Sunday, May 26, 2013

Job Satisfaction

In the business world at the lower end we never get to do what we want to do because we're forced to do whatever job that we can get. In the upper class business world there are only certain jobs that make the most money so you're forced to do that as a job. So really in the business world nobody ever gets to do what they want and most people are unhappy as a side effect.
But when you go to school to study and do specifically what you want at least you have a chance of doing what you want. And even though happiness doesn't itself come from a job at least as they say if you do a job you like doing then it's like you've never worked a day in your life.
If money were no object, what would you do for a living?

Friday, May 24, 2013

What I Will NEVER Get

I think it's laughable that the greatest brain in the universe is put on a leash and not let lose to wreak havock on the enemy. And if nobody trusts the smartest brain in the world then why no psychologically test him then let him loose.Yes we now have less needs for brains because computers can do all of the same things but really even the best have no clue what they're doing today in the world and making HUGE mistakes that backfire causing their fall. It would be a big mistake to not let your intelligence on your side FLY.

The greatest brain may or may not be mine.

I tend to like to research conceptual knowledge these days. I'm done with FACTS and into IDEAS now! I tend to think that I really could be one of the greatest brains around even if not the greatest in history because if I really add it up I have the same resume as Da Vinci except without the pomp and circumstance.
I've been an artist, mathematician, code breaker, electronic engineer, mechanical engineer, humorist, writer, architect, theoretical physicist, etc. So I am a renaissance man it's just that I lack every resource to fulfill my abilities and potential.
  • I need better info to research, mostly conceptual and theoretical because that's what I work off of to make new concepts and new theories.
  • I need more money for resources to accomplish projects and goals and maintain mental acuity.
  • I need a girlfriend to want to progress and have a reason even if somehow that interrupts my focus and thinking process which I should still be allowed to do.
  • I need a better safer friendlier and more positive and hoeful environment. Because it's only when feeling good that you can do good. And I need a future to work towards to be motivated. It's the pursuit of happiness that I'm lacking and the hope that any work I do will apply to anything in the future.
  • The truth and for all of this to be real and fact and provably real to me through either analogies and metaphors or other...
Update: The best source of concepts right now seems to be documentaries that have interviews of various people and also lectures of top teachers on a subject, usually philosophical subjects. If it's impossible to keep a secret then all information is out there if you just know where to look. And the best place for that is peoples personal experiences.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Truth...

All war is deception. 
-Sun Tzu the art of war

Bullets and guns are made to kill from a distance. Ultimately they make sure that no matter what you are never able to talk to the people on the other side, and see their point of views, or to see them as even human and to work things out. They keep you from the truth. The only reason people go to war is because they don't know the people on the other side, nobody knows the other side or even themselves. This not knowing the truth is what leads to wars and attrition. The game of "chess" over the Chinese game of "go".
If you want to end all war in the world for all time... make communication between people easy. The freedom of speech. Develope a technology that makes it easy to talk to the other side beyond the guns and artillary and barbed wire. A way to talk beyond all barriers. Other than the laser style sound projector that the military has now, Cell phones could be the breakthrough technology but is also one of the most hackable technologies ever. So it is also one of the most dangerous technologies ever.

It will be very interesting to see if the whole world is destroyed or saved. At least something is happening. And there are still 2 sides so it's not over yet.

...The Truth is the most powerful force in the universe...

The most interesting stories to watch right now is how the president will wiggle out of the scrutiny he's under right now whether he be right or wrong. And to see if afghanistan becomes a narcostate at the same time as the golden triangle and pakistan drug states go under. That's what's interesting to me at the moment.

If you monopolize the truth then you monopolize the power. Secrets and the truth are a powerful thing. And with great power comes great responsibility.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Winning the Lottery

When you get pregnant around here it's like winning the lottery. Because men can't afford to provide for their families anymore because of the social injustices of our modern lives, the women get these rich guys coming out of the woodwork to help them out and give them free stuff. They get promoted to manager or get a job out of thin air of sweeping leaves just because they need something. Just free money. Then their parents come into the equation and buy them an apartment and pay for their plane ticket to a new area. The rich guys even go so far as to create a business for the soul purpose of a job for a pregnant girl.
All of this because we just don't have enough money to raise a family in todays society if you're a normal person working at a normal service job.
All service jobs should be abolished because they're a waste of time. Not earning enough money for the time you work to support a family. Instead we should alllllllllll have family jobs. Another way to solve this failed economy is to get rid of welfair and force people to work while keeping all capital within boarderd and no free trade like japan did. Another way of fixing the problem is releasing people from debt. Insurance costs too much and everything is taken out on loans. Get rid of the problem of needing to spend your full income every month and you'd be able to save up money like the old days and live better.This along with uninterrupted "leave us alone" capitalism you would fix the whole universe. And speaking of universe... this unrestrained growth would force us to go into space to have enough space for all the kids that we want to have.
If you really want to know what the problem is, it's our idiots that we've had in control of things. They didn't realize that we needed to go into space at the beginning of the 20th century. We needed to go nuclear and gravity power a very very long time ago in order to sustain our species. But instead secret societies took over and tried to kill off all of the good people to make an evil planet. So now we're out of luck and out of time and we will all die now. And for some reason it feels right. Like it's almost better that way.
Back to winning the lottery. If you want to know how to win the lottery it is rigged by mechanical or psychic means. They determine who will win before they draw, so the way to win is to have them tell you through propaganda and psychic means that your number is up in the media that you read and the coincidences that happen to you telling you this... it is a terminal number, and if you wish to risk the rest of your life then go ahead and take the dirty money by buying one ticket and letting them let you win.
The whole question really is the principle of the matter. Do you want to take the concept of earning out of the equation. Do you support the secrecy of the rigged game and the concept of gambling. And are you sure you really want those strings attached to you and your conscience.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

In a good environment everything else falls into place

The only way I will ever make new technologies is if I had a good environment and was finally happy again. I was right all along. I've always been right because I've been good and felt good. It might all be lost because I've been treated as badly as I've been treated.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Where We Want To Be : Stabilization

Movies: Where we learn morals. Prepare us for any situation.

Music: Create mood. Set rythm. Portray simple ideas in title and lyrics

Internet: Free learning optimized to person. Easily uploaded entertainment. Downloaded free entertainment. Porn. No more online dating sites needed, follies of them described.

School: a place to intermingle and be shown what to study first by parents/elders, not teachers. A place to hang out and waste time. Or a place to accelerate learning and not waste time. May be 2 separate things.

Video games: Social activity at arcades, affordable. Way to intermingle. Learn hand eye coordination. Learn tactical coordination. Train how to use brain to solve problems and puzzles and mensa questions. Learn spacial skills. Memorization skills.

Comics: Learn morals. Prepare us for any situation. Practice the artwork as a "copybook".

Meditation: Train kids how to use there brains and unlock their hidden psychic potential to become better space ship crew.

Worship: Study god and theology and philosophy in friendly non barrier equal way. A way to intermingle. A way to work for no pay and help people. The volunteer and charity capital that all those organizations run out of.

Time: sundial is the only way that cannot be altered by psychic powers. Also time and a schedule is a concept we have to rid ourselves of.

Communication: Mostly done in person and by travel. Has to be unhackable one way communication from a central location telling you just to be somewhere soon and estimate arrival time. Not knowing where you are and other information about you could be a check and balance system for information technology age. All communication devices would need to be from a trusted source and uncomplicated to prevent hidden programs in endless lines of code and circuitry.

Food: Have healthy foods at a central location for meals and snacks. A place to intermingle. You don't have to think about it and battle yourself to decide to eat healthy if you have no choice. Have grass fed low fat buffalo meat in steak form with healthy side vegetable at affordable price which would be better tasting than other options. Barbequed food to dry out for less fat and more smoke flavor. No food network channel to not have us obsess over food.

Dancing: Made in a way to intermingle and have fun when nothing else to do.

Fairs: Made in a way to intermingle and have fun when nothing else to do. Share new ideas and products and toys and games.

Do the opposite of Destabilization. Stabilization.

Where We're At

  • The cow is our predominant food other than the buffalo. Which has more fat and is grain fed not grass fed for cancer causing fats. And chicken which is more labor intensive is somehow cheaper than beef.
  • We have nowhere to hang out other than fast food joints and bars to make us drink and overeat and we're too fat to dance instead.
  • We have no family relationships so we don't pass on our knowledge to our next generation and only care about sex and not relationships.
  • We don't get enough exercise because all of our work is done for us and we just pay for it.
  • We are isolated from each other through invisible barriers. If you do not work somewhere or go to school somewhere you are not really allowed to talk to those people because of social norms and work schedule and rules.
  • We use fossil fuels for our cars instead of super capacitors and high gain multi-layered, solar panels Therefor we cannot travel infinite distances for free.
  • We watch TV because we have nothing to do.
  • Our video games are predominantly first person shooters and do not train the brain.
  • Our music is base instinct rap music.
  • Our entertainment is made to disturb you and make you give up on life by making you depressed. 
We live in a world where we cannot get ahead unless we are allowed to. Our entire destinies are controlled by a select few with special powers. They can control every single minute aspect of your life and decide whether you succeed or not and how you succeed. You have no free will and no choice. It's all a lie.