understand yet.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Be Yourself

When you feel bad, one way to look at it is to stay positive, but instead of being perpetually positive, you may choose to just be yourself.
It's similar to the quotes:
"Honesty is the best policy" And "Honesty is the currency of love". And "You can't be everything to everybody", and "No one will punish you for doing your best, or being yourself".
Because you should at least be honest about how you feel and who you are and not be what other people want you to be or to feel. And if you can't be who you were born to be in this world then what kind of world is this.
Also live your own life instead of living other peoples lives.
It's all about selectively focusing on good things, and not focusing on other peoples problems. Instead focus on your own life(which is all you have time for anyway), and mentally block out other people who force their problems onto you. We do this naturally which is why we are able to do extreme sports like cliff diving. We focus on logic instead of fear.
So for now my current philosophy that I am testing is, "Be yourself, and live your own life."

Final Word On Diet And Exercise

My new job has me walking all day long, and because I've been to the gym I know that 30 minutes walking on the treadmill burns 150 calories. which when calculated out is 300 calories an hour and 2400 calories in 8 hours. And my diet is usually around 1500 calories a day more or less. And since I've been working I've lost 10 lbs every month.
But I still go to the gym or home and lift weights, because when you don't go to the gym you become lethargic or tired, the reason is because you're muscles start to atrophy and loose muscle mass and strength. So for me when I go to the gym I have more energy because my muscles are not in atrophy.
Also I'm now getting into doing 1000 reps a day of a weight level because this way your building endurance and stamina muscles instead of quick twitch and powerful muscle fibers. I'm doing this because I don't want to have to wait 3 days between exercises of recovery time, so I'm building stamina muscles, and also I can do these small weight high rep exercises at home easier. And also I've reached a plateau(in other words I hit the wall) that I can't get past with the low rep high weight exercises. And hopefully there will be no plateau from high rep exercises.
So pretty much conclusively the simple equation to loosing weight is: Burn more calories per day than you consume. Some people burn more calories naturally by having a higher metabolism and would therefore not have to exercise as much.
So instead of buying a treadmill you should get a job that you spend all day exercising at.
But be prepared for mood swings because you are changing you're entire body chemistry and along with chemical changes come emotional changes.
Also only skinny people can do long distance running because no matter how strong you are, if you way as much as 2 people you won't be able to run very far. It's simple physics.
Also the theory behind liquid diets is that you absorb less calories from a liquid food rather than a solid food because liquid food is composed mostly of water which has no calories.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Learning radio recieving/ transmitting lesson

This is me doing my own research into this in an attempt to eventually build a working version of my walkie talkie invention. And if I ever forget one of these facts, or need to cross check, or confirm, I can easily refer to this documented research page of mine.

Search wiki for: transceiver, reciever, transmitter, transponder, antenna, radio waves (good for converting Mhz and finding correct frequency to transmit/ receive), walkie talkie, wave length, resonance,
tesla coil(good for the theoretical bumpy wire version that may amplify the signal to the transducer housing, resonance between bumps, long bumpy wire is amplified signal strength along with resonance maybe). Tesla coil summarised is that the voltage increases exponentially at resonance and so it needs and air core and far apart winding to prevent arking between windings.
Amplitude modulation. summarized amplitude/amplify is strength of the signal being on and off, low amp is off and high amp is on. This is voice which is piggy backed on a carrier wave which is produced by the ceramic resonator.

Piezo Transducer on wiki and shopping. How to make a contact mic walk through. in order to experiment with the piezo transducer without soldering it, just use paper clips to clip onto both contact points of the disc.

Simple transmitter circuit on google images and the article attached to the picture. Summarized this is for if you want to amplify the signal with batteries and if you do not make it a transceiver. transformer unneeded in my design and I use a ceramic resonator instead of a crystal oscilator.
Thin(thin for utilizing skin effect, for more surface area on thin wire) and long wire is very good for receiving more of a radio signal

reactance electronics

electrical impedance Summarized impedance means the level of resistance to an AC current flow. Inductive reactance resists high frequency AC flow, while capacitive reactance resists low frequency AC flow.

ceramic resonators may or may not need a capacitor attached to them in a circuit based on wether they have one already built into the resonator or the frequency may not have spurios frequencies(seen under "crystal oscillator") at that original frequency.