Friday, December 11, 2009

Metaphysics: Ultimate Reality

The universe is whatever you make it.

Or "Reality is whatever you make it"

All physical laws are able to be broken and everything is possible if you have the know how and the infrastructure to do it.

You can live forever if you can cure your human diseases, preferably before birth.

You can alter time, gravity, space, physical properties, all if you just have enough energy.

Infinite free energy is possible as is proven by fusion and lasers not to mention things we humans haven't thought of yet. (neutron encapsulated antimatter)

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Storehouse barter population

Clear your mind and think beyond the society you grew up in. This is a totally new way of looking at life.

So basically there is a store house that has all items that we use. The stockpiles should be kept at a optimum level by replacing items as they are used. When an item breaks you get a new one and it is replaced. These items are made by us when we get the call to go to work. Everybody in this society works the same 4 hours a week or so(this is a wild guess). If you can't even work 4 hours a week then there's something wrong with you, and you should live elsewhere. That means that this society is broken up into segments of the population that carry out different functions of society. All of the figures below are guesses of the actual percentages of the population that would be used.

2 way radios to know when to go to work. (5% of population to make radios and direct workers when to work) The only reason to use this over cell phones is that cell phones aren't free yet.

All fresh fruits and veggies grown in automated hydroponics greenhouse. Meats are caught in the quantity needed and eaten or smoked. All food is then placed in a communal eating auditorium.( 5% of population to make).

Water comes from a rain catch

No trash is made

Have solar pasteurizing toilets

Only 2 wheeled vehicles so that there are never bad accidents or insurance. (15% of population for fixing and making)

LED lighting. (1% of population to build)

Solar energy, not much is needed.(2% of population to build/install)

Housing are stone structures with wood roofs. (10% of population to build and repair)

Medical(50% of population for schooling, all doctors jobs, technology, and care of the facilities)

Have a police/army force(5% of population) that is controlled by top decision makers proven to have good critical thinking skills in their field of expertise(5 people or so)

School is the same way as now more or less. (3% of population)

Entertainment is the same thing we have now. (1% of population to make)

Internet is unneeded. Except for reading what I've written here.

The only thing I haven't figured out is washer/dryer, and showers.

Now there's no more crime, and no more hurry to get anywhere, and we can all have vacations for most of the year. Have fun sleeping in every day!

Please vote positively if you think this has any chance in this universe of working. But if you disagree please write a comment explaining why these ideas don't work so that future readers can weigh that new information when voting.