Sunday, May 29, 2011

Interpretation and Reaction

When we see a cat on the side of the road as we're driving by, there are many different ways we can both interpret this and also react to those interpretations.

We could see the cat in an angry way and say "what a stupid cat on the side of the road is going to kill itself".

We could see it in a humorous way and say "look at that cute funny looking cat"

We could interpret it in a sad way and say "Oh poor cat, it must be lost and have lost it's parents and I'd be sad if it got run over".

Or interpret it in many other ways.

reacting to it is a separate matter.

Now anger can be constructive or destructive. Sometimes people like seeing anger from someone who is doing the right thing but don't want to see it from someone who's doing the wrong thing.

Seeing insults as funny is the norm these days and people become desensitized to constantly insulting each other and swearing at each other that they find they laugh even at the most hurtful insults, and may regret it later or not. Who knows?

When you you see someone instantly assume thing this is they immediately interpreting something in the way they're usually accustomed to and then they may react to it either in a good or bad way. So both interpretation and reaction are separate. You could see something bad and be dead pan or see something bad and cry or be angry or other.

Also the emotions and actions you protray will effect how others treat you. If you are sad or depressed then you may possibly bring out the better qualities in others by them showing care and comfort and not making things worse. But if you're energetic and enthusiastic and or anoying then people will feel free to use insult comedy or to react strange toward you or fake being happy also, just to not get you riled up.

Along the same lines if you are quiet all the time then nobody has anything to interpret so no good or bad interpretations at all. This may actually be good because sometimes lots of people are kind and caring and quiet and accepting and complimentary around their friends but around other people who aren't their friends they always tell the truth about the person to everybody and have zero sympathy or comfort for them. In this situation it may be better to always just be quiet or keep everything you know or think a secret. So secrecy can be good so that nobody every has trouble understanding or interpreting what you say and it can also be good to not hurt other people or to say inappropriate language accidentally, and become the person you don't want to be. Or just stay away from those people who cause you to not be yourself and eventually you may not feel that way about them anymore and you both may have grown and become better at communicating. So separation and space and quiet can actually be healthy and help people fix their own points of view.

Our own personalities are all just figments of our own imaginations. We create ourselves. You can step outside your emotions and think logically but sometimes you have to confront issues in order to be able to live with yourself. The old term for sanity came from sanitary and to have a clean mind was sanity and cleaning it our with meditation, and logical thinking, was the only form of medication back then.

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