Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Final Word On Diet And Exercise

My new job has me walking all day long, and because I've been to the gym I know that 30 minutes walking on the treadmill burns 150 calories. which when calculated out is 300 calories an hour and 2400 calories in 8 hours. And my diet is usually around 1500 calories a day more or less. And since I've been working I've lost 10 lbs every month.
But I still go to the gym or home and lift weights, because when you don't go to the gym you become lethargic or tired, the reason is because you're muscles start to atrophy and loose muscle mass and strength. So for me when I go to the gym I have more energy because my muscles are not in atrophy.
Also I'm now getting into doing 1000 reps a day of a weight level because this way your building endurance and stamina muscles instead of quick twitch and powerful muscle fibers. I'm doing this because I don't want to have to wait 3 days between exercises of recovery time, so I'm building stamina muscles, and also I can do these small weight high rep exercises at home easier. And also I've reached a plateau(in other words I hit the wall) that I can't get past with the low rep high weight exercises. And hopefully there will be no plateau from high rep exercises.
So pretty much conclusively the simple equation to loosing weight is: Burn more calories per day than you consume. Some people burn more calories naturally by having a higher metabolism and would therefore not have to exercise as much.
So instead of buying a treadmill you should get a job that you spend all day exercising at.
But be prepared for mood swings because you are changing you're entire body chemistry and along with chemical changes come emotional changes.
Also only skinny people can do long distance running because no matter how strong you are, if you way as much as 2 people you won't be able to run very far. It's simple physics.
Also the theory behind liquid diets is that you absorb less calories from a liquid food rather than a solid food because liquid food is composed mostly of water which has no calories.

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