Saturday, July 24, 2010

How to never be found

We all secretly dream of being off the grid either a desert island tropical paradise or the mountains or just anywhere, but what if you were forced someday to survive or become an outlaw because you were fighting for a just cause against a tyrannical dictator. Most other countries don't even have the right to bear arms which is the last line of defense against oppression of the people.

So here's how to be outside the system or above the system or just plane be an outlaw.

  1. Get a gun: Steal it from somebody so that no one can ever trace it to you, but don't worry, whatever you use it for it won't get the owner into too much trouble since they'd always have an alibi. When you're not using the gun hide it that way no one ever knows it's in your possession.
  2. Make your get away: No one can fly, unless they have a helicopter. Even then you have to have armed men in the helicopter to pose any threat. You would have a major advantage over almost anyone in a chase. So get a motorized paraglider. They cost about as much as a car so save up or sell your stuff on ebay to afford it. And make your escape to where no one can get to you unless by air.
  3. Have a secret hide out: Everyone needs to sleep, so get a place that no one can find in the middle of the woods or on top of a mountain that no one can get to unless they had a helicopter, even then you could out gun or out maneuver them and just find another hide out.
  4. Money: If you want to really survive and do well you need some kind of money to fund any operation. You could waste away all by yourself and live like an animal or you could fight. The best place to steal money is from criminals or drug dealers, just case the joint before hand. The security is low, there's no way to go to jail for it, and some have a lot of stuff. This is a good way to get a car if it isn't stolen before hand because they can't report it to the police anyway. And just in case have a magnetic fake license plate for any covert ops.
  5. Bury treasure: The laws of nature allow you to easily hide things from other people. Just bury it 2 feet below the surface almost anywhere and no one will ever find it in a million years. This is best with precious metals because they always have value even on the black market if the regular market won't allow it. The best places to unload stolen merchandise are craigslist or ebay. Or just sell it as scrap gold or silver.
  6. If all else fails: Lets say you have multiple life sentences and have everyone in the world after you, or powerful enemies are threatening you or your family. Fake your own death. It's actually pretty simple go out on a boat and never come back or leave the boat behind and now you're essentially dead. Or pull a D.B. Cooper the most infamous disappearance ever. The only problem is you need to live off of cash for the rest of your life, so you'd better have lots of it, or a way to make it. Never get a bank account and never get loans and never get a job and never see family again. That's your new life, and that's why this is a last resort.
  7. In the end never lose hope there's always a way out! If needed.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Death count

I think that if I were a world leader and knew that population was increasing you would need to get rid of people over time so that the world wouldn't totally collapse as an inevitability in the future. This is a certainty given enough time.

So why are we in Afganistan? Why are we in Iraq? The wars we fight go on forever with no point and no end in site. We could easilly just nuke the places or could have done it in the past and gotten all wars over with a long time ago but I don't think that's the point. I think that a perfectly good method of population control is war! You get these kids while they're young and stupid and keep them from having kids. by just letting them kill themselves against the other side. The other side probably likes the idea of war too for money and populations control.

If there are less people but the same amount of resources then everybody is richer. Also all the good looking, stupid, men in the prime of their life are getting knocked off probably just so that us smart guys will have good looking women and everyone will be smarter in the end. A sort of natural selection.

We all feel so good to give our lives for our country and to celebrate those that are lost. All so that these kids have a chance at going to college because their parents were too poor for that. Well the army has certainly been able to put a price on life, right down to the penny.

Some people may be pro life, but without death there would be no life, in the bible it says that death was brought into the world by the original sin as punishment for sinning. But without death we wouldn't have evolution and there would be no cycle of life and certainly not sex which would be pointless to making new immortal generations.

There have been movies about "death lotteries" and things to curb the growth of population but with war you never have to know that you're part of the lottery.

So I say if they aren't already using war as population control then they will be using it for that in the not too distant future. Because some things are an inevitability.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Contrary to what you may think...

All recent "disasters" can be summed up as human's fault entirely or humans mistakes.

  • Hurricane Katrina: May have been a powerful storm but it was known for quite some time that the levies at New Orleans were sub standard and needed to be made better. Just money was tight and the local government didn't want to fix what hadn't broken yet.
  • The earthquake disaster in Haiti was just shabby construction that didn't take into consideration the local fault line. Like playing Russian roulette with buildings, eventually a big enough earthquake will test the architecture.
  • The 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake in Los Angeles where the iconic image of the bridge collapse was. Well that image of where the bridge collapsed was on top of land fill area. and when seismic wave travel through loosely packed sandy ground the wave travels faster and more densely, hence a super active wave over top of land fill areas. So another man made catastrophe. Watch the end of this physics lecture and he'll tell exactly how this happened.
  • And last but definitely not least is oil spills in general. The Exxon Valdez, and the gulf of Mexico oil gusher which may never end and we don't know how to fix. These are entirely human made disasters of gigantic proportions, almost as bad as a nuclear bomb in the lasting effects after it happens. Yes we may need oil but these are disasters and they are human made.
  • So with our own self made catastrophes who needs mother nature to kill us anymore.
Jobs are not a good thing. They say "We created thousands of new jobs" But whenever anyone says that I think it's a bad thing and feel regretful. Why? Well it may just be the free market but, a job is something that pays you the bare minimum it can pay you so that you're boss can keep most of the money you earned for him for free. Yes you may become a manager if you're lucky and like stress and responsibility but even that won't make you rich. It will only make you the upper middle class at best and even then you could lose your job.

So if you want to get rich a job is not the way, if you want to keep you head above water to keep from drowning then yes a job is right for you.

It used to be that people could feed and shelter themselves without a job. But now we need our parents or bosses or big government to take care of us and feed and shelter us because we're so codependent that we could never survive with out our parental figures in society. That's why I recently heard a new term on the radio just the other day describing just this. "The Childrenification of America". We now apparently need everything done for us because none of us is an adult and can fend for ourselves. So the gov. is stepping in and taking over everything because we can't do it ourselves.

Not to mention everything the president says is exactly the opposite of what he does.

I for one want to now do what everybody says I shouldn't do, because apparently "it's opposite day", and everything every body says is wrong and the opposite is true. So since everybody says you shouldn't go to Alaska then I'm saying that it must be a pretty good place. It's probably actually a paradise since everybody says it's so cold you'll die and so depressing you'll kill yourself. But that great news! Since everything is "contrary to what you may think! "

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Wild Plants Drugstore

Wild plants used for medicine or food or to make you live longer. Studies have shown that when eating fruits and vegetables and exercising and eating fish you live longer.

Acorn tree: Boil the acorn to remove the bitter flavor.

Black moss: can be eaten and has a licorice flavor

Black ash: Hit the log with a sledge hammer, or make baskets with thin pieces.

Burdock root: Is edible and can be soaked if you don't like the flavor.

Cedar tree bark: can be pealed off and used for matts or cordage.

Chicory: is totally edible in many ways and is also endives if grown in a dark place after cutting the leaves off.

Camassia or wild hyacinth: has a very tasty bulb that can be boiled or dried and made into flour. only collect when it's flowering so that you can tell it apart from the deadly death camas that looks very similar.

Devils club: can be used to make tea, only can be harvested for a very short time of the year when the new leaf buds are 1-2in. long.

Dogbane: used for cordage.

Elderberry: The branch can be used for making a friction fire with a notched wood underneith.

Inulin: Can be found in many plants(dandelion, onion, garlic, huckelberry, blueberries, camas, chicory root) this can regulate blood sugar for diabetes.

Lactuca(wild lettuce): Not fuzzy. Boil if bitter

Milk weed: All edible but mild is mildly toxic, boil in water to get rid of the milk, several changes of water. flowers can be eaten also if boiled briefly. Fibers of stem can be used for cordage. The hairs can be used as insulation such as in pillows, or in cracks in log cabin. The sap can remove warts. And can cure poison ivy warts

Mint: Square stems,, leaves in opposite pairs, can use leaves for teas, or as herb for flavoring.

Mulberry tree: The purple fruit is edible green is halucinagin

Nettle: Used for cordage

Pine tree: Needles Can be used to make tea, or eaten raw for moisture and 8 times more vitamin c than oranges. sap is also edible but highly concentrated and should be eaten sparingly. Also sap can be used as a coal extender for fire making. when mixed with char coal you make pitch and can heat that up and it's a glue. And if you boil sap and distill it you then have turpentine. Sugar pine cones while still in tree have small pine nuts inside of them that are edible.

Plantain or plantagos or "white mans foot": Thin striped leaf. Can have a wide leaf or a thin leaf can suck out poison from wound and is antiseptic, and is actually also called golden thread because it can swell up a would to close it off and stop the bleading.

Plantain wide leaf is

Red/white clover: 3 small leaves, dried you can make flower out of them or boil and eat.

Sassafras: Root can be used to make tea but may cause liver damage over time. Is a cure for gonorrhea.

Sow thistle(wild lettuce): Not fuzzy. Not bitter, and edible when young, boil if bitter

Sugar Maple tree: Can tap to get maple syrup, yum! Seeds in all maple trees are edible if you boil them to remove the bitter flavor. Or to make a coffee.

Sweet fern: Edible, can make smudge to drive insects away.


Stay away from:

Poison hemlock.: White flower clusters

poison ivy: leaves of three, the inside of fern leaves can be rubbed on warts made from poison ivy. You can also use milk weed sap to do the same thing.

Poison oak