How the world should be run
The following starts as an idea of things to come then goes into what's wrong with the world, and finally concludes with, how the world should be run.
Things to come:
Tv is the most powerful multimedia device ever invented yet we never have even thought to use it as an education device. It would be free education and the best and improvable and able to be edited.
College should not be subsidised which actually instead of making it cheaper somehow makes it more expensive.
What's wrong with the world:
As a society our education has been sliding downhill. The people of the depression knew tons and could take care of themselves without money and had skills in every field, then the next generation had it easier and started living high on the hog in the good post war economy and now the modern generation X knows hardly anything from having almost everything done for them and also lack of good education or ability to afford it. and the next generation has it even worse to the point that lots of people I know are saying that they would not want to bring kids into the current world that we're in.
The world has been getting worse because we've been discovering more math and science in how to control people and things. Ever since they spelled out the laws of probability in the 1600's things started going down hill because that was the beginning of being able to control people without them even knowing it. The stock market, the elections, the casinos, and almost everything runs off of math and probability and is ruining your life and you don't even know it!
Whenever things change it always turns out for the worse because the math always changes for the worse. In the old days we got time and a half on sundays, now just a dollar extra an hour. In the old days we got percentage raises. Now not only just fixed rate rases which means after 20 years you'll still only get a 40 cent raise on $15 an hour. But the raises have gone from 60 cents an hour down to 40 cents an hour max. And instead of having full time. Now nobody hires full time and you have to work 2 jobs and get 2 incomes to make ends meet(this was all caused by government regulations). It used to be only the man worked and only needed one income. Now women started working and you needed 2 incomes to stay afloat. Now we both need 2 jobs so we need 4 incomes to stay afloat. And don't get me started on how corrupt pensions are and how they never work because of that and are one of the worst business ideas ever.
If you look at the math if you have a phone a simple little electronic device you keep in your pocket to talk to people. Well you'll be paying for it the rest of your life by your monthly phone bill. That math makes absolutely no sense to me and shouldn't for a such a simple small item that all it really is is a 2 way radio.
They did the math on how much it costs to own a car from maintenance and gas and payments and insurance and accidents and distance driven and time taken and everything and found out that it actually cost about the same amount in hours worked at a job as the time taken to walk at a pace of 3 miles an hour. Which sort of means that working to own a car is actually pointless.
That's not the only problem, our fiat currency is just a ticking time bomb. That's actually the definition of any currency is...ticking time bomb because they're made to hyper inflate over time and that is their function so some day and it IS inevitable, the dollar WILL fail no matter what.
They say that inflation is on average 3 percent a year, but what is inflation? All that inflation is is the government printing money. If you have more dollars but the same amount of goods and services then that's called inflation. It's a tax on you and everyone else that you don't even know about. It's a tax on everything. Almost as bad as a sir tax which is a tax on a tax. And the funniest thing I've heard lately is that in may of 2012 you'll have to pay $5 a month just to own money from bank of America customers. Even writing a check costs the money of the check itself. Supposedly the banks only make money off of fees and charges and gimmicks now because they're not alowed to make money off of loaning people money anymore because of the new extreme regulations put on them and inflicted by the government all because of the housing market crash. Just like they over regulated airlines because of terrorists. But the ironic thing is they the government caused the housing crash themselves by giving out zero percent finance deals to bad deals that couldn't afford the houses down payment or the house itself to begin with. Which makes you wonder if everything is set up sometimes.
I can prove that it is set up sometimes because remember the tomato crisis of a couple years ago of the ecoli contaminated tomatoes. They actually never were contaminated to begin with which they found out after the entire tomatoe industry was totally obliterated. So when those farms went out of business somebody bought them. And it wasn't you or me. they come out with these new food crisis' a few times every year this year it was strawberries earlier and now a little known cantelope disease that killed about 5 people altogether who had allergies. So some of those companies will go under and be taken over for no reason. Talk about making a mountain out of a mole hill. I actually have termed it accidental crime. Causing actual damage and suffering on accident and then taking back what you said later. Like that second 100 mile long oil slick that was in the gulf that never actually existed.
I know for a fact that you and I are smarter and better than ever person in power living today for one simple reason. That they are after power. I am of the mind set that why would you want complete and total control over something that is worthless. Sure you have TV and a mansion and a helicopter. But why not have better technology and explore space and devolop teleportation or hyper thinking or brain downloads or holodecks or even just live in a nice world with actual friends and nice people???? Why rule over something that has no value and stay in the dark ages. If you actually have a brain and see what is possible and how we are the most successful and intelligent and awesome species in the known universe and to waste that by keeping people from actually being human, then you've got to be completely mentally retarded to want power. That's how I know I'm above them, or that they have an alterior motive that may not even be their own.
Laissez faire or leave us alone is true on many levels. First of all in capitalism when there is no impedance then people will thrive. If all businesses had no overhead then technically all businesses would be profitable. So no taxes or regulation or law would make an economy the best ever. But also on another level I believe leaving people alone to their own devices they thrive as people, because it's natural for you and I if we can do whatever we want whenever we want to improve our own lives and to learn new things. So we will build on our own lives instead of doing absolutely nothing and being bored. So I content that people who do whatever they want to all the time are actually on average a lot smarter than people who have a job they don't like that takes up all of their time. This would also be true in how to raise a child, because you can force a kid to take violin lessons but that doesn't mean they'll be good at it. So support what they like and let them wander off and explore and they'll most likely become a genius at whatever they like most.
I was at a museum and saw some old flasks and cosmetic containers form B.C. era and saw theat the types of glass and craftsmanship were some of the best I'd ever seen even in modern times because back then people were craftsman and had to be the best of the best to be able to sell their product. Also back then there was less supply and more demand and when you were the only one with that craft in a small town then you'd definitely get paid for your work. But now, first of all nobody crafts anymore or knows anything. The craftiest person I've seen lately can make badges out of bottle caps and a magnet(who cares)???? But now there is also less demand and over supply an also a world of competitors when selling online to have to be better than in price or quality. Also there are hardly any jobs these days either so people will take the crappiest lowest paying jobs and be happy with it. So we both have no money to buy things anymore and the market is flooded and also the highest competition ever in our inficities, the cities that go on forever with infinite businesses selling the same thing.
How the world should be run:
Have a communicator that only pay for once. It's called a radio and can be directional to not lose signal strength.
Have education on TV for free and have it all college level and 100% accurate since that's possible with editing.
Do not tax or regulate or even have government for that matter if at all possible like the Amish Mennonites.
There is no stealing if you make your own stuff and everybody has the same stuff like the Amish.
Let people do whatever they want as kids and adults, and have a craft so that you don't work crappy jobs all day long everyday because of the overloaded market and low demand. Let people own land and own all of their "own stuff".
Have gold or other metal as currency, not paper.
Know reality and how to take care of yourself even without a job like the great depression.
Don't have baby food and clothes so high that the biggest expense in life is a baby. you should be able to have kids without it ruining future finances. All other animals can. The man should have the only income again and be able to decide where to move because of need for his talents in a town. And the woman can take care of the kids.
Have fruit and nut trees everywhere for free food if needed. Maybe Johnny apple seed had a good idea after all.
Have space and don't have high traffic in dense cities. Everybody has less stress when they don't get pissed off waiting 5 minutes to make a turn onto a street at a 4 way stop because of traffic.
Do not have your life on the internet or pay an internet bill or have to also pay for a working computer just to stay afloat online. This should be a secondary part of life and cost nothing, not primary and be a bill forever.
Have small towns so that first of all your services are in demand, second you ride a bike and don't need a car or car insurance or gas or license or registration, or have to pay tickets, and third more space and less stress, and forth owning land to grow food on to not need a store, and fifth the man decides to move to a town that needs his skills with the wife tagging along without a job.
With less work to do because you get paid more and are in demand then you also get more time and don't have an over crowded schedule, and have time to learn more at your skill and be the best around. Not many appointments and not much to think about except what want to.
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