I discovered this exercise when I was crunched for time at the gym one day.
I'm going to trial this and I know what I'm doing.
So the goal of weight lifting is muscle failure but most people even when doing 4-5 sets never reach failure and also don't hold at the top for 2 seconds, and rest too long at the bottom and also don't go to failure on the last set anyway, so they never make gains or at most make very small gains. The goal is to gain 1 lb of muscle per week. Even though this may only be possible with steroids it's better to do things right and not waste time in the gym then be like I was a while back going to the gym every day for 2 years with absolutely no gains! Until I finally decided to research it and do it right and actually make progress.
Now about 2 years after that point and much wiser, I discovered lots of new things and exercise is easy and fun! And now I can set a goal and actually reach it within the time I predict.
In the body for life program,(Get the BOOK seriously!) which is the fastest, easiest, healthiest, most fun, and most productive by the way of any exercise plan without steroids that I have ever heard of, you gain one weight lifting level per month usually and lose fat at the same time and is 60% diet 40% exercise. I know of other plans like Arnolds plan and also read exercise magazines regularly which have bad plans that don't work or are dangerous usually, but range from total cardio to complete power lifting strategies. I also know so many exercises that now I do lots that no one has heard of or done, to work every muscle group and not just the obvious ones, for a well rounded exercise routine.
But this is not the body for life program.
I don't know yet if my new exercise routine will build predominantly fast twitch muscle fibers or slow twitch muscle fibers or both, and it would require some professional testing. But I'll trial it and see what I notice.
So the new exercise routine is as follows:
Form 1:
Day 1 Monday: Upper body
1st set is 1 or more chest exercises. Because the tris and bis aren't tired yet.
2nd set is 1 or more shoulder exercises. I do front, side, and rear because everybody likes good shoulders and they're harder to build.
3rd set is 1 or more back exercises
4th set is 1 or more tricep exercises
5th set is 1 or more bicep exercises. Because easy.
Day 2 Wednesday:Lower body
1st set is 1 or more ab exercises. Because I like energy to do many ab exercises.
2nd set is 1 or more quad exercises
3rd set is 1 or more ham string exercises
4th set is 1 or more calf excercises. Because easy.
Day 3 Friday: Upper body
Day 1 week 2 Monday: Lower body
Day 2 week 2 Wed: Upper body
Day 3 week 2 Fri: Lower body
Do 1 minute sprints then rest for at least 1 minute between sprints and do 5-6 of these in a row as (HIIT) High intensity interval training. Either do these on the same day or on the days in between weight lifting days.
How to do sets:
Each set you do whatever weight you can do 12 reps of then instantly go to one weight lower and do as many as you can then instantly go another weight lower and do as many as you can, do this one more time, or more, then do what's called isotension and hold against a high weight or immovable object for at least a minute. You have now reached failure no matter what and have only done one set. A sure way to gain muscle.
This set should take roughly 5 minutes. So if you do 5 muscle groups in one day it should only take 25 minutes to finish exercising for the day. But wait... Look at the next form of this exercise and see how this may be improved.
Bare in mind that many exercises focus on many muscle groups at the same time so I plan on finding the exercises that do multiple muscle groups and listing them as the best to do to save time and may actually combine the 1st and 4th set on day 1 as a bench press or combine the 1st and 5th set on day 1 as the pectoral fly and cut the exercise time for the day in half, if you like it that way.
Form 2:
Cardio incorporated into weights: So it's even faster and easier
Day 1 week 1: Any day
1st set is 1 or more chest exercises. Because the tris and bis aren't tired yet.
2nd set is 1 or more shoulder exercises, I do front, side, and rear because everybody likes good shoulders, and they're harder to build.
3rd set is 1 or more back exercises
4th set is 1 or more tricep exercises
5th set is 1 or more bicep exercises. Because easy.
lower body next because harder...
6th set is 1 or more ab exercises. Because I like energy to do many ab exercises.
7th set is 1 or more quad exercises
8th set is 1 or more ham string exercises
9th set is 1 or more calf excercises. Because easy.
Day 2 week 1: 2-3 days later
Same thing but do different exercises for the same muscle group
Instead of bench press or pec fly do the dip.
Instead of pull downs or T-bar for back do rows,
Instead of preacher curls for the bicep do reverse preacher curls.
Instead of kick backs for the tricep do tricep rope pulldowns,
Instead of front raises do upright barbell row or chin row
and so on for lower body...
Day 1 week 2: Repeat
Day 2 week 2: Repeat
At 5 minutes per set and maybe 15 minutes of setting up equipment it should take only 1 hour a day for the minimum or 2 hours a day for a really advanced work out. Start out slow and work way up to advanced. Do as much as you can in one day, then do more the next day.
So in effect you are doing 2 days of exercise a week for maximum muscle growth without over training. And probably no chance of catabolic tissue break down if you do less than 2 sets per muscle group. Also you're combining cardio to save even more time.
How to do the sets:
Same sets as form 1 of this new exercise routine you reach failure in the same way.
But doing all the exercises at once without any break in between sets and having a drink of water only every 2 sets will get the heart rate going so this will in effect be a very good cardio work out. And you will see the sweat pouring off, so you're definitely heating up and burning calories. NO resting here!
And doing cardio on the days off will burn even more calories if you want to lose fat.
Post exercise:
Always remember after you're done exercising to drink a protein drink and creatine (with optional gluton) along with a banana, within 2 hours after exercise. This will build the muscle with the fast absorbtion protein and replenish the gluton and high glycemic carbs needed to build that muscle.
And also always remember to drink low fat milk before bed for the slow acting protein to build muscle while you sleep.
Drinking water in the morning also helps give you energy because digestion during the night uses water and dehydration makes you tired.
Also no matter what, you should research and know how to do ALL exercises in proper form for the full effect of the exercise and to never hurt yourself and not waste time in the gym. I find muscle magazines with special editions of how to work one particular muscle group are the best place for types or exercises and proper form. Just don't do their exercise plans and routines. You can read them for free at the book store and then buy the one that has the muscle group you're researching.
The only way to measure fat loss to lose exactly 1 lb of fat per week is with fat calipers. You measure body fat ratio and then subtract that from body weight to get weight of fat on body. Then you eat a high and specific amount of food per week and measure if you lost weight in that week. Then lower the calorie consumption of balanced carb and protein until you are losing 1-2 lbs of fat per week. Now you know your optimal calorie intake and your rate of metabolism.
You cannot measure how many calories you burn in a day with all the variables(it's impossible), and you also cannot measure your base metabolic rate since eating less lowers your metabolism and eating more raises it.
Eat healthy before you ever even go to the gym. Otherwise you won't ever lose fat.
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