Friday, November 27, 2009

Fight or flight response

I was watching birds today fly away from humans. Yet they don't fly away from each other. Nor do they fly away from other non threatening animals such as cows and will stand right next to them without fear.

I presume they have learned over time that cows are not threatening and humans are threatening. And the only logical course of action against a threat is to run away when it gets close to you. So they'll eat our food and garbage off the ground but will avoid getting too close because we are a threat.

This got me thinking that we should be doing the same thing the birds are. We're being bullied and threatened by other humans all the time and are paying bills to people we don't even know. I just got a bill from my phone company 3 months after canceling service.

So I don't want to be around other humans anymore because I like to think that I've learned that they're a threat. So even though humans used to work cooperatively and build things peacefully together in early America, it's not that way anymore and it's now eat or be eaten. So wake up and smell the coffee. Humans are now more of a threat than ever and we should not trust anyone, and just live by ourselves in peace.

Unless you aren't even as smart as a bird, or are so trapped that you can't leave.

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