Friday, March 29, 2013

Why is Cannabis Illegal?

Theory: Marajuana was outlawed as a public relations effort to make way for the nylon industry, the wood pulp industry and to a lesser linkable extent the tobacco industry, securing their holdings, at the expense of the hemp industry, into perpetuity.

We all know by now that cannabis is basically harmless. So why is it outlawed. Well here's some investigative reporting.

Gateway drug theory

 Studies have shown that tobacco smoking is a better predictor of concurrent illicit hard drug use than smoking cannabis.[47]


Dr. Jack E. Henningfield of NIDA ranked the relative addictiveness of 6 substances (cannabis, caffeine, cocaine, alcohol, heroin and nicotine). Cannabis ranked least addictive, with caffeine the second least addictive and nicotine the most addictive.[37]

"As 1933 witnessed ratification of the treaty by thirty-one additional nations, so may 1935 witness the adoption of the uniform drug act by at least thirty-one more states, thereby placing interstate accord abre for the promotion of the welfare of our people and the peoples of other lands."
ast of international accord, to the honor of the legislative bodies of our States and
 The decision of the United States Congress to pass the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 was based on hearings and reports.[35][36] In 1936 the Federal Bureau of Narcotics (FBN) noticed an increase of reports of people smoking marijuana, which further increased in 1937. The Bureau drafted a legislative plan for Congress, seeking a new law and the head of the FBN, Harry J. Anslinger, ran a campaign against marijuana.[37][38] Newspaper mogul William Randolph Hearst's empire of newspapers began publishing what is known as "yellow journalism", demonizing the cannabis plant and putting emphasis on connections between cannabis and violent crime.[39] Several scholars argue that the goal was to destroy the hemp industry,[40][41][42] largely as an effort of Hearst, Andrew Mellon and the Du Pont family.[40][42] They argue that with the invention of the decorticator hemp became a very cheap substitute for the paper pulp that was used in the newspaper industry.[40][43] They also believe that Hearst felt that this was a threat to his extensive timber holdings. Mellon was Secretary of the Treasury and the wealthiest man in America and had invested heavily in nylon, DuPont's new synthetic fiber, and considered its success to depend on its replacement of the traditional resource, hemp.[40][44][45][46][47][48][49][50] According to other researchers there were other things than hemp more important for DuPont in the mid-1930s: to finish the product (nylon) before its German competitors, to start plants for nylon with much larger capacity, etc.[51]
 Some of his critics allege that Anslinger and the campaign against marijuana had a hidden agenda, DuPont petrochemical interests and William Randolph Hearst together created the highly sensational anti-marijuana campaign to eliminate hemp as an industrial competitor. Indeed, Anslinger did not himself consider marijuana a serious threat to American society until in the fourth year of his tenure (1934), at which point an anti-marijuana campaign, aimed at alarming the public, became his primary focus as part of the government's broader push to outlaw all drugs.[11] Members of the League of Nations had already implemented restrictions for marijuana in the beginning of the 1930s and restrictions started in many states in U.S years before Anslinger was appointed. Both president Franklin D. Roosevelt and his Attorney General publicly supported this development in 1935.[11][12]
Around 1931 advertising started for hemp as the new billion dollar crop because of a decorticator working miracles on the hemp crop and taking the amount of time to harvest an acre of hemp down to 1–1.5 hours when 2 hours was the best time they could get harvesting cotton. But this could not change the fact that is it is only the outer part of a hemp stem, about 25% of the stem, that contains long usable fibers. New technology has not created growing billion dollar industries in countries where it is legal to harvest hemp.[13][14] See also Hemp#Paper.

 "An entire family was murdered by a youthful addict in Florida. When officers arrived at the home, they found the youth staggering about in a human slaughterhouse. With an axe he had killed his father, mother, two brothers, and a sister. He seemed to be in a daze… He had no recollection of having committed the multiple crime. The officers knew him ordinarily as a sane, rather quiet young man; now he was pitifully crazed. They sought the reason. The boy said that he had been in the habit of smoking something which youthful friends called “muggles,” a childish name for marijuana."[15]
“By the tons it is coming into this country — the deadly, dreadful poison that racks and tears not only the body, but the very heart and soul of every human being who once becomes a slave to it in any of its cruel and devastating forms…. Marihuana is a short cut to the insane asylum. Smoke marihuana cigarettes for a month and what was once your brain will be nothing but a storehouse of horrid specters. Hasheesh makes a murderer who kills for the love of killing out of the mildest mannered man who ever laughed at the idea that any habit could ever get him….”
 Anslinger hoped to orchestrate a nationwide dragnet of jazz musicians and kept a file called 'Marijuana and Musicians'.[20]

 "The reason there is violence in underground markets, is because they are underground, people can't resolve disputes in underground markets with lawyers, with advertising, with courts, they need some other mechanism to resolve their disputes and that actual thing is violence"
Jeffrey Miron, Ph.D. Harvard economist and author

Basically the war on drugs is the cause of crime.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Better News/Info Sources

For a clearer picture it's best to get all sides of the story.

When the normal news sources feed us information that is useless, incomplete or news with a spin. Here are some different perspectives, some by journalists that were laid off in the main stream, and got new jobs doing investigative public relations reporting. "Public relations" being the same thing as "Propaganda".

Public relations reporting:

Public relations reporting:

Blacked out information and far out theories, which is the good stuff:

Leaked classified information:

Fashion and social News in person from around the world

Sources of Money, Energy and Health

The major non-consumable resources in life are shelter, bed, tools, devices, etc.
The major consumable resources in life are, electricity, money, and health.

To live a life of independence it would be wise to find sources of these consumable resources.

Source of Energy
Source of Money
Source of Health

If you were to build your own house and live off of your own ingenuity you may only want a source of energy to make life a little easier. But still you would need at least a little money to buy quality devices for that house to heat it and light it and entertain.

So the most all around useful thing to have is money because it can buy energy or anything else ever needed in life.

But all of that is meaningless without good health. You need good health to enjoy life and for it to be worth living. There is nothing preventing us from living forever, we just haven't discovered how yet. But maybe it has already been discovered how and the information has been blacked out. It would be wise to research this topic and it's info or lack thereof, for the sake of intellectual advancement, if not a fountain of youth.

 Things known to exist(some theoretical)

  • Sources of Energy:  Atomic batteries, rectified background radiation(vacuum energy), water power, wind power, solar power, geothermal power, Combination of these with Tesla coil,
  • Source of Money: Buy wholesale and sell retail, Arbitrager, Certificate of deposit, Copyright royalties, manufacturing, intellectual property(patents), Sell yourself(Youtube,Tesla)

  • Sources of Health: Chemical found in red wine, Cannibus, Psychic healing, Radiation baths in japan, outlawed medicinal plants, camu camu fruit, non carsinogenic environments, omega 3 fatty acid rich diet,