It is possible for anyone to become rich in America... if you want to. The size of your "well to do" is directly proportional to the size of your "want to".
The only reason that I see for there even being an earnings gap is that people just aren't willing to do the effort involved to get rich, or to even research how to. I myself want to think about it until I have an easy way of doing it, so I probably will never be rich either.
But I do know that if I went to school at any time to study for one year and got certified to be an electrician it would be easy work for good pay,and I could be rich eventually, but even that's not good enough, I need something that's even easier than that. Which is probably the same reason why no one else I know is rich either. Only because they don't want to do what it takes to actually be rich, really.
Alan Greenspan was saying the other day on Charlie Rose that there is an earnings gap that leads to unhappiness. Which is totally wrong in its concept if you understand why we chose capitalism over socialism. If you don't realize why we chose capitalism then you don't realize what the founding fathers foresaw to allow us to become the wealthiest country to ever exist. (research the definitions of capitalism/socialism and why we chose capitalism on Wikipedia)
In a nutshell, the reason why we chose capitalism is that when people own property they have the incentive to improve the property to make a profit and become rich. But the socialist opinion on that is that capitalism eventually creates monopolies over properties. Which would lead to the same thing as slavery(monopoly=slavery?). But what people don't understand is that the only way that monopolies can exist is if your government supports it(wich include the phone system and power system). Because the free market is self correcting unless government controlled, and self correcting means that if you have a monopoly, they will always fall because the market will open up for new companies to create a cheaper or better product eventually:
----------like the railroad monopolies 100 years ago were eventually taken over by other transportation technology, like the airplane and truckers----------------------------
But then you may ask, what if eventually there are no new technologies to push out the original monopoly technologies some day?----- Well, never underestimate what people will do to make a profit. they will make a whole new technology where there is opportunity or they will undercut the monopoly by making a second system that is cheaper. And the people that own the monopoly usually become complacent and don't see new technologies as real and pass up opportunities, and make bad decisions of short term profit instead of long term stability. But anyways it always self corrects.
----------And recently in the news from the lead content of Chinese merchandise and shoddy manufacturing and all of the recalls, there is now a new movement by opportunist business owners in America to put stickers on their American made merchandise that say things like "China free manufacturing". Which shows how cut throat business tactics that undercut quality standards for short term profits, to be the price leader, are always self corrected , and the nice businesses win in the end mostly----------------------------------------------------------
So there really is no earnings inequality, really. Only lucky people/ hard working people/ and lazy people. But there are also add agencies that continuously lie to trick you into buying worthless or dangerous things,(propaganda uses the same techniques that modern advertisements still use; which is pretty depressing when you look at how well it works at electing presidents). So there may need to be informative booklets to keep kids away from using credit cards, or drugs, or smoking or other scams. But if they're still stupid enough to do those things after being instructed well about not doing it, then I guess that's just too bad because there has never been another system of society that has worked as perfectly as our system does. And it may not even be improvable, except for getting rid of evil people, which takes genetic procedures... if anything at all can ever solve that.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Why Do I Like Subsistance Living As Well As Wealthy Living? (updated 2 times)
The fact is, that you can live just as good of a life as anyone without spending any more money than an original investment in the right technology.
But there are ways to get almost anything done for you for free:
- To not pay electricity bills : Just have amorphous solar panels that will last indefinitely and never have a rise of monthly cost, and may even be the same as having an interest earning account of 7% per year and on up (If you use the math of a penny saved is mathematically the same as a penny earned).
- To not pay mortgage or rent bills : Just build your own house which you can find plans for right here on my site. And it will take less than a month to fully build guaranteed, and will cost subsistence amounts of money, and will perform 10 times better than a modern built house. Except that you need to find a place with no building laws at all, to be allowed to build it-----By the way, the reason that houses are built under par these days and are getting worse even, is the fact that when people in America created the building codes, the people building the houses realized that they could build just barely within the minimum safety requirements (building codes) by using the cheapest materials and methods. And could sell the house for just as much as all of the other houses( watch the show "Holmes on homes" on the DIY network I think it is, to see him say the same).
- To not pay taxes on the house : You need to have an interest earning account- 10,000$ at 6% interest earning account will be 600$/year or 50$/mo.------- Or you just don't let people know that you built a house( just like you don't let people know if you built a tree house) and they won't be able to tax you for any "value"( which is what people will pay you if you sell it, not what it actually cost you to build).
- But what I'm planning is that as long as I either have no nearby neighbors or I do have visual barriers to the property, then it is impossible for them to know about it or even care if they did know about it. And if they ever find out then I just have to demolish it and start over and build it again in only one weeks time. Anyways there are tons of hunting cabins on people's properties that are never complained about. I'm willing to accept the risks.
- To get food and water you just need land! And to get land you need to fight other people for it now because people have been sooooooo stupid that now the population has increased to preposterous levels. And things that were normal to have 100 years ago are too expensive or rare to get no matter how hard you try now.-----So now that you have the land you can either plant an artificial forest with perennials or you can do a self watering regular garden(sprinklers/irrigation pond).
- To get fresh water:
- You can read in any survival book that, "The best way to get drinking water is to first find the water, then filter out particulates and tastes with any normal filter, and then just boil the water, as long as it doesn't contain industrial waste".
- You can get run off from any roof and treat it with : Chlorine, and a pump, a filter, an then put it in a tank to be used for shower water.
- Then boil some for other purposes. Or you can dig a hole at a low point in you property that can fill up with water naturally within a year depending on the size of the hole you dug. And then treat, and filter the water as needed. Or dig a well if there's no other way.
But there are ways to get almost anything done for you for free:
- Light: Ultrabright LED's have a longer lifespan than florescent bulbs and can be household sized. There are now replacements for florescent light fixtures that are made out of a row of LED's for 150$ ea. (Look to a later article for where to find)
- Computer:The best kind is one that is completely composed of flash memory, this is what is called a solid state drive(disc) or SSD(see: Wikipedia). And is the logical next step in computers but you can completely erase it if it ever gets a virus and put back up copies of it's operating system or programs onto an external hard drive, just like you need to do with all computers anyways for safety. And it would all only take minutes, and uses less energy for the whole computer, and solid state for durability. Except for the fact that it just came out this year and costs 3,000$ for a laptop.
- TV: Just have a projector screen and all of your problems are solved, it should also double as a monitor to use it as a computer screen if you hook it up via wifi thru your laptop.-----LATER ADDED-----Look at the Dec. issue of popular science and it shows how there is already an OrganicLED TV that is high priced now, but I predict that it will totally replace all other TV technologies. Because of it's extremely low manufacturing costs and that it can therefore be the size of a whole wall and still be cheap. As long as the OLED's frame rates are good enough. And the screen is only a few mm thick.
- Transportation:Solar cell charged "supercapacitors"(which are just around the corner see:Wikipedia) that use dark "aerogel"/ an AC induction motor/and any practical vehicle(helicopter or "autogyro"(see:Wikipedia) being the best). Or just have an electric vehicle that you charge at night just like a cell phone, using the new nano technology lithium ion batteries. But for long road trips without the infrastructure of nighttime chargers you should just rent a car.
- Trash: Composter.
- Toilet: Composter.
- Supplies: Paid by interest, or buy reusable ones, or homemade.(10$/mo)
- Medical: Yearly checkup with interest(insurance won't cover it even if they say they will so don't buy it) but get a "EBTScan"to see any faults in the body at all and they will have a cure to cancer in 2 years that uses micro waves and microspheres that carry microwave sensitive materials and that are attracted to cancer by the use of "introns"(it has recently been shown on the news so look on "youtube"). For heart disease they now only need to make a small incision and go in between the ribs to replace any artery. And they are researching ways to manufacture artificial organs with biodegradable scaffolding.
- Safety: The good old fashioned gun still works. But the very best way to get out of trouble, and to prevent it in the first place is to not be around other humans at all, or at least the bad ones. So if you live in cities, then you are just asking for trouble eventually. But we still need loved ones to be comforted with which I haven't figured out a solution to have the best of both worlds on that yet.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Time Tempered Materials
Just have a highly charged (-/+) static field that you heat up a material in and then cool it in and when cooled it will either have a faster/ or slower rate of time relative to the outside world. Based on the amount of the charge when heating and cooling, and the polarity of the charge. Because some people theorize that the negative charge of electrons and antimatter are a sign of those particles moving backwards in time. Relative to the forward movement through time of positively charged particles. Just the chemistry of different uses of the element barium will show the effects of strange material properties(search: wiki). Even when not yet boosted with an outside electromagnetic field.
I site the July 29th 2008 press release of EEStor, the energy storage unit partner of Zenn motor co. This gotten off of wiki, which may or may not have been edited yet, and therefor may or may not be totally correct:The patent for EESU is under google patent search EESU
In addition, the July 29, 2008 press release[26] states that the plastic matrix allows for better crystal polarization and that this "along with other proprietary processing steps provides the potential of a polarization saturation voltage required by EEStor, Inc." Polarization by a strong electric field is done in the final steps of manufacturing so that the material will form domains that are oriented in the proper direction for the best permittivity and energy storage. The world patent states this is done at 180 C with 4000 V.
Alien Abduction Phenomena (updated 1 time)
The leading reason why aliens abduct humans may be what I term "The Utopian Genetics Experiment".
-----So in the "Project Serpo" story they had a laboratory warehouse that held bodies of hybrid species that were made from human DNA (taken from a dead crew member) crossed with DNA from various other species from neighboring planets. So I'll explain how it works, and what I theorize was being done.
-----First of all, it is probably artificial evolution instead of the random slow evolution that we have on earth. They had capsules that the bodies were in while sedated and the capsules I presume had an accelerated time rate inside relative to the outside of the capsules. This is also what they use when traveling between star systems to lessen the perceived time spent on board the ship while taking the long journey.-----LATER ADDED----- I just heard my dad say that he read that humans have made custom made DNA stands from scratch, and if that is true then the utopian genetics project is a flawed explanation of the alien abduction phenomenon.
-----The process is accomplished with use of high energy static electricity that offsets the effects of physics by pushing away the positive charged particles of space time that make it move slowly, through simulated antigravity, with a negatively charged electric field to speed up the effects of time in that field relative to the outside(look to:"faster than light communication" for my theory of how time works)
-----By the way, the way that you hold a charge of such high energy, is along the same principles of how soap bubble function. Electrons adhere to metal objects and cause a bubble of charge that blocks all outside charges (i.e. capsule with a static charge adhering to it; or in other words a spaceship, with antigravity inside.). And also another side effect of antigravity is that there is no inertia inside of the bubble which makes 1000 mph 90 degree turns possible ( you have no mass and therefore no inertia).
-----(+1) static charge offset by a (-2) static charge = a(-1) overall static charge : And if that charge is high enough it may theoretically create antigravity and faster time rate inside of the (-) charge.
-----I theorize this because of the effect of a static field are so similar to the effects of a gravitational field. And it is only an assumption on my part that they are one and the same phenomena. So I may still be totally wrong.
-----But along with speeding up the process of evolution, it is a controlled evolutionary process. And you later take the newly spliced and improved genetics and add them to the next generation of your own species' offspring. (keeping the good DNA and disposing of any bad DNA). The problem that needs to be overcome here is who judges if DNA is good or bad? Or how do you know categorically if you're making good DNA decisions.(Maybe just try out the new DNA by letting the person go about living, and if it works and you like the person then he stays in society, but if it doesn't work then you may just kill the person, like how we give the death penalty to criminals, but you always have an eye on everyone, I guess).
-----So I guess when the person has a mental problem, or physical problem, or disease,etc., then you need to diagnose the problems cause(s) and then fix it by either removing it from them, or treating it, or just giving them a death sentence, and now never letting those bad genes enter the next generation again. And some species like the "Grey" reportedly have no sexual organs at all, which is good for that one being to have the rest of it's life to live without the risk of it having offspring ever(no death sentence necessary). Which is logical, but what's the back-up plan if the system fails?
So supposedly you could make a utopia this way by getting rid of the cause of all bad in your society through deductive reasoning.-
-----Example: If you took out all of the people on earth, and all that was left was you and all of the previous human technology too, then you would be in utopia, because we've already solved all of the naturally made problems on earth through technology, but since there would be no more humans to create human made problems, then the only thing left is previously human created good on the planet and you, or utopia as long as you can find a way to entertain yourself.
-----The only reason that we find the alien abductions to be traumatic and evil is that we don't understand their reasoning. And that we're actually doing the universe a favor, and that it's for the greater good even though temporarily painful.
-----Supposedly the aliens therefore have contraception so that they don't have random DNA (dangerous) children but instead the new generation is a new and improved controlled birth situation(namely no sexual organs). This is also used to control the population level of the planet so that you always have a good quality of life from less population, and more space, and less competition.
-----And the reason why there is no typical type of person that is an alien abductee , and why they come from all walks of life with no apparent mental disorder, is the rule of random sampling, and that if you want to get a wide range of DNA you don't want to just get one type of human being, you want ones from all over the world. And also, why not abduct livestock and animals too. They just give you infinitely more DNA to work with. And that's why they may never be done with abducting things, because there is never a limit to the varieties if DNA programing that you can discover and acquire.
-----Conjecture: The only thing needed to set us apart from the great apes to become the most intelligent species on the planet was maybe 10 genes or something, supplied by an alien race that was bored one day, and had nothing better to do than create us.
-----Conjecture:Another type of alien that might exist is a type that is on it's way to being angelic, or godlike that for all intents and purposes lives forever and may be made up of pure energy. Where nothing can kill them or harm them, and they can somewhat create their own reality, and maybe even able to transport or "seemingly" transport anywhere in the universe instantly, and time's speed is variable easily, since it is relative anyway.(No backward time travel though because of the laws of "cause and effect". But you can predict the future if you know nifty shortcuts to predicting things, like how we predict the weather.). Then things could be perfect for all intents and purposes except for being able to have a mate and sex, and as long as you don't become a scary angel or a demon.
-----So in the "Project Serpo" story they had a laboratory warehouse that held bodies of hybrid species that were made from human DNA (taken from a dead crew member) crossed with DNA from various other species from neighboring planets. So I'll explain how it works, and what I theorize was being done.
-----First of all, it is probably artificial evolution instead of the random slow evolution that we have on earth. They had capsules that the bodies were in while sedated and the capsules I presume had an accelerated time rate inside relative to the outside of the capsules. This is also what they use when traveling between star systems to lessen the perceived time spent on board the ship while taking the long journey.-----LATER ADDED----- I just heard my dad say that he read that humans have made custom made DNA stands from scratch, and if that is true then the utopian genetics project is a flawed explanation of the alien abduction phenomenon.
-----The process is accomplished with use of high energy static electricity that offsets the effects of physics by pushing away the positive charged particles of space time that make it move slowly, through simulated antigravity, with a negatively charged electric field to speed up the effects of time in that field relative to the outside(look to:"faster than light communication" for my theory of how time works)
-----By the way, the way that you hold a charge of such high energy, is along the same principles of how soap bubble function. Electrons adhere to metal objects and cause a bubble of charge that blocks all outside charges (i.e. capsule with a static charge adhering to it; or in other words a spaceship, with antigravity inside.). And also another side effect of antigravity is that there is no inertia inside of the bubble which makes 1000 mph 90 degree turns possible ( you have no mass and therefore no inertia).
-----(+1) static charge offset by a (-2) static charge = a(-1) overall static charge : And if that charge is high enough it may theoretically create antigravity and faster time rate inside of the (-) charge.
-----I theorize this because of the effect of a static field are so similar to the effects of a gravitational field. And it is only an assumption on my part that they are one and the same phenomena. So I may still be totally wrong.
-----But along with speeding up the process of evolution, it is a controlled evolutionary process. And you later take the newly spliced and improved genetics and add them to the next generation of your own species' offspring. (keeping the good DNA and disposing of any bad DNA). The problem that needs to be overcome here is who judges if DNA is good or bad? Or how do you know categorically if you're making good DNA decisions.(Maybe just try out the new DNA by letting the person go about living, and if it works and you like the person then he stays in society, but if it doesn't work then you may just kill the person, like how we give the death penalty to criminals, but you always have an eye on everyone, I guess).
-----So I guess when the person has a mental problem, or physical problem, or disease,etc., then you need to diagnose the problems cause(s) and then fix it by either removing it from them, or treating it, or just giving them a death sentence, and now never letting those bad genes enter the next generation again. And some species like the "Grey" reportedly have no sexual organs at all, which is good for that one being to have the rest of it's life to live without the risk of it having offspring ever(no death sentence necessary). Which is logical, but what's the back-up plan if the system fails?
So supposedly you could make a utopia this way by getting rid of the cause of all bad in your society through deductive reasoning.-
- Crime: What causes bad people in society to have a want to kill others?- Is it insanity? Is it false logic or being a stupid follower? Is it the environment that you grew up in? Or is it a lapse of judgment or temporary insanity?
- The solutions are get rid of the reason that is causing all of those because they probably all have caused bad people in the past. So get rid of mental illness through genetics, and get rid of the environment that causes people to turn into killers, and give people better reasoning abilities through better genetics.
-----Example: If you took out all of the people on earth, and all that was left was you and all of the previous human technology too, then you would be in utopia, because we've already solved all of the naturally made problems on earth through technology, but since there would be no more humans to create human made problems, then the only thing left is previously human created good on the planet and you, or utopia as long as you can find a way to entertain yourself.
-----The only reason that we find the alien abductions to be traumatic and evil is that we don't understand their reasoning. And that we're actually doing the universe a favor, and that it's for the greater good even though temporarily painful.
-----Supposedly the aliens therefore have contraception so that they don't have random DNA (dangerous) children but instead the new generation is a new and improved controlled birth situation(namely no sexual organs). This is also used to control the population level of the planet so that you always have a good quality of life from less population, and more space, and less competition.
-----And the reason why there is no typical type of person that is an alien abductee , and why they come from all walks of life with no apparent mental disorder, is the rule of random sampling, and that if you want to get a wide range of DNA you don't want to just get one type of human being, you want ones from all over the world. And also, why not abduct livestock and animals too. They just give you infinitely more DNA to work with. And that's why they may never be done with abducting things, because there is never a limit to the varieties if DNA programing that you can discover and acquire.
-----Conjecture: The only thing needed to set us apart from the great apes to become the most intelligent species on the planet was maybe 10 genes or something, supplied by an alien race that was bored one day, and had nothing better to do than create us.
-----Conjecture:Another type of alien that might exist is a type that is on it's way to being angelic, or godlike that for all intents and purposes lives forever and may be made up of pure energy. Where nothing can kill them or harm them, and they can somewhat create their own reality, and maybe even able to transport or "seemingly" transport anywhere in the universe instantly, and time's speed is variable easily, since it is relative anyway.(No backward time travel though because of the laws of "cause and effect". But you can predict the future if you know nifty shortcuts to predicting things, like how we predict the weather.). Then things could be perfect for all intents and purposes except for being able to have a mate and sex, and as long as you don't become a scary angel or a demon.
The After Life (updated 2 times)
Through deductive reasoning...
-----Fact: The dead never say anything to us of any kind about the afterlife except for jibberish , or disturbing things like sounds, or images, or screams, or saying "help me".
-----Deduction: And if ghosts are able to think and are able to learn and understand and watch over us, then why don't they ever tell us anything about what the after life is like in any way?
-----Deduction: The very fact that that they never tell us about what the after life is like or even give us any facts that the afterlife exists ever(provable footage and any ghosts communication ) . Brings us to only 1 of 3 conclusions about the after life.
-----Deduction: Which means that we can therefore now throw out all religious concepts of death and therefore by association most of there scriptures . Because in any of the 3 scenarios, if they won't tell us about the after life now, then they never would have told us about it in the first place. (The hearing of voices in the bible and seeing things could have easily been schizophrenia) . And already we have disprooven most of the stories in the bible such as Noah's arch ( as in carrying billions of species on one boat / and the flood) , and the Adam and Eve story ( being 10,000 years ago and having only boys for children) . And the baby Jesus could have just been a virgin getting pregnant in a one night stand. And how we can use our own good judgment to be just as good as Jesus by just saying, "do unto others as you would do unto thyself"(the same philosophy as libertarians , and the only useful phrase I've seen in the bible so far).
-----Final Useful Conclusion: Is that it now makes sense that all religions were created to control other humans. And has been the main reason to go to war, other than warring over land. And that it is extremely effective tool for war mongers ( thirsty for power) to use religion to build up a sizable army and use holy war or any nonsense religious reason to get the people to fight for them, or to give them money for their cause.
-----I heard once from the writer of "god is not great" that using your own conscience you can be just as good as Jesus in your own actions even if you don't have the superpowers. And another way of looking at the story of jesus is the same as the story of micro electronics : In that people now have added to and contorted the story of the electronics industry and how it started to the point now that only a few people are still around that actually remember what happened. But now there are lots of conspiracy theorists that are wrongfully making up stories about how it was a technology that was given to us by aliens. Well that's all bull because my dad was actually in the electronics industry as it was inventing the integrated circuit.
-----So with that little anecdote you can see how the story of Jesus could have been the same conspiracy theories that were elaborated upon over the years
-----LATER ADDED----- Ghosts cannot interact with humans by either touch or communication for the reason that they would have gone after "Osama" or other brutal leaders long ago or at least told us where or how to get them."Dead men tell no tales". And The Great Hoodini said that he would try his hardest to send a message from the afterlife but never did.
Death is most likely just a turning off of the brain in the same way as we turn off a computer every day and that there is no afterlife but only nothingness. You can experience the same thing as death if you are under heavy sedation, all of your brain functions stop for a while and you don't remember a thing. The only way that religious leaders can get you to fight in there wars is for there to be an afterlife( which they had to make up) which accounts for all of the different afterlife's of each religion and the completely unscientific basis and why they are proovably wrong in most respects.
-----If utopia is possible on earth, then heaven is redundant. Utopia may be having all of your needs met such as:
-----And living in an after life with no cause and effect such as heaven wouldn't make sense logically and would lack all fun or excitement that adventure and self confidence in taking care of your own life can bring.
-----So to explain strange occurrences in haunted houses it might be that they are imprints of some kind on an environment from long periods of interaction in old structures( in the same way as rubbing metal against a magnet magnetizes the metal) and there may be spirit-like entities that are not human at all.
-----Research:"The art of war" I heard that it says that there is finite resources and that people fight to get the biggest cut of the pie, even though you can only use one house at a time, and use one car at a time, and where only a few clothes at a time. Which is why I've never understood the need for more than you can use(I only want 1 million $ total to live a good life and to help others be able to)
-----Fact: The dead never say anything to us of any kind about the afterlife except for jibberish , or disturbing things like sounds, or images, or screams, or saying "help me".
-----Deduction: And if ghosts are able to think and are able to learn and understand and watch over us, then why don't they ever tell us anything about what the after life is like in any way?
-----Deduction: The very fact that that they never tell us about what the after life is like or even give us any facts that the afterlife exists ever(provable footage and any ghosts communication ) . Brings us to only 1 of 3 conclusions about the after life.
- That there either is no after life and therefore there are no voices to tell us anything and therefore all of the psychics are faking there abilities to communicate with the dead.
- That the after life is like limbo, and that even if there is an after life, that it is perpetual torment by being stuck in an infinite loop of pointless ghost like behavior and therefore not being able to learn that you are dead or even understand your situation while you are haunting a place.
- Or that there is some kind of rule in the afterlife that you're not allowed to tell the living anything about the after life, or that it even exists.
-----Deduction: Which means that we can therefore now throw out all religious concepts of death and therefore by association most of there scriptures . Because in any of the 3 scenarios, if they won't tell us about the after life now, then they never would have told us about it in the first place. (The hearing of voices in the bible and seeing things could have easily been schizophrenia) . And already we have disprooven most of the stories in the bible such as Noah's arch ( as in carrying billions of species on one boat / and the flood) , and the Adam and Eve story ( being 10,000 years ago and having only boys for children) . And the baby Jesus could have just been a virgin getting pregnant in a one night stand. And how we can use our own good judgment to be just as good as Jesus by just saying, "do unto others as you would do unto thyself"(the same philosophy as libertarians , and the only useful phrase I've seen in the bible so far).
-----Final Useful Conclusion: Is that it now makes sense that all religions were created to control other humans. And has been the main reason to go to war, other than warring over land. And that it is extremely effective tool for war mongers ( thirsty for power) to use religion to build up a sizable army and use holy war or any nonsense religious reason to get the people to fight for them, or to give them money for their cause.
-----I heard once from the writer of "god is not great" that using your own conscience you can be just as good as Jesus in your own actions even if you don't have the superpowers. And another way of looking at the story of jesus is the same as the story of micro electronics : In that people now have added to and contorted the story of the electronics industry and how it started to the point now that only a few people are still around that actually remember what happened. But now there are lots of conspiracy theorists that are wrongfully making up stories about how it was a technology that was given to us by aliens. Well that's all bull because my dad was actually in the electronics industry as it was inventing the integrated circuit.
-----So with that little anecdote you can see how the story of Jesus could have been the same conspiracy theories that were elaborated upon over the years
-----LATER ADDED----- Ghosts cannot interact with humans by either touch or communication for the reason that they would have gone after "Osama" or other brutal leaders long ago or at least told us where or how to get them."Dead men tell no tales". And The Great Hoodini said that he would try his hardest to send a message from the afterlife but never did.
Death is most likely just a turning off of the brain in the same way as we turn off a computer every day and that there is no afterlife but only nothingness. You can experience the same thing as death if you are under heavy sedation, all of your brain functions stop for a while and you don't remember a thing. The only way that religious leaders can get you to fight in there wars is for there to be an afterlife( which they had to make up) which accounts for all of the different afterlife's of each religion and the completely unscientific basis and why they are proovably wrong in most respects.
-----If utopia is possible on earth, then heaven is redundant. Utopia may be having all of your needs met such as:
- By having a food source (farm)/
- energy source(solar) /
- an electric car(ac induction motor/ nanotube lithium-ion battery or super capacitor)(charge it up like a cell phone at the end of every day)(and maybe get an electric bike that use for getting around town that charge at night and rent a car for long trips)
- free housing(build own cob house)/
- and being entertained
- and not worrying about crime( nobody around to bother you) /
- and having medical when need it( electron beam tomography scanner) and cancer cure(microwave/nanospheres/introns) and heart disease cure and genetic age breakdown cure.
-----And living in an after life with no cause and effect such as heaven wouldn't make sense logically and would lack all fun or excitement that adventure and self confidence in taking care of your own life can bring.
-----So to explain strange occurrences in haunted houses it might be that they are imprints of some kind on an environment from long periods of interaction in old structures( in the same way as rubbing metal against a magnet magnetizes the metal) and there may be spirit-like entities that are not human at all.
-----Research:"The art of war" I heard that it says that there is finite resources and that people fight to get the biggest cut of the pie, even though you can only use one house at a time, and use one car at a time, and where only a few clothes at a time. Which is why I've never understood the need for more than you can use(I only want 1 million $ total to live a good life and to help others be able to)
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