Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Politicians are only religious so that they can get the popular vote.

All religions are a cult. A cult by any other name would still just be a cult. Even if it's a very big cult like islam or christianity it's still just a cult.

Did you hear about the lost eleventh commandment that was lots for thousands of years until now. The actual 11th commandment says "keep thy own religion to thyself".

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Kids animals and simplicity

Why do we as adults like or admire kids and animals? Maybe we like caring for things that are in need of our help and we like feeling responsible and helping things grow and survive and even thrive under our supervision. Or we just like making things happy. Not to say that kids and animals don't also want both a mother figure and father figure in there lives also, and that it's mutual.

Well some say, kids and animals won't judge you, or they have nice personalities, they are harmless and fun and imaginative and are fun to watch play. Something of unsoiled and unaffected by the trash and let down of life yet. Here are some more admirable qualities of kids.

  • Kids actually have an imagination and know how to play.
  • They know how to have fun and kids below the age of 7 smile a higher percentage of the time than adults.
  • They can be entertained cheaply and are low maintenance. Bread and birds will suffice or even just a play ground.
  • They have more friends and aren't judgmental.
  • So yes when kids say "I'm better than you" they're actually right!

So what is it? I think that for kids they just haven't yet learned how to judge a book by it's cover. That's higher level learning that's learned in high school from the cool kids. You automatically become an outcast if you don't judge a book by its cover. But even if a little kid does judge a book by it's cover, at least they're honest and they tell you straight to your face like by saying "I hate you" Or "you're fat", Or "Your breath smells".

As for animals we all admire simplicity and simpler things in life and living a stress free life which are all qualities animals have. I like to site the giraffe who lives an entire life with all the food and water it needs just in the trees it eats. It's got very few enemies and can easily defend itself. Birds can fly we all want to fly and they do it with dignity and grace when we'd just be a bunch of howling monkeys in the air ourselves.

The goal in life is fun, not knowledge, which both kids and animals haven't forgotten yet.

What if we were all honest like kids? That would be nice if people couldn't lie about committing a crime or hating you or being uncomfortable around you or actually being interested in talking to you. You'd need some kind of mind reading machine in order to achieve that. It will happen some day since we all have thoughts and only need to be able to see them, and at that point there will never be crime anymore and everyone will be trustworthy. But that's in another eon.

So why do we like simplicity and perfection as seen in animals and kids and design and physical law? I heard once that is the natural course of scientific and technological development is to simplify and get rid of less perfect parts or functions that get in the way, and that things get simpler and more streamlined and lighter and more efficient as time progresses. So when we see something and say "That looks futuristic" It's usually because it's simple and uncluttered and perfect. Even Einstein believed in a simple and elegant universe. And that when we finally discovered the grand unified laws of physics that it would be extremely simple and elegant just like E=MC2. To scientists it's almost a religious experience to look at and understand a simple equation and is like looking at god even though we scientist do not believe in god, and equations work just as good at summoning up the feeling of joy as church and the bible did for C.S. Lewis as he would write about in his books on religion and how he described it. We may hope but we don't blindly believe.

I personally think that there will always be unknowns. Especially in a universe with infinite macro and infinite micro and infinite time frame. But we will always be discovering more about the universe over time and getting a more clear picture with new technologies. Like mind reading or, new types of photographs that don't use light or, use of newly discovered forces, physical laws, or principles, or effects. There's lots still left to discover about superconductivity and super fluidity and electron spin pairs for communication, and even meta materials that have superior qualities to normal mater and molecules, which always cause controversy when they appear to break the laws of physics. We still haven't even described gravity in any useful way. Even production of Electricity, we have only scratched the surface of.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Playing the Game

Playing the game is playing by other peoples rules and doing what they say. You are not an adult and are not allowed to make your own decisions. You are not in control and have no freedom.

You go to work and at the end of the month 45% of what you make goes to the man in taxes. If you work at walmart then you're boss makes a profit off of you by paying you minimum wage. Then when you shop for food at walmart your boss makes money off of you again by making a profit on the sale of the food. Then you pay taxes again when you buy anything. Then the rest of your money goes to housing and cable, internet, phone, car, insurance, utilities, leaving you almost nothing to ever save up and make a future out of. So you've just given every bit of your money to someone else and have nothing to show for your years of work. Just to live and survive you work forever without every getting a break or ever having a better lifestyle or more money.

They have you right where they want you.

Also the old concept of retirement in itself has many flaws. Okay so at the end of your life you spend your crappy years sitting on your money living on a lower class budget and doing absolutely nothing until you die. Wow! Is this actually what you want? First of all it doesn't even work financially. By the time you save up 1.5 -2.2 million which is what you need to retire on these days, the inflation will totally annihilate your savings in no time. "Oh, but I'll have it in an investment earning interest" you say? Is your money safe? look at all the people that lost there 401k's in the last stock crash. Are there actual good investments? Definitely not stocks if they fluctuate and can go under. And definitely not bonds if the bonds are not honored by the company or even our defunct government. And your bank will be using your money more then you'll be using it. Have you ever done that and is it possible? And more importantly, Even if it's possible now, think of 50 years from now will the same things be possible? Sounds like speculation to me.

We are living in a new time and we need to lead a new lifestyle. We should actually be taking retirement multiple times during our good years hopefully every year or 2. Save up money and live in another cheaper country for a year on the beach drinking tropical drinks and having butlers. Or work for a while to save up money and take a road trip for a year. Or get on a boat and live that way for a year. Of course you need some job that pays good so be sure to get one that pays twice or 3 times as much as you spend. Become a manager, run your own business. I'll talk about this in another chapter.

So what's the solution? DON'T PLAY THE GAME. You have to bend the rules or work outside of them or around them. This has also been called "walking the line". Playing by the rules only gives other people power and control over you. They tell you what to do and if you don't do it you get in trouble. Wouldn't it be nice to be the guy making the rules?

One way of not playing the game is to be your own boss and make your own business but still you'll be paying taxes and following regulations.

Another way is to be the man. Become a politician or rule maker or part of politics but even then you'd still have other people to answer to and you'd have to do what they say.

Yet another way is much simpler, just move to a small town. When you don't live in the city there are less rules less hassle and people have less control over your life. You also have less stress and there are nicer people. You also have more room for growth potential opportunities and less competition. And there's less per capita crime and less pollution, and less accidents from fewer people on the road. Do I need to go on? If you are smart you will move out to a small town in the middle of no where right this second pack your bags and leave. But none of us are actually smart.

A funny thing about psychology. If you've ever lived in a small town and also in a city you can relate and have experienced this and know what I'm talking about. But an interesting thing that would always happen on my drive out from Seattle to the small town of Stanwood WA is that the whole mood would change on the drive out, and it would feel like a huge weight was being lifted off your shoulder. This of course was purely psychological, and your brain just knew that you were going to a better place. You can tell it's psychological because if it's your first time going to a small town, then you don't get that feeling. It's only when you know the town well.

You may ask, "Why is it that small towns have friendlier people and more relaxed atmosphere?" My own personal theory is that everyone knows everyone. When you know everyone and how they act and their names and their families and jobs and so on, and what to expect. Then you actually talk to them and want to know them. Also people depend on eachother more in the country so they need to work together. In the city there are so many people that there's no way you will know them all so people don't care to know you, or even be nice to you, and it spreads and grows until everyone is afraid and paranoid of everyone else and assumptions take over every bit of gossip and news and people start to be uncomfortable talking to anyone because they've been hurt so many times. So I believe that when everyone knows everyone then there is less paranoia and fear and things become relaxed and since people start being nice to you, you become nice to them.

The way the world works

other titles:

I know more than you

all talk show hosts are stupid!

Rush limba, oreily, glenn beck are all wrong!

Talk show hosts have no independent thoughts, I do!

talk show hosts say what they're supposed to say. I can say what they can't.

Truth, common sense, logic, and facts!

The facts never change so this book may never change.

What rush limba and glenn beck won't tell you.


Playing the game/retirement doesn't work

Since the beginning of time/They do it on purpose/capitalism socialism/Knowledge, imagination and hands

advertising/ charities/organizations/public school

winning and jobs/ learning and capitalism/

kids and animals and simplicity

religion/ meaning of life

the world is good and the future

Friday, February 11, 2011

The shit will never hit the fan

Since the beginning of history we have had the working clas and the merchant class. The lower class and the upper class. The rich and the poor. The ones that used their hands and the ones that used their heads. Whatever you want to call it. It's been this way since the beginning of time without changing and will never change unless the rich someday get free stuff from something other than the poor.

Socialism can't exist without capitalism because you need to work and produce things and money in order to be able to give them away to other people for free or by force. Anyone who has studied world history knows this has always been the case. And the people at the top know that they need us at the bottom in order to survive that's why they have always had debt forgiveness and bankruptcy since the beginning of time, to keep you paying for their existance after they forgive it. Capitalism and socialism have always gone hand in hand and always will and will never separate.

They say if only the president were a business man then we'd have someone do a good job. Or if only the politicians had ever been in a business they'd know how to do it. But really they are good business men. They know the numbers and they know that if they don't balance the budget they gain more money and power. They know by over taxing and ruining the economy they gain more money and power. So it's really because they're so smart and good business men that they choose to purposefully do a bad accounting job and act like they aren't thinking. If you could rob a bank and get away with it you probably would too.

No matter what never go to war, you're only changing the face and the same policies will always exist and things will still never change so why risk your life. Everyone in the soviet union is still around that lived in the USSR they have just changed leaders. So if you're smart stay out of the way and remember that world events are completely unimportant even if they say they are they're wrong. Rush Limba is a prime example of someone who just doesn't get it even though he is still the smartest person on the radio. He thinks his show is the most important thing in existence when the irony is that it's actually the least important thing in existence. READ HISTORY.

The future.... The upper class ones in power can't survive without the working class they will always want us around even if a dictator ruled the world he'd still want us to make inventions for him and work for him to make him live like a king and so even then it would still be the same and people would still do the same things. Power changes hands and people change but the rules and the way we play the game never changes. Money will turn to electronic so the dollar won't fail. America will remain on top because socialism won't take over so that they can keep making money off of us and stay in power. We'll keep on inventing until one day we have free energy free food free housing free work done by robots free transportation. Then the world will finally change, and we will finally change the game, humans will finally evolve. For now though try not to play the game.

Look forward to the first fusion test this year!