Thursday, July 1, 2010

Wild Plants Drugstore

Wild plants used for medicine or food or to make you live longer. Studies have shown that when eating fruits and vegetables and exercising and eating fish you live longer.

Acorn tree: Boil the acorn to remove the bitter flavor.

Black moss: can be eaten and has a licorice flavor

Black ash: Hit the log with a sledge hammer, or make baskets with thin pieces.

Burdock root: Is edible and can be soaked if you don't like the flavor.

Cedar tree bark: can be pealed off and used for matts or cordage.

Chicory: is totally edible in many ways and is also endives if grown in a dark place after cutting the leaves off.

Camassia or wild hyacinth: has a very tasty bulb that can be boiled or dried and made into flour. only collect when it's flowering so that you can tell it apart from the deadly death camas that looks very similar.

Devils club: can be used to make tea, only can be harvested for a very short time of the year when the new leaf buds are 1-2in. long.

Dogbane: used for cordage.

Elderberry: The branch can be used for making a friction fire with a notched wood underneith.

Inulin: Can be found in many plants(dandelion, onion, garlic, huckelberry, blueberries, camas, chicory root) this can regulate blood sugar for diabetes.

Lactuca(wild lettuce): Not fuzzy. Boil if bitter

Milk weed: All edible but mild is mildly toxic, boil in water to get rid of the milk, several changes of water. flowers can be eaten also if boiled briefly. Fibers of stem can be used for cordage. The hairs can be used as insulation such as in pillows, or in cracks in log cabin. The sap can remove warts. And can cure poison ivy warts

Mint: Square stems,, leaves in opposite pairs, can use leaves for teas, or as herb for flavoring.

Mulberry tree: The purple fruit is edible green is halucinagin

Nettle: Used for cordage

Pine tree: Needles Can be used to make tea, or eaten raw for moisture and 8 times more vitamin c than oranges. sap is also edible but highly concentrated and should be eaten sparingly. Also sap can be used as a coal extender for fire making. when mixed with char coal you make pitch and can heat that up and it's a glue. And if you boil sap and distill it you then have turpentine. Sugar pine cones while still in tree have small pine nuts inside of them that are edible.

Plantain or plantagos or "white mans foot": Thin striped leaf. Can have a wide leaf or a thin leaf can suck out poison from wound and is antiseptic, and is actually also called golden thread because it can swell up a would to close it off and stop the bleading.

Plantain wide leaf is

Red/white clover: 3 small leaves, dried you can make flower out of them or boil and eat.

Sassafras: Root can be used to make tea but may cause liver damage over time. Is a cure for gonorrhea.

Sow thistle(wild lettuce): Not fuzzy. Not bitter, and edible when young, boil if bitter

Sugar Maple tree: Can tap to get maple syrup, yum! Seeds in all maple trees are edible if you boil them to remove the bitter flavor. Or to make a coffee.

Sweet fern: Edible, can make smudge to drive insects away.


Stay away from:

Poison hemlock.: White flower clusters

poison ivy: leaves of three, the inside of fern leaves can be rubbed on warts made from poison ivy. You can also use milk weed sap to do the same thing.

Poison oak

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