Thursday, October 31, 2013

WWIII 3 Informational Brochure

We are now in the middle of World War III. The Truth Embargo! Truth and Liberty and your God given Human Rights are at stake! This time it's an information and economic war and a war of concepts. There may not be as much military action across the globe. At the center of it all is a horrible dark secret. The "people" controlling my life, I am forced to conclude are evil, and that I shouldn't help them in any way. They base everything they do off of secrets. They’re taking away the free will of everybody on earth. They have every single one of my ideas which they stole. They control every aspect of the world surrounding me. They work off of logic and have zero capacity for love or empathy or intuition. Only the people of this world do. Which is what they aim to destroy.
Them: They use information as a shield and have a monopoly on it. They use predictability and equations. They are human just like you and me and have average brains only they know more. They think of us as dogs and themselves as a higher species. They have to inbreed because of all their secrets and small groups. They are cowardly and afraid of any danger or risk at all. They cause disasters in the world and profit off of emergencies. They divide and conquer. They give us medications that make us want to kill ourselves and not reach our full potential but instead turn us into slobs. They use drugs and alcohol to make people pay to kill themselves while the resulting drug war causes even more death and violence. They put stuff in the shots they administer that can cause infertility. They put stuff in manufactured food. They put stuff in GMO's that can alter your genes. They put stuff in the water. They put stuff in cosmetics. They put stuff in car additives. These all contribute to cancer, diabetes, obesity, infertility, allergies, and other genetic diseases. They use sounds and lights and smells and secret handshakes to transmit messages. They use phones to track people. They change the messages you send on the internet or delete them. They use satellites and lasers in space to burn things. They use microwaves bounced off of the ionosphere as a long distance weapon and have earth quake machines. They have robotic battle droids and smart guns with long range high accuracy capability. They genetically engineer germs to kill people and germs that target specific ethnic groups. They use voice modulation to impersonate relatives over the phone. They send out propaganda in the form of news papers and television and advertisements to change public opinion. They use subliminal messages in movies. They buy votes by buying advertising. They bribe all of congress. They control clocks. They have spyware on all computers and know everything about you, they have profiled you and know exactly where you are. They can use this to blackmail you. They make what you type on the computer dyslexic to avoid word searches. They use dams to control both water and energy and give land under the dam to people so that if you destroy the dam you kill people in the flood, which only works if the purpose is kept secret. They prevent key technologies from reaching the market that would save the world. We can go into space!
Their goal: They worship Satan in secret societies. A multinationalists/globalists/satanists goals are corrupting governments by use of blackmail and threats forcing evil people into places of power do their bidding and cause war. Then by banking both sides of the war use usury and interest on loans to enslave both sides and make money off of them. Manipulate stock market prices doing insider trading. Cause drug wars. And also have both sides of the resulting war lose thousands of lives causing mass murder. They aim to destroy every constitutional right by creating false flag events, increasing security at malls and airports and cities, labeling whistle blowers and reporters as terrorists, passing legislation, passing the patriot act. They do even more unspeakable things than this but those don't come into the big picture. These are the goals that they have. To avoid those goals you need peace and to know the truth and to have good people in places of power! If there is peace they make no money, nobody dies and they cannot corrupt the incorruptible when they are protected by an information shield. This is not war in the way you were taught. This is an information and financial and concept war! The ultimate goal being to overpopulate the earth, have the labor mine and extract all the earths materials and resources, cause a crisis, then have a second coming of lucifer instead of Christ, kill off all the good people with war, starvation, disease etc. while the 10% who are sociopaths and have brain damage survive, and have evil inherit the Earth. Which only works if it's kept secret.
How to spot them: They own large sums of money both banks and businesses and only care about material wealth and power. Their companies fund the campaigns both military and political that oppose “good”, “freedom” and “The peoples will” and instead carry out companies and secret organizations will. Look up peoples and companies records and history and make sure not falsified. And make a financial vote against their companies and vote them out of office. Both political parties are corrupt.
The way to win: This is all theory but if you dismantle their funding sources and arrest them then you’ve won, that is if the judges aren't on their side and you can actually meaningfully effect their finances. We may need a paradigm shift to get any progress any time soon. Also educate and don't remain silent, without silence they can't succeed. Do things unexpected. Cause them risk. Make friends and socialize become a functioning fun group of people. Laugh about things. Grow your own food. Buy organic. Use solar panels. Purify your own water. Control your own media sources, watch blacklisted news. Control your own currency. Control your material resources. Know reality and remember the past. Exercise and diet. Take away their intelligence sources (that’s illegal search and seizure). Use nicotine gum instead of cigarettes. Buy local. Create competing industry. Take your money out of their banks. Tax their products. Go on strike. Give bad reviews to their movies. Give good reviews to your movies. Show uplifting news. Create positive uplifting results. Educate. Understand concepts. Vote them out. Show and know their true reputation. Create laws against them. Bring them to court for their crimes. Let them suffer the consequences of their own actions. Make alliances. Disrupt meetings. Shield yourself with info and evidence. Inspire. Tell jokes. Be cool, funny, and sexy. Be smart, be courageous, love one another! This is not about the world as we know it, it is your eternal soul that is at stake here,. We have been lied to by all of our governments. Be yourself and don't give in. Never stop being a good person. It’s never too late! The side that will win is Truth and Liberty!
Please make copy's of this and hand it out. Or share it through social media or email. Thank you! 

Saturday, October 26, 2013

The Axis of Evil Now in WWIII

The anti gmo labeling battle is very teeling for who backs secrecy in what is in our food. This is something us as humans need to have control of is our own food supply. Info obtained from

The following is the list of the companies and their contributions in the GMA’s filing:
• PepsiCo: $1,620,899
• Nestle USA: $1,052,743
• The Coca-Cola Co.: $1,047,332
• General Mills: $598,819
• ConAgra Foods: $285,281
• Campbell Soup Co.: $265,140
• The Hershey Co.: $248,305
• The J.M. Smucker Co.: $241,091
• Kellogg Co.: $221,852
• Mondelez Global LLC: $144,895
• Flowers Foods: $141,288
• Abbott Nutrition: $127,459
• Pinnacle Foods Group LLC: $120,846
• Dean Foods Co.: $120,245
• McCormick & Co.: $102,208
• Land O’Lakes: $99,803
• Cargill: $98,601
• The Hillshire Brands Co.: $97,398
• Bunge North America: $94,993
• Bimbo Bakeries USA: $94,693
• Del Monte Foods Co.: $86,576
• Ocean Spray Cranberries: $55,313
• Hormel Foods Corp.: $52,908
• Bumble Bee Foods, LLC: $36,073
• Welch Foods: $28,859
• Shearer’s Foods: $25,251
• Rich Products Corp.: $24,049
• Clement Pappas & Co.: $21,043
• Sunny Delight Beverages Co.: $21,043
• Bush Brothers & Co.: $16,233
• Knouse Foods Cooperative: $14,429
• The Clorox Co.: $12,024
• Bruce Foods Corp.: $3,006
• Moody Dunbar: $1,804

 More evil people and companies:
  • JP morgan chase is evil because of the fraud that led to the housing bubble 
  • most republicans for opposing positive concept changes
  • Also most of the democratic party are suspect but they may be changing sides right now so it's hard to tell.
  • Old health insurance industries not under obama care
  • The Russian leadership, not the people. For doing subversion over the years and for not supporting equal rights for gays and also for doing a nuclear test on Halloween when that's exactly what the evil people want is a nuclear war.
  • Facebook. for continually invading on privacy right thruough their apps and website using a contract to get around the illegal search and seasure law.
  • Evernote: for needing location information for their app.
  • Chinese leadership not their people: for not caring about their people because of smog and population control and environmental damage.
  • The Rothschilds and any company or political group associated with them. Because they support usury slavery and do not promote freedom of will and for enslaving africans to do manual labor in gold mines and diamond mines because they have no other choice for survival. There are probably infinite more crimes against humanity that the rothschilds have done and may be satan worshipers involved with the illuminati. The may have been financially backing hitler. By funding and creating wars they have been responsible for the murder of countless human beings. This all needs to be proven because they work in secret so facts would be good on this one.
  • The Bush presidency for trading freedom for security after 911, both making airport security too tight for the threat level. And for expanding the unconstitutional law of the NSA and spying on the american people.
  • Kia because they presented the Youtube music awards which were for bands that were not good musicians. No actual freedom of choice since the bands were preselected. 
  • mcdonalds for not paying enough to their employees to make a living wage
  • walmart for not paying enough to it's employees to make a living wage and slowly taking away vacation time and benefits.
  • Dole fruits for using pesticides on their farms that cause infertility(movie "bananas")
  • for supporting cloud based technology which takes away the ownership of our own information and puts it into their ownership
  • Bill gates and microsoft for being anti competition and using gmo crops in their organization in africa and for supporting the ban on private gun auctions law in washington state which was what hitler did in nazi germany first and for being associated with and being friends with david rockefellar
  • Hillary clinton for being involved with bill clinton who repealed the "glass steagle act of 1933" which made the 2008 stock market crash possible.
  • Barack obama for taking away company provided healthcare with obamacare and for using drones which commit war crimes and for supporting the patriot act which takes away our 4th amendment rights
  • George bush jr and sr for creating the patriot act which takes away our 4th amendment rights
  • the supreme court for not taking or accepting the case that the patriot act was against the 4th amendment. 
  • goldman sachs for paying for speeches for hillary clinton to support her campaign when she was connected to bill clinton who was against freedom
  • George soros for contributing to hilary clintons campaign who was connected to bill clinton who removed the glass steagle act of 1933

The axis of good so far in WWIII

  • The mexican government for taxing junk food hurting evil companies financially
  • Japan for it's investigation into mafia infiltration into their own government

Unknown which side they're on :
  • george soros
  • hillary clinton 
  • obama
  • ted turner
  • bill gates
  • Apple computers: used to be good under steve jobs but now they seem to be taking biometric information which is stealing information from the people the same as most other internet companies now
  • Canada
  • Europe

Friday, October 25, 2013

I think World War III has just began

We are now in the beginning stages of World War III. This time it's an information war and financial war so there may not be as much military action across the globe. The crisis starting this war is that the republican party is losing favor and the democrats are taking over. And the reason it's a world war is because the issues at stake effect the world. This is about our god given human rights as an entire race of humans not just multiple races of unequal status. A huge shift in power is taking place as noted in a blacklisted news article I read yesterday where there were 8 or more generals replaced in the american military which if true means the balance of power is shifting to which side I don't know for sure yet. I only hope I'm on the winning side when the dust clears. Truth and Liberty don't come cheap. They cost more than "Whole Foods" does. This should be the last time we ever fund wars with money from companies or banks. But if you want to fund this one, go to your favorite movie theater and watch a space movie, or take your money out of the bank, or buy your favorite tech gadget this christmas, and buy coke instead of pepsi, and elect your favorite party in this next election. Timing is crucial. This is it folks, hold on to your butts!
 The way to win this war is to be cool, funny, and sexy, and scare the shit out of 'em with big guns, be smart, listen to cool music, be courageous, this is not about the world as we know it, it is your eternal soul that is at stake here. We have been lied to by all of our governments. Be yourself and don't give in. love.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

A Couple of Links

A site about theoretical space news

A site of a book about space theory and exopolitics

Video about how secret societies work

news about secret societies

Philosophical basis for events

Video on propaganda and the "truth embargo"

a film about a book that was the bible of rockefellar when creating the trilatteral commission

a description of the elites plan to take over the world

Noam cholmsky about how the world is run and how to save it

A video on what's actually happening on earth right now.

What is going to happen in the first few weeks after the event.

Information sources:

Alternative media blog

news from karen hudes

Heather Tucci

Another freedom fighter blog

Sonic Geometry>>>REAL SHIT!

New Form of Government to Allow Truth And Freedom of Will

There should be a "wikiconstitution" website. People could add and subtract and edit the constition and the edits ar the votes.

Here are my own edits of the constitution:

If minority rule over the majority, such as dictatorships or business monopolies or kings doesn't work for the greater good of the majority. And majority rule over the minority such as democracy over the small groups or socialism over the rich does not serve the greater good of the minority. Then what new system would serve the greater good of everybody and not be another representation of feudalism in its many forms. The answer is having a equal and proportionate separation of power between all separate parties no matter how big or small like how we have the separation of the u.s. Gov into three branches. Of judicial, legislative, and executive, so that we never get one person getting absolute power then being corrupted absolutely. It is only by having the freedom of doing whatever we want as long as it doesn't interfere with another beings rights in a bad way that we can realize our full potential. the true power in us lies in our diversity and the inherent ability in diverse skill sets and mind sets to do and accomplish anything. A world where anything is possible and the truth is free to be told, and liberty and the pursuit of happiness and free will are the only kings, is not too far away.

State government : Equalized separation of powers to avoid feudalism once and for all:
  • Separation of church and state: already in existence.
  • Separation of currency and state: The currency should be commodity based and in the power of the people.The money used should be similar to the Banco or a basket of about 30 different commodities backing the new currency which would not be a fiat currency. Never should you let banks or countries with their own fiat currencies have power over your money or food or commodities ever again the way they did with the dollar as a fiat currency. we need food to live so this is a matter of life or death. It should be a self evident truth that we should be allowed to have our own power over our own food and money and commodities.
  • Separation of business and state: Big business should not be allowed to buy power and form secret governments and secret societies without the knowledge of anyone. By taking away the power that money can buy and separating the power that power holds you will the be forced to psychologically not pursue money and power but to pursue happiness instead.
  • Separation of media and state: Media should not be used as a form of propaganda only giving the states opinion. There should be investigative journalism again as a check to corruption. Each state may have a separate entity than itself own media instead of big business and government owning the whole countries media.
  • Equal vote: Each group of people should have their own representative that makes one vote for their group. No matter how big or small the group ethnic, religious, scientific, business, worker, healthcare, environment, consumers, human rights, labor, democracy, etc. And they should have veto power over any decisions made against their particular group. And if a new group comes into existence then just add one more vote to over all vote count. This idea is not fully formulated and there is probably a better version of this idea that exists that I don't know about.
  • Separation of doctors and free will:
    Doctors should not be allowed to have so much power over patients lives. The power to approve a prescriptions or deny it is power over freedom of will of the patient and can have a harmful effect on the patients love life if it makes them fat or prevents them from becoming skinny or it can actually hurt a patient if you deny them treatment because of politics. Also the power to decide prescriptions gives them power over the free market and whether certain drug companies will make any money. Medications should be treated the same as plants and animals and any other commodity.
  • Separation of banks and free will: 
    Usury(lending money in return for interest) should be outlawed the same way slavery was outlawed because it is after all just another form of slavery. It should be replaced with a credit system with no interest applied.
  • Separation of internet and freedom of will: The cloud based internet is taking control over peoples information where they don't have it on their own hard drives anymore. Therefor information under the power of the people who run the servers now and not the people.
World government is described in the following image: