Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Controlling gravity scientific paper

This paper is meant to show that we can create artificial gravity waves with the possibility of different frequencies being achieved also. Gravity waves could one day be used to effect space and time in our future. The hypothesis is that combining antihydrogen with hydrogen will produce an explosion from cancellation of both particles with a byproduct of radiation and gravity waves.

research Euclidean geometry, Cartesian coordinates, Newtonian mechanics, high level math, Lorentz transformation,

Gravity Defined

Understanding how to control gravity is understanding how to control time and space. We have seen in experimentation that one force has little or no impact on another force. Electrostatic fields can be blocked by conductive metals, while electromagnetic fields can be blocked by ferros metals such as iron though both have very different inductive properties as well. Neither Conductive metal nor ferros metal can interfere with the permiation of gravity though. So gravity is also a unique force. There may even be more as of yet unknown forces that I have not mentioned above. Gravity is a unique force which Einstein described in his theory of general relativity as "Space time" This can be summarized with a simple analogy as well. Current theories to describe asymmetries we see in nature from the outer edges of galaxies moving too fast, are postulated to be caused by "dark matter". But those same asymmetries can be elegantly described by another well known phenomena as well.

Space time

Space and Time as described by Einstein in his theory of general relativity, are hard for people to put together as being part of the same phenomena, or hard to grasp. But it can be easily imagined in a simple thought experiment.
Lets say you have 2 synchronized grandfather clocks. One submerged in water and the other on dry land in the open air. The grandfather clock under water would have a slower moving pendulum due to the obvious friction from the more dense water interfering with the motion of the pendulum. But the pendulum on dry land would work faster from less friction of the less dense air that the pendulum swung through. This difference in motion would have a side effect of an apparent difference in the passage of time as seen between both clock upon inspection, after both were put back beside each other on dry land again after the experiment was completed.
This is not a real difference in the passage of time but an analogy of the same theory. In the same way, the lower the gravitational potential (closer to the center of a massive object. Like on a very massive planet), the more slowly time passes.(See: Gravitational time dilation). It's also true through actual experimentation (See:) that in comparison the further you are from a center of mass, (or the higher the gravitational potential. Like in the intergalactic medium) the faster time passes.

The fabric of space is inseparable from time because as space is stretched and becomes more dense near a massive object, the movement is impeded by the density of the quanta of the fabric of space. Theoretically the quanta that space is made of are subatomic virtual particles. Magnetic lines of force have their own set of subatomic virtual particles that can only be explained mathematically, have unique properties, and can never be seen. Static electric fields have lines of force that have their own set of subatomic virtual particles that can only be explained mathematically, have unique properties, and can never be seen. But also space time itself has it's own set of quanta or virtual particles that can only be explained mathematically at this time, which have their own unique properties, and can also never be seen.

Let us call the quanta or virtual particles that comprise space, "gravity" in this example since there is no better term yet. It has been called ether but that term is not as readily acknowledged.
As for time we will call that T.

And since this is a zero sum universe as described by the law of conservation of energy(See: conservation of energy). I will Describe space as being the isolated system in this example as described by the conservation of energy isolated system. This isolated system will be a cubical section of space of your choosing. This isolated system of space is comprised of 2 energies that are interchangeable and can be transformed from one into the other. The energies being transformed in a closed system of space are "Gravity" and "time".

More specifically the higher the density of gravity, the lower the rate of time. But in comparison the lower the density of gravity the higher the rate of time.

Space, S, being the sum total of the closed system,

Gravity, G, being the density of space,

And Time, T, being the rate of time, as written

Space=Gravity density/time rate

This equation can also be written:


Using this simple equation or new law I have just described can be proven in testing. With this new theory you can predict the movements of celestial bodies by factoring in not only gravity but time dilation as well. Which current physics does not consider in any calculations. I site "dark matter theory". This theory is based on calculations made about galaxies that only involve apparent speed of galactic outer circumfrance rotations as compared to apparent predicted mass of the galaxy itself. Causing the obvious illusion that the galaxies are spinning too fast. I propose that this phenomena is easily and elegantly explained by Time dilation which we currently can not measure.

A good unit of measurement That has worked so far in history is the speed of light since the speed of light never changes. But when the light is curved by gravity it will take longer to reach somewhere than a straight line would. Which should always be factored into calculations. Also since light travels at

299 792 458 m / s

You have to be certain that due to the curvature of space time that you are measuring the same relative size of meters and the same relative pace of time.

Another standard unit of measurement is how we have a control ounce for measuring weight and that ounce of metal is locked away in a vault to be sure of measurement accuracy for all scientist on earth. We also need a control clock or time, to measure time dilation. For the ounce of metal described, that same weight if it were on the moon could be used just as well to measure the weight of objects on the moon. But when it comes to clocks, the use of a clock on earth to measure time dilation would not be the same as using that same clock on the moon to measure time dilation. So the control must be one or the other. Earth is easier so earth time will be our control clock.

We have to also take into account any measurement of gravity density or time rate the effects of surrounding sources of gravity. Any orbiting objects will definitely effect the rate of time dilation dependent on how far they are from the clock at the time of measurement due to the inverse square law of gravity. This can be tested by having an atomic clocks time rate tested as the moon is directly overhead as compared to the time rate on earth tested by another synchronized atomic clock directly on the other side of the earth at the exact same time.

Solve for Gravity density method 1: Time elapsed from 1 ounce to fall 100 meters in vacuum. Meters/second squared. This may not work because as we all know gravity and time rate change the higher in potential from the center of mass you get.

Solve for Gravity density method 2: Use a highly accurate scale on the earth to measure the weight of an ounce of metal. Use the same scale and the same ounce to measure the weight on the moon.

As we know the moon has 1/6th the gravity of earth which these experiments should confirm.

Now we need to solve for the rate of time of earth as compared to the moon. Once we have this figure then we can estimate the actual S=G/T equation.

Solve for time method 1: Have an object in orbit with an atomic clock on it. Compare that time to a control atomic clock being the time on earth. Move that same object with a clock on it to a higher orbit. Now measure the time on orbiting object as compared with time on the planet. This has to be done in a uniform gravitational field to be free of any unknown time dilation. Which means preferably above a planet with no moons like venus. Preferably also on a planet that is not in the gravitational field of a sun which we currently do not have to test.

Solve for time method 2: We know that the relative gravity never changes on the moon, or on the earth so we can have an atomic clock on the moon and a control atomic clock on the earth and compare the rates of both clocks using a laser or radio to communicate the information.

Time on the moon, for the moment we will assume as an example that, it's just a tiny, almost imperceptible amount of time rate faster, because of the less gravity. So maybe earth time=1 unit per unit, moon time rate=1.1. Or, 1.1 moon time units/ 1 earth time units.
Time rate =1/1.1

This number could now become our new time rate unit of measurement.

Now with the given figures we can solve, in this example equation.

G(1/6) x T(1.1/1 second per second)= S (of the moon)

Also any time dilation caused by motion of a object will automatically cancel out because the faster an object goes the slower it's time rate goes but that does not interfere with perceived speed as viewed from an outside stationary location of an observer. But this can be used as a unit of measurement of time rate also. Assuming that the space the object is traveling through has only 1 uniform symmetrical gravitational field. We can extrapolate that if you were to reach the time rate difference speed time dilation alone in earths atmosphere as the gravitational time dilation difference of that between earth and the moon then you would be able to ascertain that at that speed you have the same gravitational field as the moon, in terms of time dilation effect.

meters/second time rate compared to earth time =(+/-)1.1/1

moon time compared to earth time=1.1/1

Given isolated system of space is Earth as opposed to moon.

This new equation is not finished. Because we now need standard unit of measurement time. And we also need a new standard unit of measurement of gravity.

This equation is an unmeasurable number.

I don't know why I even wrote this!

But in order to have a reference as too how much time or how much gravity there is in a section of space you have to have some way of measuring it. Which requires a control to measure it by.

You can assume you can measure time with a watch. But in two different gravity fields there is no control time to always know how fast or slow the rate of time is at another place. Once you actually can control gravity this will mean that all of a sudden clocks will all become inaccurate on any vehicle or home that uses controlled gravity.Time will become irrelevant and won't be able to be used as a standard measurement unless you're on a planet where the gravity field is symmetrical and you're just estimating, or you need to get to work, or you need to be at a meeting or an event.

If you were to measure gravity you would also get into trouble if you were on a vehicle that used controlled gravity.

Time dilation effecting the perceived motion of galaxies

Dark matter theory as understood at the current time leads to some obvious problems in testing. You cannot see it. It's weakly interacting with every aspect of our universe. We don't know any of it's properties other than gravitational effects. The only reason dark matter was postulated was to explain the rotation along the edge of galaxies to be too fast for the mass of the galaxy. But gravitational effects being the cause of the visual phenomena is itself an assumption.

Control waves with wave guide like microwave waveguide emitters.

No waste heat violating one of the laws of thermodynamics.

more efficient thermionic generator

Writing scientific papers

Read review articles in scientific journals to know what problems are not solved yet.

How to write a scientific paper. IMRAD

List of scientific journals

Astrophysics journals:
Astronomy and astrophysics
Astrophysical journal

Advances in physics (reviews)5000$/year
American journal of physics (entertaining)
Journal of physics,A, B, and G(reference)
Nature physics(everything)
Physical review/ physical review letters(broad reviews of physics topics)

get these magazines for free at the library or read free ones online.

Free ones online:
Scientific American(not peer reviewed)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

How to control Gravity

If somebody told you something that nobody else on the planet knew, would you notice?

Electricity has never been shown to have any effect on gravity, or time. Neither static electric field nor electromagnetism effect gravity. Those both involve virtual particles while Gravity was described by Einstein in general relativity, to be just a warp in the fabric of space time. Neither conductive metal nor ferrous material can block gravity or a gravity wave. No shock wave can create gravitational effects because there is no motion when a gravitational wave passes by. Even though gravity waves travel at the speed of light they do not induce motion when they pass. But a high speed object can induce gravity waves and time dilation like an electron induces magnetic waves in a wire.

Space time can be imagined by the following thought experiment. If you had 2 synchronized grandfather clocks. One submerged in water and the other on dry land in the open air. The grandfather clock under water would have the pendulum move slower than the clock on dry land where the pendulum would move freely in the air. The time on the clock under water would appear to move slower than the one on dry land. In the same way more dense space around a high gravity field will make time move slower. And in less dense space where there is no gravity in the intergalactic medium the time would move faster. So space time is full of differing densities of quanta or virtual particles that effect our perception of time and space.

So how do you create a gravity wave? You could either have an extremely massive but asymmetrical object spinning fast which would generate gravity waves. This is seen in nature in pulsars, quasars, neutron stars, black holes and of course super novas. A space ship with this inside of it would be hard to achieve though. Or as in an Einstein thought experiment, "what would happen if the sun suddenly disappeared?"(This is possible by the way if you had enough antimatter) You would have a gravity wave that would take 8 minutes to reach earth. So if you create or destroy matter you will create a gravity wave.

How do you create and destroy matter? Create antimatter and destroy it with regular matter.

Create Antimatter the same way that Jupiter does with an extremely large magnetic field. Highly charged particle collisions. Hypothetically have a ship with an extremely strong magnetic field around it, powered by a nuclear reactor. Then when the solar wind hits it, The charged particle collisions will randomly create antimatter. Then use the antihydrogen to destroy regular hydrogen and you will have created gravity waves and also you'd have immense electrical energy if you utilized the heat from the matter antimatter explosions. The faster you repeat this process the higher the gravity wave frequency. That is all hypothetical and may not work right.

Another hypothetical situation is if you had a brick of element 115 and bombarded it with protons to create element 116 which would then decay back into element 115. But while it decays what would it emit? Radiation? Or would it be a bigger particle like antimatter since it would emit so much radiation it might all come out at once as a bigger particle. They do say that this element emits alpha particles upon decay, maybe an isotope would emit antimatter? They're still researching element 115 and have more tests planned for this year. Then you can annihilate hydrogen with the antimatter. This would create heat, radiation, and gravity waves. You may be able to overcome the speed of decay by increating the speed of bombardment with protons or neutrons. Or you may need to slow down the passage of time to keep it from decaying. This would be possible if it were in a intense low or high gravity field. Sort of like which came first the gravity waves or the element that creates the gravity waves.

How do we create element 115? One way is to create it with fusion between 2 elements inside of an atomic explosion. Another way is to fuse it inside of a fusion reactor if at all possible.

Most of the above is hypothetical except for the fact that creating and destroying matter and antimatter will create gravity waves, then you only have to control and direct it. I don't know how you would direct a gravity wave though, since they don't interact with any form of matter. Maybe have multiple sources of waves and have complimentary and destructive wave fronts in the places you want them.

In the end all of these things have extreme power and are extremely dangerous in every way imaginable. No human should wield this power. You need control or predictability over any being who uses this kind of power.

What's it called when the sun never attends church on Sundays? Coronal mass rejection.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Secrets of the universe

Conservation of energy: Total amount of energy in an isolated system remains constant over time. You cannot create or destroy energy but entropy does destroy...

Entropy:The second law of thermodynamics is an expression of the finding that over time, differences in temperature, pressure, and chemical potential tend to equilibrate in an isolated physical system. It explains the phenomenon of irreversibility in nature.

Both cannot exist at the same time! In reality conservation of energy should say: The net sum of the universe is 0.0 over time. And -1(+)+1 is the total amount of energy which equals 0.0???
Time on earth when compared to time on a GPS satellite flows at a separate rate. Is time real?

Matter is all only energy, E = mc2 . Is matter real?

Energy when combined with an equal and opposite charge of energy cancels out into nothing(Photons are virtual particles which live for a short time off of borrowed energy) mathematically the potential energy is gone, and so are the particles. And electric and magnetic lines of force appear and disappear as well. Heat death of the universe has been theorized to be the end of the universe based on energies canceling each other out. So how was the first potential created out of nothingness? Is everything made of nothingness?

But where you can destroy matter you can also create matter. Antiparticles are created everywhere in the universe where high-energy particle collisions take place. Like in Jupiter's magnetic field right now. Energy may also be created out of nothing. Transformers, optical amplifiers, lasers. This is in theory extra energy although entropy makes it impossible to use for useful work in a machine.

Virtual particles: The energy carried from one winding of a transformer to another, in quantum terms, is carried by virtual photons, not real photons.
Just as stars have spontaneously emission of every spectrum of radiation, and planets emit infra red radiation why can't any source of static electric fields, or magnetic energy fields, or even gravity fields themselves throughout space emit microwave radiation? Wait a minute lets look at outer space on wikipedia, it says "space" has hydrogen plasma, electromagnetic radiation, and magnetic fields and differences in gravity, wow all of the above! If this is true then the whole evidence for the big bang being background microwave radiation is false, and at the very least is an assumption, and the universe may not have had a real beginning, or end. Which is called the steady state theory invented in the 40's. Other evidence for the big bang is an imaginary 4th dimension that is causing us to expand on the outside of a balloon. Which could also be explained by black holes jetting out virtual particles back into the intergalactic medium, causing expansion between galaxies, just another optical illusion, while new galaxies are being formed all the time which are called protogalaxies made entirely of hydrogen created by high energy particle collisions. Is this any harder to believe than an imaginary balloon, or dark matter, and wimps and machos, and that we're all just made out of vibrating strings??? Well that's what leading physicists contend.
Dark matter: Our galaxies are spinning too fast!!! Just look to the above example of time moving at a different pace between the earth and it's GPS satellites, now replace in your mind the outside edge of the galaxy with GPS satellites. By the way less gravity also may effect time, oh wait a second, looky here I just happened to find another article proving this exact thing called gravitational time dilation! An example of scientists seeing another optical illusion and making assumptions.
Atheist bumper sticker idea: The universe is all just a mathematical equation. Do you think math gives a crap whether you live or die.
I just was thinking after writing this why if this is actual reality that we have people researching the wrong things. Well if you tell a lie enough it becomes reality! The scientists only get funding for what the government will fund and the government only funds certain things. So we have lots of money going to pseudoscience and no money going towards actual science.

They obviously don't want us in space. Why? Who knows? We can go to the moon and beyond in an instant with modern technology and off the shelf components. Do you know how much of the population are space enthusiasts??? But 100% of our leaders are against space???
Remember Bush saying to the moon mars and beyond? Well the fine print was withing 30 years. Which was all part of the plan because the next president could cancel it all when he got elected in 4 years. So why is it that you can reverse the space decision a president makes but after Nixon did crooked things and got kicked out, nothing he ever did was ever reversed? Duped again by the lying, cheating, and stealing politicians. Constellation canceled.

Nasa Engineers proposed a new rocket that could go to the moon and even work better than the shuttle out of off the shelf parts but The higher ups rejected it for a more expensive new research and development program which was then canceled by Obama. Cheaper faster better rocket rejected for bureaucracy.

Submarines in space should be the new mission. Build a moon base that manufactures reactors for space ships. The space ships designed like submarines. Then get to Jupiter and mine antimatter, then go anywhere with infinite power. This will never happen unless we get rid of every single politician in America, and replace them with the people who care and who do all of the actual work. Business owners, engineers, real scientists, visionaries, doers not talkers. Which will never happen ever.