Thursday, November 1, 2007

Super Camp Stove

Have regular ceramic range top(which is tungsten covered with a ceramic to not oxidize) that is connected to a potentiometer ( or in other words variable resistor) and then you need a high flow rate battery such as a nanotube-lithium-ion battery(from"" if it works) or a supercapacitor. For the reason of being able to pump extremely large amounts of energy through the wire without over heating the power source, which is what would happen to a conventional battery.
And to charge the battery you need a reliable power source that will be sufficient to charge the battery on the worst day that the power source would have.
Power source options are:
  • Solar- It works less on cloudy days but still works if you have a big enough panel or a full spectrum absorbtion panel(which may or may not be available some day- these were used on the Mars landers).
  • Solar heated chimney with DC duct fan generator- Is just an invention of mine that is a black colored heat conductive pipe surrounded by glass to collect heat. And cold air comes in through the bottom of pipe and is heated as it rises with turns the blades of the fan to produce energy. And works on cloudy days and absorbs only heat rays.
Benefits of Super Camp Stove:
  • You can produce you're own fuel for it and live indefinitely outdoors.
  • It can work at any temperature by using the potentiometer and having a good kind of battery that doesn't overheat.
  • It will never break.
  • Is easy to clean.
  • Is compact in size.

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