Saturday, August 5, 2017

The illuminati took down my facebook page

The illuminati just took down facebook.

facebook asked me for my name, I wanted to use Proton Man because there is a definite difference in how many people look at my page based on that name and it's memorable and inspiring. But they were forcing me to use my full real name which I didn't want to do because it's not as good. It's actually the illuminati which controls facebook apparently who I am currently fighting with because they are evil and deserve to get taken down and should have been taken down a long time ago, and so basically they are going to lose and they know it, so they're fucking up everything because they know they're going to asshole island, and will be in fights with criminals and the illiminati will get their faces punched in.

Apparently also we are all making a move into having personal TV stations for every person in the world and it will be used as a type of bitcoin type of thing to where everybody can make money off of themselves just based on how popular they are, which is merit based popularity and merit based monetary value. So hopefully this change will actually help me get better connected to people and actually become successful at something in some kind of way that is solid, practical and real instead of just theoretical and not real like it's been this whole time.

So I don't use facebook anymore.

You can now find all of my posts at:


Monday, February 17, 2014


It's easy to spot spies. They have Smart phones that have neurotransmitter listening devices built in and scroll the input in text. they even have listening devices for their ears that are hard to spot. The good guys have the ability to cut off that text and audio every once in a while. The good guys don't need neurotransmitter decoders, we can just talk to each other face to face and know in the end that everyone is good. By 6 degrees of separation we can find friends of friends who are trustworthy and relay even more info through them. It will take time and a lot of empathy and caring to rehab people with dysfunctional brains but it will work. In the end we will find out that everybody on earth is friends and that evil never even existed.

Friday, February 14, 2014

I Have No Clue...

In the end I have no idea if anything I do is helping or if it's just one giant facade in the face of a giant game of death??? I can hope the world will get better and all I do is good things but for the life of me I am totally compartmentalized so everybody in this town probably has no idea what's going on. And in the end I might be a chaotic tool for darkness instead of light. I really don't know.

More bullshit...

Hi I'm back. Ok back up to do some more bullshit because the shit storm is only just starting!

One of my notebooks has been replaced by a copy that was handwritten by a robot. It looks exactly like my writing but they got a few things wrong.

-Secrecy is not evil. It's a tool to be used for either good or evil.
-There are no half lives to most deadly chemicals that are heavier than air. You just have to get to higher ground to not be subjected to them
-they got the names of people wrong
-dry air system to prevent bacteria not cooling.
-I also got my piss screening papers for some reason.
-Other than that they gave a suggestion for diet and exercise but they forget that you have to have mental prepairedness as well as physical prepairedness.

Friday, February 7, 2014

I Have Nothing to Say to Anybody

I have nothing to say to anybody.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

How the World Works in a Nutshell!

Short, Short, Short Version:

Rich vs. Poor, Enlightenment vs. Secrecy, Love vs. Hate.

Short, Short Version:

Banks: Want to financially enslave you
Big Businesses: Want to put you into wage slavery
Government: Wants to make you a tax slave
Eugenicists: Want to kill you

Rebels: Want to save the world
The Moral Majority: Don't know anything and keep the economy turning.

"If you control the dialogue, you control the people"
  • Control the science and technology people know and use in the dialogue, 
  • Control the words in the dialogue, 
  • Control the emotions and ethics in the dialogue, 
  • Control the means of communication in the dialogue, 
  • Control the thinking ability in the dialogue.

Short Version:

The banks and businesses have colluded since the 70's during stagflation with government and business policies to take away the public's income slowly over time and take away food stamps and benefits and retirement and savings so that they would turn to credit and go into debt to become debt slaves. This is what Lincoln was fighting and he lost when he tried to introduce the greenback and was shot. Then Kennedy tried to do the same thing and was shot too when the banks and corrupt government then took over and introduced the credit card while creating a loss of jobs and high inflation and high income taxes while keeping wages down and prices high creating stagflation. If they used "Supply side economics" to lower taxes and raised wages they'd solve the problem but instead promote the false concept of "Keynesian economics" to fool everybody even scientists into letting them put the country into debt.
And Big Business is just in collusion with the banks and want to slowly lower peoples pay and benefits for higher profit and wage slavery, putting the employees also into debt.
The eventuality of this is when food prices reach 40% of income it has been shown statistically that this is when the people of a given country revolt. This would lead to a civil war and the military industrial complex would make money off of the sale of weapons while bankers would make money off of the government bonds enslaving the people while the eugenicists would get their way of having lots of people die.
The Eugenecists promote the worship as Satan as their means to the end of killing off certain groups of people and depopulating the entire planet for the soul purpose of creating a "master race" who is not genetically superior in any way but only has a smaller more controllable prison population.
The Evil Feudalistic Monarchical forces of the "Cabal" have also introduced many ways of controlling the dialogue of the human race. Religions which make people have morals so that they don't kill the rich people, it's also all easily translated in multiple ways. They have introduced rap into popular culture to make hate speech cool to introduce dualism and animosity. They have covered up technology that would easily save the world that is over 100 years old. They use cunning and deceit to get people to do things for them. They fake evidence and use the court to commit crime and get away with it. They control the media and control celebrities and what they say. And they have unlimited information and contain the entirety of human knowledge and can spy on anything anyone in the world does.
The one thing they may or may not have considered though is that their actions create an effect in the same way as in Newton's 3rd law "every action has an equal and opposite reaction". So their own antagonism causes a reaction in the moral or just antagonized populations of the world when they realize the truth which leads to retaliation against all of the antagonizing parties.
In the end if the human race had one great mortal enemy such as aliens it would unite the entire human race in making a unified moral decision to work together and solve their problems once and for all.
We have that enemy NOW in the "Cabal" and evil alien "Archon" presence which may or may not be real. They are doing exactly what the planet actually needs to unite and will ultimately lead to the Cabal's destruction. As long as the truth actually gets out to the people.
Truth of course being fast a loose these days. It's all about the end result. And as the Illuminati like to say "We can do anything, the ends justify the means"

But there's still the possibility that we will al die horribly and the entire planet and the future of the human race will be destroyed beyond repair.