Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Free or Fast Schooling for Favorite Job

Okay This section is for capitalists, not socialists. Invest your time and money in profitable activities and build knowledge and wealth over the years and keep it all for yourself and don't let anyone else have it. People don't realize it but learning is actually just like work and pure capitalism and only socialists don't like learning or working for their futures. Knowledge pays dividends and actually just a little information can make you a lot of money and can be extremely easy to learn and perform. It's called research and development and putting 2 and 2 together, and using your imagination. Our brains are always learning and never stop. Yes they're always forgetting also, but at least what you remember is the important stuff, and when you know everything on a subject it all of a sudden becomes extremely simple and you only have to really know a few things to know all of the important stuff.

Also we should all practice entrepreneurship which was originally defined as investing your extra time and money into something of greater profit or value. That is why I always work 2 or more jobs instead of 1, 40 hour a week job. Because then you're not stuck in that job with no chance of change until you get fired and instead have time freed up to do other more profitable and most importantly more fun activities. So I invest at least half my time and extra money into entrepreneurial endeavors on a weekly basis. Every day I have goals and try to attain those goals and measure progress with measurable results and write down the results. Then I anillize the written figures after trial periods to make sure my new projects are working or not. If not at least you have stories to tell and you can say "been there, done that".

Quick career option ideas:

master blackbelt in multi martial arts takes 3 years become a teacher

Or become a boxer or ultimate fighter

Or become a professional bodybuilder which actually takes 8 years or more. But is an easy job and fun and you are healthy and look good. And then take up modeling if your lucky enough to have a face, good skin, style, and personality. This actually doesn't require as much muscle or knowledge so is easier.

paragliding lessons for fun. 2 lessons and up in air no gas needed, become a teacher.

Take flying lessons in a airplane by going to an airfield and saying "I want to learn to fly" They then say Here's the key and let you be the copilot that day and the next few days you can actually be the pilot. Then buy your own plane on payment plan and give flying lessons.

On that note if you're going to buy your own plane why not just buy a really big truck on a payment plan, and start your own moving company and since they charge over 500$ for one trip, you could probably find some way of making a profit out of that especially if the truck got payed off. At least beating the competition for a few bucks to get all the business.

The way to become a successful plumber or electrician or contractor or landscaper is to find some way of knowing the quotes of all the other competitors when some government agency is looking for a contractor. Then since you know the bids of all the other competitors you put your bid just a little under their bids and the government agency will hire you and if you do a good job they will keep hiring you forever. This actually happened to a friend of a friend that was a plumber in New York, and that person is now a multi-millionaire.

work for chevy dealer and take their free schooling as employee and then you are certified to repair ford chevy and one other type of car from any era and make it last for at least 200,000 miles and have all your friends want to pay you to fix their cars because you're the only good mechanic around and you can also freestyle alongside the road by helping stalled cars on the side of the road to do a quick fix and make an instant 100$

Learn poker by first doing 1-2$ no limit against bad players and doing solid strategy (ABC Poker at loose tables) and at least by not loosing much money over time or even winning money over time you are learning poker basics and instinct and later move onto high stakes or tournaments with winnings. Loose players who are always calling or bluffing are the ATM's of the cash game poker world.

Play or compose music or become a producer and make electronic music. first have a jingle. The better the jingle the better the song then do the jingle in different instuments or sounds and improvise around the notes and add a catchy and original beat, and at the end add a second even better jingle and second or third beat, as the pay off to the whole song. Now if you have skill and are already good with music and know all the electronic gear and it sounds professional,, then you now have a top hit. Now just sell it in digital form online no need to leave your living room and no need to make a CD or record or even go to concerts or being DJ unless wanted. The only creative part is the 5-10 second jingles. And I like progressive songs better than repetitious songs myself but that's just my taste.

Make one of my working inventions like portable wood stove, or laser flashlight, or easy camping rope holder, and sell them on ebay.

Make one of a kind items that require research and knowledge to make that is a copy of a rare item( t-rex skull, maltese falcon, rare toy) remake it perfectly out of clay sculpy kit and then make plaster mold then make resin master copy then have it bronzed or make another mold for another material. Sell them one at a time or even multiple different items at a time little by little over time like disney films.

Be a personal trainer in a weekend course, but then you're just a salesman and they may work off of commission and it helps to look like a personal trainer. This is fact, this is how it works.

Or other weekend courses like being a massage girl at a casino.

If you are a girl then I'd lose weight and work at a casino as a drink girl. The tips are great and get to pay your way through college. No need to do anything obscene with your body.

Or become a dealer at the casino which is a very highly paid job.

Write a book if you are interesting enough and have something new and exciting to bring to the table. But this is very hard to do and you'll never compete with famous people who write complete crap, but are always on the best seller list. But it's worth a try.

Learn to fix computers and viruses which is relatively easy if you know how and charge just a little bit below the competition and get all the customers. Or teach people how to put illegal or not well known programs on their phones or computers for free fun stuff. Unlock phones, download every video game ever. Give them a movie downloading program and the sites to go to. Teaching them means you didn't sell a copyrighted item.

Learn to draw or paint and make a living at a flea market and art fairs for 20 years making more than you would at most jobs even though you're a crappy artist. I know this person and met him at a flea market. I'm no art critic, I'm an artist and can judge skill and craftsmanship. Or make 150$ a portrait if you're good for black and white and up if in color.

Learn to type for quick data entry jobs.

Learn professional appraising of comics, coins, cards. Look at their site and where it tells their process and pictures of the grades and descriptive qualities of the grades and in one night you'll know enough to make money. Or do antiques and collectables of any type that you can buy cheap and sell at auction for full price. Buy ungraded coins and comics and cards and calculate the cost to get them certified and the true value before you even make an offer to buy the item. And make 100% -500% profit by knowing how to professionally grade. This is what the treasure hunters roadshow does and they always make a profit if someone accepts their offer to buy.

Take a piece of meat, put it on a string in the middle of the woods and wait for a bear. Then while hiding shoot it. Or do as the old moutain men did... Just trap it. It's called a bear trap. Do you know how much a bear pelt is worth. All you have to do is put a few hours work into scraping the fat off the skin by yourself(tanning the hide), Not only is it soft when done right and can feel like soft fabric and you can use it for clothing but there are collectors who want a bear in their stuffed animal collection. And you have meat also. But aside from being the manliest and coolest and most interesting person around by always eating bear meat you have a bear skin worth thousands of dollars in only a few hours of actual work. This would be a good way of making a living if it weren't illegal in most states, so just choose another animal.

How to learn:

Teach yourself anything by writing papers on a subject on a blog to learn through teaching. Or read a text book twice or more and without even trying you will retain everything. Then take job skill qualification tests for your favorite jobs at the local career central. Or take CLEP tests at college for free college credits. Send out 100 resumes and there you go....

How the rich/smart do it:

If you're actually extremely smart and have an idea that has zero chance of failure and very high profit but you have no money, then do what rich people who don't work do. Just let people give you money and then give a little bit back to them over time. This is how Warren Buffet got started is he made his own stock and since he had no money all of his friends and family bought his stock and gave him their money and it worked. So make your own stock if you're smart and have smart/rich friends and family. The hard part is the good idea and knowing a lot about that idea. Banks work this way, insurance, healthcare, casinos, bonds, stocks, taxes, the lottery. Our country is just a badly run insurance company who uses force to make you buy insurance. Sort of like the mob now that I think of it. And who sells fake security to people who are told they need a false sense of security and to not be responsible or think ahead. Even voting works as a job, but for the politician you vote for, you're giving them free power instead of free money.

Personal stock investment idea examples:

With the stock purchase money from your stock you buy a piece of land and make a RV campsite with electricity or mini golf or other fun stuff. Or make it into a no fail tourist attraction with a few magic tricks or optical illusions that you don't explain and nobody else can so they automatically assume it's supernatural and now the news spreads.

With the stock purchase money start a magazine about something nobody has done before but people will want to read. Like a book on old comics and reviews and pages from history and pick of the month and must haves for any collection and tips on how to collect and how to be a dealer, and how to build a flying saucer, with real pictures of aliens, and how to rule the world, and so on.... Your in the business of advertising not of providing actual good reading material.

Or just publish other peoples stuff.

Why do work? Just make money!