Saturday, May 2, 2009

New house production method

This is a method for a structure anywhere where there is dirt.

First dig an under ground chamber, then gather clay from that dirt by separating clay and sand by mixing dirt with water, in a pit, until a mud slurry and then leaving to dry for the smallest clay particles to settle on the top.

Then on the interior of this underground chamber, you will put one solid unbroken strand of steel wool along the walls of the chamber. This may be done in sections. Then you will put a layer of clay over the steel wool.

Now hook up a high amperage power source like a car battery to both ends of the steel wool making sure that none of the steel wool is exposed to air, therefore not oxidizing and burning away.

And the final product of this is a ceramic wall that is water proof and structural. The more energy going through the wires the hotter the wires will get.

An alternative method of doing the same thing is put lots and lots of already burning hot coals into the underground chamber and then sealing in all of the heat by sealing off the chamber. The more coals put in, and the smaller the chamber, the hotter the temperature will get and the better the clay will turn into ceramic.

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