Saturday, October 3, 2009

Increasing the Bottom Line

To increase the bottom line with minimum expenditures and high profit based on percentages, companies do promotions that don't add any value to a product but they still produce more money than usual for the company. This is the bottom line increase that they were looking for without actually producing any actual product. Here are some examples of this theory:

  • The only place you can buy Reese's Fastbreaks is at convenience stores at high prices. And the only place you can find the special tastier holiday variety of Reese's peanut butter cups is during a holiday. Not to mention it only costs less than a penny to produce one peanut butter cup.
  • Contests Like subway scrabble and McDonalds Monopoly
  • Limited edition video games
  • Variant edition comics
  • Just putting the word collectible on an item, like star wars toys.
  • Making a limited run of an item. Limited to only millions.
  • Coupons? That means I don't have to over pay for the item like usual. Wow that's a good deal!

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