What if all of a sudden nobody had to work anymore because everything was now free? We'd all of a sudden have time. All our friends and family wouldn't have to keep a schedule anymore. We wouldn't even need watches and then we'd all of a sudden have all the time in the world for friends and family and making more and more meaningful relationships and experiences from traveling and communicating with every single person along the way. And nobody had stress. We wouldn't be bored because we'd be seeing the world wit travel. There was no crime because nobody stole anymore almost like living back in the 50's. No need to lock anything. And maybe even happiness would take over the globe as the biggest wave of social influence ever catching from one person to the next like an infectious disease.
If you take away the cause there is no effect.
Conceptual numbers and Conceptual comfort, and Conceptual anger.
So in the beginning of time we started with farms and capitalists and pilagers.
The farmers would use crops as currency.
The capitalists(cap-in-toll: if you couldn't pay your head was the price or your slavery) Would use silver as currency. And had markets, and had contracts, and had politicians, and had priests, and everything we have today.
And the pilagers didn't farm but were hungry and wanted food and money for free so they'd go around and steel stuff instead of working or living in society.
Fast forward 8,000 years to today.
Everything is still exactly the same!
So the root of all evil is money. Why? Well without cause there wouldn't be effect. Without motive there wouldn't be crime.
There have been psychological tests if you have animals in a cage and restrict food, then after a week put a piece of meat in the cage, what do you think will happen? They will fight over the meat and the biggest one will win. Just go to the park and feed the sea gulls. They will fight over it and the biggest one will always be fed first.
All crimes are done to steel things or as a negotiation tactic for future deals or the current deal. If you took away the motive would there all of a sudden be no criminals in jail? It's all psychology!
We as humans are no better than animals still. We fight over land and money, and stuff. Everybody wants a piece of the pie. For the little guys it's just 1000$ to waste on a badly made new gizmo, for the fortune elite it's land and power. All wars since the beginning of time have just been a negotiation tactic. They've wanted more money or power and the victor was the one who won the negotiation at the loss of thousands of lives and usually the leaders stayed out of the fight and in luxury and never died in the end.
First of all if you make good stuff that doesn't break you never need to buy new stuff. Second of all there is infinite land in the universe and on space ships if we learned to work together. Third of all, money is only a concept.
I have a demonstration you might try sometime. Pull out a dollar bill in front of a crowd and ask "what is this"? They'll say "a dollar". So they obviously are using their amazing imaginations so then say "what's it made out of?" They'll say "paper". So then you say "yes paper, and not even very good paper" and then you rip the worthless dollar in half, and let them know of the concept that "money does not exist". You have just proved that it was a concept because now no one will accept it as currency because it's all ripped up. It's a fake concept and is called "fiat currency" and is only a concept. Everything on earth only has value because we all put it there. Even if it's a free item like a signature. But in reality it doesn't have any value intrinsic or otherwise. In the end when we die all our possessions don't go with us when we die. We are only here temporarily and are only borrowing stuff for a short time while we live.
You may argue then that we should have the best life with the most stuff while we're here and not care about how many crimes we break or people we hurt while we're here.
I would agree that we do not need to really worry about any consequences, but why would you put yourself through all that stress having to wear a business suit and do ridiculous paperwork and have anger and distrust and greed and with fortune comes misfortune.
There is a better way! there is still hope for the human race! What if everything was free?
What if housing was free?
What if air conditioning was unneeded?
What if insurance was never needed?
What if water was free or we didn't use it as much?
What if food was free, any type grown locally in all seasons?
What if energy was hardly ever needed and if it was the energy was free and infinite?
What if your car never broke and it got over 150 miles to the gallon, or instead we flew everywhere for free?
What if computers never over heated, and what if we didn't even need them?
What if we had free lighting, and free heat?
What if we weren't so bored with modern day life that the only thing to do is watch tv.
The simple fact is all these technologies exist right now.
Stone, dirt, brick, composting toilet, or pasteurizing, non electric washer, clothes line, mobile hydroponic green houses, low energy devices, atomic batteries, fusion, erbium fiber optics, processors and SSD's without designed obsolescence overheating, paragliders, golf cart run from gas generator. Do projects and help each other, and socialize, and do rituals like lunch or church or games or dancing.
If you never had to buy anything ever again would the economy collapse or what would happen. If all your bills were free except for one which was toilet paper would the price of toilet paper become trillions of dollars a roll or would you then only work for the toilet paper factories or what would happen? If all our work was done by AI robots and we never had to work again what would happen to the economy, or to power and government?
In the end this is the only way out. People are obsessed with the end of the world because they think there's no way out and they just have to start over. But there is a way out, make things that never break and that are free to make!
Machu pichu in ancient peru had it right. They had terraced easy to water farms, and houses made out of stone that would never break, up in the mountains where no one could find them or take their stuff either. Impossible for pillagers to steal meant that they needed no government to protect them. All they needed was food/shelter/and love. For whatever reason they disappeared they had it right.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Interpretation and Reaction
When we see a cat on the side of the road as we're driving by, there are many different ways we can both interpret this and also react to those interpretations.
We could see the cat in an angry way and say "what a stupid cat on the side of the road is going to kill itself".
We could see it in a humorous way and say "look at that cute funny looking cat"
We could interpret it in a sad way and say "Oh poor cat, it must be lost and have lost it's parents and I'd be sad if it got run over".
Or interpret it in many other ways.
reacting to it is a separate matter.
Now anger can be constructive or destructive. Sometimes people like seeing anger from someone who is doing the right thing but don't want to see it from someone who's doing the wrong thing.
Seeing insults as funny is the norm these days and people become desensitized to constantly insulting each other and swearing at each other that they find they laugh even at the most hurtful insults, and may regret it later or not. Who knows?
When you you see someone instantly assume thing this is they immediately interpreting something in the way they're usually accustomed to and then they may react to it either in a good or bad way. So both interpretation and reaction are separate. You could see something bad and be dead pan or see something bad and cry or be angry or other.
Also the emotions and actions you protray will effect how others treat you. If you are sad or depressed then you may possibly bring out the better qualities in others by them showing care and comfort and not making things worse. But if you're energetic and enthusiastic and or anoying then people will feel free to use insult comedy or to react strange toward you or fake being happy also, just to not get you riled up.
Along the same lines if you are quiet all the time then nobody has anything to interpret so no good or bad interpretations at all. This may actually be good because sometimes lots of people are kind and caring and quiet and accepting and complimentary around their friends but around other people who aren't their friends they always tell the truth about the person to everybody and have zero sympathy or comfort for them. In this situation it may be better to always just be quiet or keep everything you know or think a secret. So secrecy can be good so that nobody every has trouble understanding or interpreting what you say and it can also be good to not hurt other people or to say inappropriate language accidentally, and become the person you don't want to be. Or just stay away from those people who cause you to not be yourself and eventually you may not feel that way about them anymore and you both may have grown and become better at communicating. So separation and space and quiet can actually be healthy and help people fix their own points of view.
Our own personalities are all just figments of our own imaginations. We create ourselves. You can step outside your emotions and think logically but sometimes you have to confront issues in order to be able to live with yourself. The old term for sanity came from sanitary and to have a clean mind was sanity and cleaning it our with meditation, and logical thinking, was the only form of medication back then.
We could see the cat in an angry way and say "what a stupid cat on the side of the road is going to kill itself".
We could see it in a humorous way and say "look at that cute funny looking cat"
We could interpret it in a sad way and say "Oh poor cat, it must be lost and have lost it's parents and I'd be sad if it got run over".
Or interpret it in many other ways.
reacting to it is a separate matter.
Now anger can be constructive or destructive. Sometimes people like seeing anger from someone who is doing the right thing but don't want to see it from someone who's doing the wrong thing.
Seeing insults as funny is the norm these days and people become desensitized to constantly insulting each other and swearing at each other that they find they laugh even at the most hurtful insults, and may regret it later or not. Who knows?
When you you see someone instantly assume thing this is they immediately interpreting something in the way they're usually accustomed to and then they may react to it either in a good or bad way. So both interpretation and reaction are separate. You could see something bad and be dead pan or see something bad and cry or be angry or other.
Also the emotions and actions you protray will effect how others treat you. If you are sad or depressed then you may possibly bring out the better qualities in others by them showing care and comfort and not making things worse. But if you're energetic and enthusiastic and or anoying then people will feel free to use insult comedy or to react strange toward you or fake being happy also, just to not get you riled up.
Along the same lines if you are quiet all the time then nobody has anything to interpret so no good or bad interpretations at all. This may actually be good because sometimes lots of people are kind and caring and quiet and accepting and complimentary around their friends but around other people who aren't their friends they always tell the truth about the person to everybody and have zero sympathy or comfort for them. In this situation it may be better to always just be quiet or keep everything you know or think a secret. So secrecy can be good so that nobody every has trouble understanding or interpreting what you say and it can also be good to not hurt other people or to say inappropriate language accidentally, and become the person you don't want to be. Or just stay away from those people who cause you to not be yourself and eventually you may not feel that way about them anymore and you both may have grown and become better at communicating. So separation and space and quiet can actually be healthy and help people fix their own points of view.
Our own personalities are all just figments of our own imaginations. We create ourselves. You can step outside your emotions and think logically but sometimes you have to confront issues in order to be able to live with yourself. The old term for sanity came from sanitary and to have a clean mind was sanity and cleaning it our with meditation, and logical thinking, was the only form of medication back then.
how to use your brain,
mental health,
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Learn to let go : Cure to depression
We all could use a little reminder every once in a while of what reality is when people are constantly forcing us to think their way and do fake things, or never even letting us think. So here is a dose of "reality" that will put the mind in perspective and is gauranteed to help all humans relax.
I don't exist, nobody knows I exist.
No one should care if you exist or not we are independent individuals, why focus on other peoples problems? Why not focus on other more happy people and living an actual good life. People need to solve things on their own anyway, so practice tough love. You shouldn't need others help either. No man is an island but a real man can take care of himself.
Be more than human. Free from mental or physical bonds.
Let go of all worries or stress or any thoughts at all. Calm the mind and think of nothing. Take in your surroundings and experience them instead. Open your eyes, free yourself.
Time doesn't matter.
The past and the future don't matter. Time is infinite, the past doesn't even exist anymore. There is scientifically no way to quantify time we have no actual measurable unite of time and even atomic clocks become wrong. It is only concept. We do not need a schedule. Don't go to work anymore and you all of a sudden don't need a clock at all.
Money doesn't matter.
Money doesn't even exist except in our minds. We make things and use them, not money. If you had zero money or even negative money all of a sudden it doesn't matter because you can survive with nothing perfectly fine with knowledge and skill. If things were free or free to operate we'd have no need to steal anymore, or work.
Space doesn't matter.
Space is infinite, no restrictions or requirements or even fences. Just walk in one direction and see if you reach an end. If you reach an ocean get on a boat and see if you reach an end. Even cycles are infinite, the solar cycle the tide cycle, the water cycle, the phosphorous cycle, the nitrogen cycle, the cycle of life, the orbits of the planets, the rotation of the milky way. There is no end to anything.
We do not exist.
We do not even exist in the grand scheme of the universe we will make no impact in time and leave no trace over time and be forgotten, nobody will have cared and nothing serves any real purpose, so doing no0thing is just as effective in the long term as doing something.
Our senses don't exist
If we are another animal we'd have either more senses or less senses or different senses. We know we see almost none of the spectrum of light, or hear only a small spectrum of sound. And those with no sense of smell or taste or sight or hearing or mentally handicapped from birth would never have even known that those senses even existed or what people are talking about. We cannot sense others thoughts, we cannot sense others love, or hate. We cannot sense infinite knowledge and power, or think extremely fast. There may even be more emotions we do not comprehend as well as paradoxical science we cannot comprehend with our type of brain.
Our own personality does not even exist.
Even our own personality is a figment of our own imagination, and changes over time with knowledge and good or bad experiences. Let go of yourself and change. You are a completely different individual than you were 5 minutes ago. You are living a totally different reality and time line now. What if you remember killing someone when you were 20 years old, and you lived another 500 years of life, how would you live that whole life? Would you live in self loathing or forgive yourself or just forget. All have no effect on the outside world, only on you. Sometimes it may never go away, or you can live with it, or some don't even mind.
Separate yourself from yourself. If you are an unpleasant individual and know it, and feel bad about yourself and thing bad of yourself or are depressed, then distance yourself from that person and think outside of that personality. Logical thought is separate from emotion. Being quiet and not talking and not responding or acknowledging your own thoughts or emotions is one way of doing this and was even done by the mathematician in "a beautiful mind".
How to fix depression:
For people with chemical problems: First of all assume you have no chemical problems because we didn't have this many seriously depressed people 200 years ago. One of the major side effects of anti-depressants is depression or suicidal thoughts(just read the side effects label). The first source to check is medications that are downers. Second is to check blood sugar, eat 6 fist sized meals a day of balance healthy carbs and protein to avoid highs and lows. Now exercise no more than an hour a day, so that you aren't tired the next day from over exercising. The increased adrenaline and strength will give you infinite energy, which is the opposite of a downer.
For people with no chemical problems:If you are depressed it's usually because your disappointed in yourself or have no self confidence or have given up on yourself, no point to life, every thing is bad, everything you look at is bad. But it's you and you can fix you. First watch a comedy show which is proven to decrease stress and make you feel good. Now instead of hating yourself, inspire yourself. Set out to achieve and become the best and inspire others and succeed at everything. You now feel good about yourself and what you can do and what you have done. Make a list of accomplishments. The difference is night and day.
Some have a sick and tired of being sick and tired moment, or a "THAT'S IT I'VE HAD IT!!!" moment. Or an AHA! moment of realization or an epiphany.
I don't exist, nobody knows I exist.
No one should care if you exist or not we are independent individuals, why focus on other peoples problems? Why not focus on other more happy people and living an actual good life. People need to solve things on their own anyway, so practice tough love. You shouldn't need others help either. No man is an island but a real man can take care of himself.
Be more than human. Free from mental or physical bonds.
Let go of all worries or stress or any thoughts at all. Calm the mind and think of nothing. Take in your surroundings and experience them instead. Open your eyes, free yourself.
Time doesn't matter.
The past and the future don't matter. Time is infinite, the past doesn't even exist anymore. There is scientifically no way to quantify time we have no actual measurable unite of time and even atomic clocks become wrong. It is only concept. We do not need a schedule. Don't go to work anymore and you all of a sudden don't need a clock at all.
Money doesn't matter.
Money doesn't even exist except in our minds. We make things and use them, not money. If you had zero money or even negative money all of a sudden it doesn't matter because you can survive with nothing perfectly fine with knowledge and skill. If things were free or free to operate we'd have no need to steal anymore, or work.
Space doesn't matter.
Space is infinite, no restrictions or requirements or even fences. Just walk in one direction and see if you reach an end. If you reach an ocean get on a boat and see if you reach an end. Even cycles are infinite, the solar cycle the tide cycle, the water cycle, the phosphorous cycle, the nitrogen cycle, the cycle of life, the orbits of the planets, the rotation of the milky way. There is no end to anything.
We do not exist.
We do not even exist in the grand scheme of the universe we will make no impact in time and leave no trace over time and be forgotten, nobody will have cared and nothing serves any real purpose, so doing no0thing is just as effective in the long term as doing something.
Our senses don't exist
If we are another animal we'd have either more senses or less senses or different senses. We know we see almost none of the spectrum of light, or hear only a small spectrum of sound. And those with no sense of smell or taste or sight or hearing or mentally handicapped from birth would never have even known that those senses even existed or what people are talking about. We cannot sense others thoughts, we cannot sense others love, or hate. We cannot sense infinite knowledge and power, or think extremely fast. There may even be more emotions we do not comprehend as well as paradoxical science we cannot comprehend with our type of brain.
Our own personality does not even exist.
Even our own personality is a figment of our own imagination, and changes over time with knowledge and good or bad experiences. Let go of yourself and change. You are a completely different individual than you were 5 minutes ago. You are living a totally different reality and time line now. What if you remember killing someone when you were 20 years old, and you lived another 500 years of life, how would you live that whole life? Would you live in self loathing or forgive yourself or just forget. All have no effect on the outside world, only on you. Sometimes it may never go away, or you can live with it, or some don't even mind.
Separate yourself from yourself. If you are an unpleasant individual and know it, and feel bad about yourself and thing bad of yourself or are depressed, then distance yourself from that person and think outside of that personality. Logical thought is separate from emotion. Being quiet and not talking and not responding or acknowledging your own thoughts or emotions is one way of doing this and was even done by the mathematician in "a beautiful mind".
How to fix depression:
For people with chemical problems: First of all assume you have no chemical problems because we didn't have this many seriously depressed people 200 years ago. One of the major side effects of anti-depressants is depression or suicidal thoughts(just read the side effects label). The first source to check is medications that are downers. Second is to check blood sugar, eat 6 fist sized meals a day of balance healthy carbs and protein to avoid highs and lows. Now exercise no more than an hour a day, so that you aren't tired the next day from over exercising. The increased adrenaline and strength will give you infinite energy, which is the opposite of a downer.
For people with no chemical problems:If you are depressed it's usually because your disappointed in yourself or have no self confidence or have given up on yourself, no point to life, every thing is bad, everything you look at is bad. But it's you and you can fix you. First watch a comedy show which is proven to decrease stress and make you feel good. Now instead of hating yourself, inspire yourself. Set out to achieve and become the best and inspire others and succeed at everything. You now feel good about yourself and what you can do and what you have done. Make a list of accomplishments. The difference is night and day.
Some have a sick and tired of being sick and tired moment, or a "THAT'S IT I'VE HAD IT!!!" moment. Or an AHA! moment of realization or an epiphany.
Psychological Predictions
If someone actually takes initiative or takes the lead in a situation, asks questions, or for help to do things, or gets things done by themselves, but can lead effectively, and knows how to get things instead of always being given things then you know by that that they will later in life be successful and able to get what they want out of life, and can set a goal and achieve it.
If someone is very imaginative or creative and good at noticing things or very detail oriented, then that person will eventually be extremely high IQ without ever even having to read a book. Because just by noticing things in life and putting 2 and 2 together they will learn more than anyone else who never notices things and only reads books. Einstein was only famous because he noticed things nobody else ever did. Knowledge and imagination are the most powerful thing in the universe.
Someone who knows how to have fun will actually become idealistic and prize fun and what is good and right over money or power. And will be a fighter for what's right and fun. Unless this leads to risky behavior which environment and knowing better will have to come into play. They also don't fear danger as much but enjoy it as the romantic sublime. And this will show as confidence in themselves because they'd rather be happy and have fun than be around people who are the opposite and who make them feel otherwise. This may show as being a people person at work, not taking offense. Giving it is another matter and some of these people like giving insults while others won't no matter what. Usually this idealism leads to less meaningful relationships than most.
If you are good looking and you find someone of like mind who is also good looking, then you will likely have a lasting very happy relationship. People do need a mental and emotional connection but you also need a physical one. You have to be attractive to attract. Achieving good looks not only shows ability to achieve or at least try but also boosts confidence and will attract the same thing.
Showing jealousy or mistrust of a loved one or even anger shows that you don't love them. Because if they're actually happy to be with you then they'll stay no matter what and vice versa. And if you're happy to be with them then nothing they do will make you angry, and vice versa. And if you actually like them then you'll let them find someone better, and you'll know that you weren't for them anyway, and you'll find someone who is a better match also, because sometimes loving is letting go. And if they have other relationships or experiment then you'd still like them for who they are and had already accepted them beforehand, otherwise you didn't know who they actually were and didn't like who they were when you found out.
If someone is very imaginative or creative and good at noticing things or very detail oriented, then that person will eventually be extremely high IQ without ever even having to read a book. Because just by noticing things in life and putting 2 and 2 together they will learn more than anyone else who never notices things and only reads books. Einstein was only famous because he noticed things nobody else ever did. Knowledge and imagination are the most powerful thing in the universe.
Someone who knows how to have fun will actually become idealistic and prize fun and what is good and right over money or power. And will be a fighter for what's right and fun. Unless this leads to risky behavior which environment and knowing better will have to come into play. They also don't fear danger as much but enjoy it as the romantic sublime. And this will show as confidence in themselves because they'd rather be happy and have fun than be around people who are the opposite and who make them feel otherwise. This may show as being a people person at work, not taking offense. Giving it is another matter and some of these people like giving insults while others won't no matter what. Usually this idealism leads to less meaningful relationships than most.
If you are good looking and you find someone of like mind who is also good looking, then you will likely have a lasting very happy relationship. People do need a mental and emotional connection but you also need a physical one. You have to be attractive to attract. Achieving good looks not only shows ability to achieve or at least try but also boosts confidence and will attract the same thing.
Showing jealousy or mistrust of a loved one or even anger shows that you don't love them. Because if they're actually happy to be with you then they'll stay no matter what and vice versa. And if you're happy to be with them then nothing they do will make you angry, and vice versa. And if you actually like them then you'll let them find someone better, and you'll know that you weren't for them anyway, and you'll find someone who is a better match also, because sometimes loving is letting go. And if they have other relationships or experiment then you'd still like them for who they are and had already accepted them beforehand, otherwise you didn't know who they actually were and didn't like who they were when you found out.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Way of life 4
Grab a backpack and go
I was recently told by a midlife woman that if she had it to do over again she'd just grap a backpack and go because she now knows there's a whole world out there to see and would have liked to have seen it but because of kids and obligations has no choice now.
The story she told was of one of her daughters who traveled around Europe with just a backpack and how she stayed at hostiles at night which is a giant room with beds for travelers for free.
And she traveled by train or bus and it was only about 50$ to get clear across Europe.
And to pay for stuff she supposedly did massages.
So there are other ways to make small amounts of money for food and travel but you just have a backpack of clothes and survival stuff and go!!!
I was recently told by a midlife woman that if she had it to do over again she'd just grap a backpack and go because she now knows there's a whole world out there to see and would have liked to have seen it but because of kids and obligations has no choice now.
The story she told was of one of her daughters who traveled around Europe with just a backpack and how she stayed at hostiles at night which is a giant room with beds for travelers for free.
And she traveled by train or bus and it was only about 50$ to get clear across Europe.
And to pay for stuff she supposedly did massages.
So there are other ways to make small amounts of money for food and travel but you just have a backpack of clothes and survival stuff and go!!!
Way of life 3
Snow birds.
If you own a house up north.
And your friend owns a house in Florida or Hawaii.
And you both have income independent of location. i.e. home business, travel business like fairs, social security income, or retirement, or you're just rich and live of of bank account.
Then you can both travel together south for the winter and north for the summer. This is good with family, or extremely close friend. Own the houses for less bills is better.
You don't need heating of the houses or cooling of the houses since you're only in them in normal temperatures. So this is perfect for cabins on acreage.
If you own a house up north.
And your friend owns a house in Florida or Hawaii.
And you both have income independent of location. i.e. home business, travel business like fairs, social security income, or retirement, or you're just rich and live of of bank account.
Then you can both travel together south for the winter and north for the summer. This is good with family, or extremely close friend. Own the houses for less bills is better.
You don't need heating of the houses or cooling of the houses since you're only in them in normal temperatures. So this is perfect for cabins on acreage.
The American Dream is Alive and Well!!!!
So I was at a local subway today and saw some ladies running it that must have come straight from India. Red dots on the forehead and everything. So then I was reminded of a quote from a futurama episode where aliens were making pizza and said "we came to america to make pizza not money" Then the wife says, "no urg reverse it, we're here to make money not pizza!"
So the moral of the story is that people come to this country to make money and it works, and when people say "the American dream is dead because I'm at a dead end job and have no way to make money and will always be poor and can't afford school to get a better job". Then that's absolute proof that the American dream is still alive and well, because where do you think the money comes from for all the rich people out there??? It comes from people like you working for them, because that's how you get rich is from other people breaking their own backs for you.
So as long as you're willing to have other people work fro you and you have no problem with having slaves and stepping all over everyone and treating them like lesser human beings then you can be rich too, and it still works perfectly good.
You can get rich from nothing too, as proven by my money making list!!!
So the American dream is still alive and well!!!
So the moral of the story is that people come to this country to make money and it works, and when people say "the American dream is dead because I'm at a dead end job and have no way to make money and will always be poor and can't afford school to get a better job". Then that's absolute proof that the American dream is still alive and well, because where do you think the money comes from for all the rich people out there??? It comes from people like you working for them, because that's how you get rich is from other people breaking their own backs for you.
So as long as you're willing to have other people work fro you and you have no problem with having slaves and stepping all over everyone and treating them like lesser human beings then you can be rich too, and it still works perfectly good.
You can get rich from nothing too, as proven by my money making list!!!
So the American dream is still alive and well!!!
Saturday, May 14, 2011
51 ways to make money without a job
- Collect golf balls at golf courses and sell to the course or dealers or players directly
- Metal detect
- Trap animals and sell pelts or tallow or raw hide rope
- Make fish/crab/lobster/animal traps, and sell the traps
- Make other hunting items like knives, arrows, rope, ect. and sell.
- Fresnel lenses from broken big screen TV's add frame for more value from free wood off craigslist sell on ebay
- Find stuff at garage sales and flea markets thrift stores and sell on ebay
- craft something like wood peg puzzle games, or baskets or pottery or art and sell on ebay.
- rehab, refurbish, or fix things and resell
- Arbitrage things on ebay. Things under valued you resell at full value. (not predictable)
- make ceramic bricks for construction and sell on craigs list
- Make a class on how to do something if your good at it but hard to make a profit or hard job. Do this class at local recreational center or place that has rooms like that for karate and stuff.
- Sell plants that grow that are rare or high quality. Year round with mobile multilayer green houses.
- Make brick ovens or green houses or adobe structures for people.
- Make objects or tools out of wood or clay or rope or animals. Or class on how to do those.
- Do yard work for people. Why run or go to the gym for cardio why not make money at it. Also you don't need to pay for gas if you do most by hand.
- Or just specialize in mowing lawns with a push mower or their mower.
- Pet sitting
- Wash dogs
- Car washing
- Watering plants
- Baby sitting
- Cleaning houses
- Wash windows of businesses or houses.
- Paint houses. Is extremely easy by the way.
- Pressure washing pavement or other things for a small fee.
- Build stuff for people if you have a portfolio and good reviews.
- Look for a product that is over priced or low quality and make your own version of better quality and sell for less at the local flea market or on craigs list. Envelopes, cards, wood toys, kites, frames, containers,
- Make bow and arrows or kites or other toys for kids from free materials sell at flea market or fair. But the cheap drink idea might be easier.
- Become a good cook if you have a pallet and common sense. Then make your products of the best version you can find and make and sell at flea market or farmers market or fair. Ideas: peanut butter and granola bars, sweet fruit in small pie shell with cream on top. Cookies, doughnuts, jelly, potato chips. Anything that lasts a long time on the shelf, or on demand, and can try to sell multiple times, and doesn't become wasted work and material if doesn't sell.
- Knit or sew something make baskets: Only if girl and extremely time consuming.
- offer rides for 2$ for co-workers to get to work. the more the merrier.
- pick up cans then find local scrap metal dealer.
- Teach a different language
- Tutoring any subject at local college or school.
- Make and sell popsicles or icecream in summer and then shovel snow in winter.
- Rake leaves under the table, and let the man of the house take the credit
- Detail cars
- Pick up and deliver groceries for the elderly or disabled
- Cut hair
- Do massages
- Sell blood or plasma
- Sell real lemonade at a fair or festival.
- Buy bottled water in bulk and sell it at a festival or fair. Get rich off of not working at all, and never having worked in the first place??? Maybe it is possible after all!!!
Most people only have part time these days so find out how much you can get done with your extra time for free and only sweat equity with these ideas. The definition of entrepreneurship is spending half you time and money on something more profitable.
What did people do before big business???
Remember the time/money ratio. You want to spent the least amount of time while making the most amount of money. Also risk/reward. You always want the reward to far outweigh any risk. And the best businesses that never fail are ones with zero overhead. You want low start up cost or barrier to entry. Low holding costs. And low maintenence costs. All costs are entropy. If there were no taxes, or business expenses, or operating expenses or overhead then all businesses would be successful and never fail.
But most important is what you do has to be fun and easy and low stress and consume little time and have low liability, and be profitable. Ask yourself if you were losing money working where you work if you'd still work there? If the answer is no, then you don't like working there and need to find something you actually want to do.
With these 100% profit, zero barrier to entry ideas, you could very quickly have enough to buy a new car or even a new house worth 20,000$ if you save and are smart about it. By then you will basically be a rich person no matter where you work since you're saving 500$/mo on rent. After that everything is affordable by saving 6,000$/year or more. And you can buy a second house even faster and rent it out. That is the goal. Now people work for you!
There are more ways to make money than this. This is just my first version of this list and I will add to it as I find more.
JOB(J.O.B.) Just over broke.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
How to make money without a job
- Collect golf balls
- Metal detect
- Trap animals and sell pelts or tallow or raw hide rope
- Fresnel lenses from broken big screen TV's add frame for more value from free wood off craigslist sell on ebay
- Find stuff at garage sales and flea markets thrift stores and sell on ebay
- craft something like wood peg puzzle games, or baskets or pottery or art and sell on ebay.
- rehab refurbish things and resell
- make ceramic bricks for construction and sell on craigs list
- Make a class on how to do something if your good at it but hard to make a profit or hard job. Do this class at local recreational center or place that has rooms like that for karate and stuff.
- Sell plants that grow that are rare or high quality. Year round with mobile multilayer green houses.
- Make brick ovens or green houses or adobe structures for people.
- Make objects or tools out of wood or clay or rope or animals. Or class on how to do those.
- Do yard work for people. Why run or go to the gym for cardio why not make money at it. Also you don't need to pay for gas if you do most by hand.
- Build stuff for people if you have a portfolio and good reviews.
- Look for a product that is over priced or low quality and make your own version of better quality and sell for less at the local flea market or on craigs list. Envelopes, cards, wood toys, kites, frames, containers,
- Become a good cook if you have a pallet and common sense. Then make your products of the best version you can find and make and sell at flea market or farmers market or fair. Ideas: peanut butter and granola bars, sweet fruit in small pie shell with cream on top. Cookies, doughnuts, jelly, potato chips. Anything that lasts a long time on the shelf, or on demand, and can try to sell multiple times, and doesn't become wasted work and material if doesn't sell.
Most people only have part time these days so find out how much you can get done with your extra time for free and only sweat equity with these ideas. The definition of entrepreneurship is spending half you time and money on something more profitable.
What did people do before big business???
Remember the time/money ratio. You want to spent the least amount of time while making the most amount of money. Also risk/reward. You always want the reward to far outweigh any risk. And the best businesses that never fail are ones with zero overhead. You want low start up cost or barrier to entry. low holding costs. And low maintenence costs. all casts are entropy. If there were no taxes or business expenses or operating expenses or overhead then all businesses would be successful and never fail.
But most important is what you do has to be fun and easy and low stress and consume little time and have low liability, and be profitable. Ask yourself if you were losing money working where you work if you'd still work there? If the answer is no, then you don't like working there and need to find something you actually want to do.
With these 100% profit zero barrier to entry ideas you could very quickly have enough to buy a new car or even a new house worth 20,000$ if you save and are smart about it. By then you will basically be a rich person no matter where you work since you're saving 500$/mo on rent. After that everything is affordable by saving 6,000$/year or more. And you can buy a second house even faster and rent it out. That is the goal. Now people work for you!
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