Saturday, October 24, 2009

How to live out of your car

I was at work today and saw a guy in the back of the parking lot getting into a sleeping bag and getting ready to read a good book in his small car with out of state license plate.

What he was doing was living on the road. Following the sun and he was here in the south during the winter.

If you're worried about privacy just buy those cheap window tinting sheets of plastic that you buy at the auto parts stores.

There are no laws against sleeping in the back of the parking lot. Even people that beg for money can only be asked to leave. And most of the time they don't even enforce that. And as long as you're not parked illegally you'll never get in trouble by staying there over night. The worst they could ever do is tell you to "move along". And even if you break a law the only time they will catch you is once out of 100 times you commit it. So it might just be worth the 250$ ticket that one time. This is how rich people driving corvettes always get to park up front in the handy capped spots illegally. They're just willing to pay the $250 ticket when it eventually happens. Also why not just skip paying all of your bills and just skip town and have bad credit for 7 years, because you don't even need good credit to get loans on cars and other things. And who wants to buy a house in this economy, especially if you're living out of your car now.

What you need in your car: Jumper cables, A battery jump start box. A spare battery to replace a bad battery*, Spare tire, Tire iron, tire jack, Hand crank flashlight, emergency cell phone(as long as there's a signal), GPS, anywhere anytime roadside assistance**
*You can run electrinics and heat off of the battery untl it runs dead then just jump start it with the jump box.
**There are always warning signs before the car breaks down. Just know the warning signs and be prepaired to get it repaired before it actually does break down.

This is a great way to save money on rent. If you have a piece of land somewhere you can do the same thing as the parking lot. There should be no need to worry about breaking laws there either unless you live in a crowded area and people complain or you're in a state with strict laws.

You can do this out of any car or van or truck or motor home. The only vehicle this won't work with is a motor cycle obviously. Although the motorcycle and moped are the only form of vehicle in some countries. In a perfect society you may have only motorcycles and mopeds because no insurance is needed and little gas is used and there are less fatal accidents and traffic.

But for now if you have a car and you just lost your job and apartment then this is a perfectly viable plan "B".

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