Wednesday, January 7, 2009

We Know Nothing Book

Write a book about the things that we don't know and things that haven't been done.
  • We know how gravity works yet we don't know what it is.
  • We know how photons work yet we don't know what they are.
  • We know how magnetism works yet we don't know what it is composed of.
  • We know how momentum works yet we don't know what it is.
  • We haven't invented a cell phone that requires no battery.
  • We haven't invented a mass market helicopter that anyone can operate easily.
  • We haven't invented cheap and effective housing for poor people in any environment.
  • We haven"t invented faster than light communication, because distortion of time is possible which is proven by our gps satellites having to compensate by the different time rate in the space around earth than the time rate on the surface of earth.
  • We haven't invented the best insulation possible for a house which is a vacuum inside of a panel.
"If it's a good idea it doesn't matter where it comes from"(whether it be from a crazy person or a candy wrapper)"nothing can stop an idea who's time has come". "It is a truly wise man who knows that he knows nothing." This is a weird world that we live in and that we don't even understand yet.

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