Tuesday, January 29, 2008

An Actual Utopia

This is the best that I could extrapolate from the Project Serpo account and my own experience combined. This can also serve as a benchmark for your own life to know when your lifestyle is as good as it is going to get. And there's no need to worry anymore about improving your life. So that you can then relax and do nothing but watch the rest of the world go by, if you want.

  • Communication: Use a zero attenuation communicator, or just cell phone for now, pay for it with an interest earning account.
  • Vegetables/ Fruit: Would be digested completely, which is more efficient. And are grown in a greenhouse with water from a natural source. Such as, pond, underground water, desalinated water, stream or river. And if there is a winter you use grow lights, indoors, in a greenhouse. Eat them fresh in order to eliminate the need for a refrigerator(unless the outside is a natural refrigerator). And always have some grown with grow lights for year long fresh food.
  • Meat: Catch and then put them in a smoker all day, to eliminate the need for a refrigerator. And tastes good.
  • Sweets and baked goods: Just buy them, and milk, and cheese.
  • Water: Either use a natural or artificial aquifer. Or you filter coarse material and then fine material /or just a slow sand filter the water that you found without any toxic chemicals in it/ then chlorinate/ then wait 3 days for the chlorine to evaporate/ then drink, or use it to clean things. Keep in a debris free container. ( Maybe: Put the freshly chlorinated water into a gallon water jug and let it air out for a few days until there is no smell or taste of chlorine and then put the cap on and store it). Make an artificial pond or rain catch if there is no original water source available.(just wait, for around a year, for it to fill up fully based on the pond's size). Look to (This link) for how to make an easy water distiller. Or use electrically generated Ozone bubbler to disinfect already filtered water.
  • Cooking: In the "Project Serpo" account they didn't cook because they were vegetarians. So eat lots of fruits and veggies to not need to cook, and for meat have an outside coal or wood burning BBQ, or just a fire pit that let burn down into coals, and have a cast iron grill over it. And have coals around a closed cast iron container, to make an oven. And for pot's and pans, you can just rinse all of the bits of dirt off of them with water, or scrape off the dirt in the same way as you clean BBQ grills. And it's also possible to sanitize the pans over the fire. Due to the fact that at certain temperatures no organisms can survive. Mad cow disease proteins, being an exception to that rule though.
  • Refrigeration: Fresh plants, or fresh caught meat, may be unneeded, if you smoke your meat and have year round crops in a green house with grow lights, and can make ice or ice cream on demand. But if it is needed, then just use the conventional versions. Or other options include Thermoacoustic or sterling engine powered cooling. But definitely attach a solar panel to a fridge or air conditioner for the infinite energy usage needed.
  • Silverware/Implements/Plates/Cups: Use hands if only eating fruits and vegetables, or Wash utensils by hand in soapy/ chlorinated water. And they are all made of metal, or plastic, or Pirex.
  • Trash: Don't make plastic trash, and compost the rest in a safe place(You need to have a good: carbon(brown)/nitrogen(green)/water ratio, to not have smell)
  • Energy: Use an electron pump of some kind which uses a natural physical law that is passive. Such as the closed energy device made out of encapsulated antimatter, wind energy, wave energy, hydroelectric, solar electric, thermoelectric, etc.
  • Travel:Is using a vehicle powered by a closed energy device, or 70% efficient multi junction solar cells(See: Rushed lifestyle). Ideally you would want an easy to operate helicopter as a vehicle. Or until that technology becomes available, use Super Capacitor powered electric vehicle(See: A holy grail stock; for "cityzenn" in 2009). Also that needs electric stations everywhere. Even though you still have to pay taxes and insurance. Another good fuel option is biodiesel if you can make it yourself cheaply. Also use Global positioning system(GPS) for perfect navigation anywhere in the world.
  • House Construction: Is made in the same way as described on my House design section. This way if you need a bigger house you just build onto it and you don't pay taxes if the house isn't assigned a value, and is easy to build and almost free to build. And it is all made of biodegradable or inert materials( stick, or metal mesh frame/polyurethane foam which is inert/ adobe/ plaster/cement). And it can also be easily demolished if society objects to your house.
  • Toilet: Is a bucket of all biodegradable chemicals, such as chlorine, which evaporates over about 3 days and make sure of no debris of any kind in the water before chlorinate. And also maybe add or replace it with fluorine or fluoride( Follow the links to research all of this on Wikipedia to know the facts). And some CLR septic system acid(biodegradable). And after the bad bacteria are dead the waste is dumped somewhere safe and buried to decompose naturally. That is if you even want it that complicated. (research: chemical toilets/chemistry)
  • Lighting: LED replacement tubes for a florescent lighting fixture. 4/09/08 Now they only cost 25$ at certain online sites. OLED lighting is on the horizon at least by 2011.
  • Wiring: Is built into the walls, and is just extension cords. Or a project serpo closed energy device in the house itself. Not available in stores !
  • Heating and Cooling: For heating have an electric space heater, and polyurithane foam insulation under the adobe. Have air flow when needed. For cooling have solid state thermo electric A/C. Or have thick adobe for heat retention, to not heat up fast during day. Or wear a wet shirt that evaporates.LATER ADDED: If you can put molten metal in a sand form and not get heat conducted through that, then that's how good adobe also is at it's heat retentiveness(slowness to heat or cool). It's not magic, which the insulation producing industry leads you to believe, which sells you less effective insulation at higher prices.
  • Shower: We're dirty animals because of sweat and other stuff . May use soap and water and a rag. Or use "Handi-Wipes" or "Moist Towelettes" which are just alcohol soaked towelettes. So instead of paying too much just soak a rag in alcohol. (But if it turns out that alcohol dehydrogenase causes toxic effects from the absorbing of alcohol through the skin, then you may just use a rag of warm soapy water)LATER ADDED: It shouldn't effect you by using such tiny amounts of alcohol on your skin, especially if you can drink a shot glass of ethanol and be fine. Also for washing your hair you still need to use shampoo, dollar store brand is the same chemical formula as other unless you need a medicated brand.
  • Clothes: Are made of water resistant materials such as acrylic or nylon. And you wash with the equivalents of moist towelettes. And the clothes are supported by flat wooden forms while being washed. The alcohol is an antibacterial solvent, and the dirt is taken off by rag, and scrubbing, and a lemon scent removes any other odors, but if there ever is a mildew smell(tere shouldn't be) then wash in chlorine. The water resistant materials usually don't stain. And the alcohol and the shirt dry instantly.LATER ADDED: "Nomex" is a fire proof clothing, made of a type of nylon, used in racing and may also double as a good water resistant material for easy washing. But I don't know if it's comfortable. If you have to worry about that then you've got bigger problems to solve than wardrobe.
  • Furniture/Bed : Are inflatables for their insulating, cushioning, and light weight, attributes. And also you only collect dust mites on natural fabrics(like cotton), and inflatables being synthetic plastics therefore require less cleaning of dust and are portable and if you have a leak you just patch it with good duct tape or glue. And if you want added comfort you just put cloth cushions over it.
  • Alcohol: Is made by fermenting sugars(It's free to find rotting fruit), and the yeast may already be contained in the rotting fruit. And then by heating that fermented alcohol with impurities mixture,it will evaporate into a connected container, you will now get new distilled alcohol(ethanol) in that second container which was connected by hose. Or use the distiller shown here.
  • Time: Was not kept in the project Serpo story because no one was ever in a hurry to get places. But as humans time is kept by a quartz crystal watch, if you have 3 of them, that's called triple redundancy to never loose the time if one of the batteries dies. So that you can replace the battery and resynchronize that one later.
  • Medical: Cure the disease at it source with genetic manipulation, which is the final logical step of any civilizations long battle with disease, when it's finally socially accepted as reality. But until we confront the inefficiencies of the medical system, we have insurance to use for medical coverage.
  • Government/Jobs: One theory is : In reality, being a doctor is just as hard as working at McD's, except for the labor being more skilled. And we can all only work 8 hour days in America, and the only difference between the 2 jobs is job training, and money needed to go to college. So in the theoretical perfect world becoming a doctor would be on the job training or less hours to work as a doctor due to the time spent going to school. Meaning that if everyone worked the same amount at what they liked to do or had an incentive to do(such as less hours being a garbage man) then differently numbered parts of the population could be sectioned off into work forces assigned to certain tasks in society based on the difficulty of that task or complexity of it and the numbers needed for that certain task(More people or a bigger section of population would be assigned to do "medical" because it is so complex with technology and training and research, and has so many people to cure of stuff). Sort of like how an ant colony functions. In this way complex medical devices are made like an ant colony, and new medical procedures are developed by one section of the population. And used to treat anybody with an illness by another differently sized section of the population. And if you don't agree to live by the rules of a society then I guess you don't get to be in the society at all and have to live elsewhere. So the incentive to work would be the utopian standard of living. But with this new society the actual labor involved is minimal and most of your time is spent trying to find something fun to do with your free time. And building caring relationships with other humans who are not competing with you anymore.
  • LATER ADDED:A second theory is: Another form of government or way of working for utopia is "hunter gatherer egalitarianism"(Not the socialism version but the Native American version). In which you trade stuff with people in your tribe and out of your tribe and you help each other out so that they will help you out later. Unless you want to be self reliant, and have enough valuables for it to be possible. And different tribes may have different factories that produce a trade item. And each factory has a different size of workforce and size of town. And police/military combined are used to protect. And no taxes, because you get together in a group project to create whatever infrastructure used communally. And people get into the job that they want to do, because there is always room in large populations. Due to the law of large numbers. Although you may have to move to your job site.
  • LATER ADDED: An added theory that may prove to be absolutely true is: The only reason to stand up for an ideal of liking or disliking something, is when you're trying to improve your lifestyle in some way. But when you reach utopia there is no more progressing possible other than unneeded super sciences. So therefor if there is no need to complain anymore, to improve living conditions. And the source of all arguments is extreme likes and dislikes clashing. Then because of no more likes and dislikes, no more arguments will ever be able arise again. So in your homemade utopia, only incorporate people into it that don't have extreme likes and dislikes. To see common sense facts supporting this (See: Source of all disputes)Also see: Utopia now ; for more on how a utopia economic structure would work. Once we confront facts, then there are only one sided arguments. But for now we will keep having 2 sided arguments and 2 sided wars, instead of 1 sided arguements that never even become big wars.
  • Population: Supposedly the planet will not be too densely populated for centuries because of the large amounts of land that are still available. It's just the centers of cities that will become too expensive for families.
You are living on an oasis planet out of infinite planets and it is the here and now paradise that you have made using the universal laws of physics, to survive and enjoy surviving. It's not a prison when you know what's out there and still choose to stay here.
When you know for a fact that there is no way that you can improve your life, then you can finally relax and enjoy the simple things, and occupy your mind with only good thoughts, because you now have a working system with no chance of system failure, or problems, to worry about.

Friday, January 11, 2008

New house design: 01/11/08: (Updated 3 times)

This design is now outdated. Look to the new design at This link.
This is the new design that uses a chicken wire mesh structure of the thickness needed to support the adobe. The chicken wire can be found at "home depot". The structure shouldn't collapse if the adobe is thick, because of thickness to circumference ratio. and there may be bowing at the sides which should be reinforced with rebar at the edge of the dome, bent to be an angle.
But the adobe is applied in one thin layer at a time. And when one layer has dried, the next is then added and the preceding layer will have added to the strength of the structure, becoming even sturdier than the chicken wire alone, and support more and more applications of adobe later on.
Any wires or windows that you want are embedded in the walls as you build.
The soil separation pit: Is where you separate the clay from the sand of the existing soil and it's extremely easy. What you do is dig a small pit and fill with watter then mix in some of your existing soil really well, and when the mud slurry settles and dries out in a day or 2, the sand will have settled to the bottom and at the very top is where all of the clay (or tiniest particles) will have settled.
Now you can mix the adobe solution of the portion of sand(50%)/ clay(33%) and if you want, add a binder material(15%)(which is not necessarily needed) which is outlined on "wikipedia" under "adobe". But for the binder material I plan on incorporating plastic chicken wire mesh on top of each coating of adobe, before it dries. Several layers of adobe should be enough to support it's own weight and not be breakable by human force(1 ft thick)
Then over top of everything is just a water proof coating to protect the adobe from the weather. Adobe turns into mud when wet so need a 100% acrylic paint(the best all around weather paint) or something similar, to put over it.
And if you need better insulation for colder climates you just put a coat of expanding polyurithane foam on the inside of the house walls. Which is completely nontoxic, and cheap, and easy.
And if there is not enough water on your property to make a mud puddle or a water source that can supply your household needs, then you just need to make an artificial pond at a low point on your property, and it will fill with water over the course of time(about a year unless it's a big pond).
If you need drinking water then you can use a good filter(liken slow sand filter) to filter the pond water and put chlorine in it and then wait 3 days for the chlorine to evaporate and you will be able to drink it. As long as it was kept clean after the chlorine application and it doesn't still taste like chlorine. This is what some municipal water supplies do. To filter it just use a home made "slow sand filter".
LATER ADDED: It seems at this time that this technology is good for many more reasons which are...
  • It can be assembled and disassembled by 1 person because you can apply the adobe one hand full at a time. And can be disassembled by easily removing the water proof coating and then letting the rain wash it off of the wire mesh.
  • A foundation may not be needed, if the function of the foundation is to: Not let the house settle(which may not be needed and happens anyways in wood structures/compact the ground with water and vibrating the soil w/a machine or compressing it by stepping on: A.K.A. "rammed earth") ; And to protect from moisture (which will not get in when you extend the waterproof coating beyond the edge of house) ; And to keep the structure above from spreading(which will not happen if you put wood posts in the ground within the walls). may also have a metal mesh foundation if that somehow helps in any way.
  • Adobe with a water proof coating can be almost as strong as concrete and you don't even need a jackhammer to remove it.
  • Don't need pipes if you have a chemical toilet bucket or an outhouse and bury the sanitized waste, and fresh water is in it's own container having been sterilized by the chlorine and filtering.
  • All pots/pans/plates/cups/utensils are washed by hand with soap- or are sprayed with water and sanitized over the fire.
  • Wires are just extension cords built into the walls before sealing in with adobe
  • Windows are for air flow and so are small portals that can be closed and it will have 2 doorways for if you decide to add on a new wing onto the house later.
  • There is no need for complicated roof construction that will need to constantly be replaced or fixed.
  • The light is supplied by an "LED replacement bulb" for a florescent light fixture.
  • The house also acts as a "Faraday cage" because of the wire mesh. So it can protect against lightning.