Tuesday, March 10, 2009

New Life

If my stock is worth something by the end of the year then I will move onto a boat and live for free on the water for a year or 2 until the stock is worth even more by 2012. Because if it's real it's predicted that the company will have billions in revenue by 2012 even though it's a penny stock now.
This way I don't have to work and I also don't have any bills living on the water so my social security income should cover it all and maybe I'd even be saving up money. I was never good around people anyway, so I might as well have fun.
What you need to start a new life:
  • google android phone for most of calls when within range of a wifi signal. And for road side emergency calls where there is no wifi have a go phone or pay as you go phone with prepaid phone card. this is so cheap that it's a practically free phone.
  • Wifi reception LED indicator pen.
  • Gps(for boat)
  • Wireless weather forecaster(for boat).
  • Mobile internet.
  • Good TV with HDMI that hook up to computer for free cable.
  • Find a good computer guy and have him show you how to use "the piratebay" or "watchtvsitcoms" or "film hill" without getting viruses and also have them show you how to make backup files of everything and how to use the reboot disc to get rid of future viruses yourself.
  • Have an emergency fund of around 4,000$ just in case you need to buy a new car or something else.
  • Have insurance on your boat in case it capsises in a storm somehow, so that you can buy a brand new boat someday and not have to worryabout how your boat home will be paid for under such an event.

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